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South Coast DSEi 2007 Newswire Archive

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10-04-2008 13:55

Pixies attack EDO

Smash EDO

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08-02-2008 13:42

Students Against EDO pay them a visit

This morning at 10.30 10 activists from STUDENTS AGAINST EDO arrived at the EDO MBM factory on Home Farm Road, Moulescoomb for a suprise noise demo.

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28-12-2007 18:06

Smash The Arms Trade Noise Demo 3rd January

call out to all anti-arms traders, anti-capitalists, peaceniks, liberals, anarchists and everything inbetween. lets smash the arms trade together!

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29-11-2007 17:53

Freedom to Protest March: Stop Hitler's bomb builders buying Brighton base.

Demonstration on the 19th of January in central Brighton, protesting about recent police repression at the Brighton bomb factory. There have been 15 arests since August for singing, shouting and generally expressing opinions about the presecence of an arms factory in thier community.

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31-07-2007 17:04

EDO MBM action in Brighton

EDO MBM were visited on Sunday as part of the two days of action against the arms trade called for by Disarm DSEi. It was thought their Brighton factory needed to be made secure from those who work there, so D-locks were put on the gates and super glue was applied to the locks. Additionally, it was thought that the building could do with some redecoration and relabelling. So "EDO Kill for $" and "Stop the War Machine" can now be read on the walls.

Apparently others had had the same idea (great minds think alike!) as there was already a D-lock on one of the gates when people got there.

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17-06-2007 14:56

Disarm DSEi meeting in Brighton - Wednesday 20th June

DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre from 11-14 September. Despite massive local opposition, and a huge bill to the taxpayer, arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death and destruction.

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science