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A Tactical Vote Against Labour in 2001

Ex-Labour Supporter | 11.09.2000 19:31

The time of year when electoral registration should be made is now: please consider breaking with the time-honored anarchist deed of faith, complete the register form, and vote against Labour when the poll is called.

We have now had most of a term of the New Labour govern ment, we have seen what its capable of, what it failed to do, and it seems clear that we can expect quite a lot more of this in the next term if Blair wins. More wars, attacks on all legitimate rights and for them to be replaced with authoritarian christian hypocrisy. Is there a real differ ence between the New and the traditional wing of the party ? Its doubtful, for how can they explain the fact of Ramsay Macdonald in 1931 ? Labour had its chance for socialism and I think Kinnock killed it for ever...
No, best to dump this project before it gets a new mandate: vote for any LEGITIMATE party in your constituency : there may be a socialist of some party or other, a green, or pick the liberal in exteme difficulty ! If Labour lose, Blair will be sacked for sure: if they get back in, I will say that it may even be the last general election that democracy will witness. Yes, I know'democracy' isnt much use, but the collapse of it could bring in something much worse !
Councils will gladly provide a form with which to register. Dont be too worried about councils using the info for nefarious purposes: in general, they dont seem to take advantage of it. Still, isnt the right to vote worth the risk ?

Ex-Labour Supporter


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will Blair get to 2001 ?

13.09.2000 14:09

If this fuel protest keeps up, and if the transport unions join in, Blair might be into a re-run of that winter in the '70s they so dread the memory of...
