Overview of eye witness accounts from Praha S26
UK crew | 27.09.2000 07:46 | Prague/IMF/WB | Globalisation | Repression | World
Report put together from eye witness accounts of marches and blockades in Prague - this is only an outline and in no way a full account of events. Protests were city wide and numerous, both peacful resistance and active confrontations occured with a single united voice - Shut down the IMF - Shut down the World Bank.
UK crew
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Can you help undercurrents?
27.09.2000 15:11
Undercurrents is going hell for leather to get a video feature on Prague together for precisely this purpose.
Community screenings are essential to maintain momentum. Please contact us if you can arrange a screening where you are.
We are also trying to widen the focus of coverage of direct action. The most strategic areas of influence are regions where economic unsustainibility has not taked hold. These are commonly called, "third world countries", "developing countries", "poor countries". I like to call them - "not yet totally fucked up countries".
Global Views is a series of non-profit programs showing direct action protest from around the world.
-To empower, build and strengthen solidarity and networks among the world's activists
- To educate the wider public for the need of global co-operation to bring about change
- To support world-wide mobilisation of people on a mission to prevent further destruction to our planet
We are especially looking for videos from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia, but footage from all other countries is needed too. Please inform groups and video activists in your area about this project!
We are currently researching distribution possibilities. Please contact us if you have information on Community Access TV and communal screenings in hard to contact countries.
Your help is appreciated.
Global Views Web address:
Homepage: http://www.undercurrents.org/global.htm