Blair Bleats in Brighton
Bill Bore (he'll tell you some more!) | 26.09.2000 19:24
While Prague is in chaos, Yugoslavia edges toward the same, and Berlin is paralysed in the ongoing fuel protests, Blair plays another tune at the Labour party Conference. Jeff Rooker is heckled by OAPs.
Addressing the party faithful ('faithless' seems a better word, still), anxious to see what they want to see, Blair 'takes responsibility' for the crisis in his speech today in Brighton, on the coast, south of London. And he's 'proud' too.
Dividing the opposition, he stated that he would dearly love to reduce fuel costs, except that money would have to come from pensioners and schools. In other words, vote for Blair, or your granny will suffer... Well, how much public money went into the NATO excursion last year ? Perhaps he should understand that splurging on that kind of luxury, being the noisiest member of the biggest club of vandals in the world, is very, very, expensive. Lots of £$£$£$£$£$£...
Excellent indeed to see that the over 65s have a fire in the belly, iron in the soul, and a good set of lings to put Rooker in the picture !
Dividing the opposition, he stated that he would dearly love to reduce fuel costs, except that money would have to come from pensioners and schools. In other words, vote for Blair, or your granny will suffer... Well, how much public money went into the NATO excursion last year ? Perhaps he should understand that splurging on that kind of luxury, being the noisiest member of the biggest club of vandals in the world, is very, very, expensive. Lots of £$£$£$£$£$£...
Excellent indeed to see that the over 65s have a fire in the belly, iron in the soul, and a good set of lings to put Rooker in the picture !
Bill Bore (he'll tell you some more!)