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Big German drive for Australian Aboriginal support

Diet Simon in Cologne | 30.08.2000 14:11

Cologne, 29 August - - Fifty thousand Germans, more than a hundred of their Olympic athletes and one of their top Olympic officials will be getting mail in the coming days asking them to support the Australian Aborigines.

Diet Simon in Cologne


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Social genocide

30.08.2000 14:46

indigenous people is a term that is used by a Capitalistic land owner to describe an oppressed people. Citizens should substitute indeginous as all human beings are citizens of this earth. Aboriginal racism is the kind of scum that has been created by capitalism and imperialism. Capitalism especially has destroyed and entire people just like Nazism nearly achived in Hitlers Germany. The Australian Upper & middle class should be answerable to the Dihumanisation that they've inflicted upon another citizen. Today, Migrants from the far east are learning how to apply their aquired racist behaviour upon the aboriginal citizens. All mass migration to Australia, is sneafing capitalistic flue at the expense of a true citizen of the earth. The German team at this stage are like a priest being sent to a bedside of a dying patient.

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