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Blair's "Third Way". Does it Exist ?

Mr Ayouze | 14.08.2000 19:49

In domestic terms, of course, its just the third hogwash, a third mishmash of the ruins left and right, as left behind after Thatcher's rampage in the 80's. But on the INTERNATIONAL arena, it does have a significance......

In 1989 - 91, the world power carve up, dominated by two 'superpowers',[ the USA and USSR, with a little bit left for the others, such as Britain and China,] crumbled.
Russia has slipped in the league of military imperialism, the USA hasnt appreciably expanded, and nor has China.
So what has happened to the remainder, for neither matter nor political power vanishes into nothingness ? The NATO war of 1999 gave us the clue : Britain is reasserting itself as an independent imperial power, through the existing outlet of the 'Commonwealth', [sic, an outrageous theft of a 16th century word for socialism !].
When NATO troops were poised to enter Pristina, Britain effectively broke its alliance with the USA and allowed Russia to enter first, a clear throwback to the days of the PALMERSTON regime [mid 19th century]. In Sierra Leone, Britain sent in troops completely outside of UN control, to 'get the diamonds' as C.Short so delicately put it. This is, ultimately, what makes Blair both the successor and neologiser to Thatcher; if you live in London, you will notice the new atmosphere in the air since 1999... The conceited City and Whitehall types KNOW what has happened, and have a discernible swagger in their gait.
Leftists must be on their guard against this new tendency. Too much of the Labourite left have failed to understand the nature of Britain's secondary imperialism after 1945, and may not even notice that it is gaining a freer hand all the time.

Mr Ayouze


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Hence the reluctance to join the Euro currenc

15.08.2000 12:43

Britain will not commit itself to the Euro unless/until it can do so on its own terms, which means to exert control in favor of its other spheres of influence. At the same time as Blair was pushing NATO into a full onslaught in Kosovo [risking a world war with China], Neil 'Bash the Trotskyists' Kinnock had already begun HIS onslaught on the European Commission. This is often overlooked, although he is still meeting a bit of resistance.
Leftists must oppose the imperialism of their OWN countries in the first place. Do not fall for the fiction that Britain is a little island full of redoubtable fighters for freedom. For every spirit of DUNKIRK, there is a spirit of the CHANNEL ISLANDS.
The biggest defeat for the British working class was the defeat of Napoleon; from this point comes an unconditional class alliance between workers and rulers for imperialist foreign policy. Labour, no matter what prefix you care to attatch to it, whether 'New', 'Ken', 'NHS', 'Fabian', &c &c, is the left wing of imperialism.

Mr Ayouze