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02-10-2012 13:15

Autumn in Parliament Square – Barbara Tucker arrest number 46

Autumn in Parliament Square – Barbara Tucker arrest number 46.

The peace campaign opposite the British Houses of Parliament continues with Barbara and a number of supporters. Now in its 12th year it is a permanent thorn in the side of the establishment.

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06-09-2012 17:58

child protection conference skegness

skegness hosts the child stealing by the state conference 12th 13th september

2012 suncastle skegness england

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04-08-2012 16:39

The umbrellas of Parliament Square - musical chairs and malicious prosecution

The authorities are trying to make life as difficult as possible for Parliament Square peace campaigner Barbara Tucker. What are they so afraid of that they have to take such actions as confiscating her tent, sleeping bag, umbrella and even blankets?

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13-07-2012 20:02

I wrote to my MP regarding the harrrassment of Barbara Tucker

I went to see my MP Mark Lazarowicz (Labour, Edinburgh North and Leith) and asked him if he could stop the harassment of Barbara – she’s not even allowed blankets now. He’s going to write to Home Secretary Theresa May - if that will do any good. MPs are off on their summer break now. I would love to see them trying to sleep in a chair with no blankets and no umbrella for just one night never mind the 175 days Barbara has had no shelter. She has been arrested 45 times in her six and a half years in the Square – for advocating peace!

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18-06-2012 14:14

Gone but not forgotten - one year since Brian Haw's death

A brief tribute to a great man of peace whose legacy continues today.

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04-04-2012 17:47

Barbara Tucker Arrest 45: The Paranoid State.

Long term peace campaigner Barbara Tucker has been arrested yet again.

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21-03-2012 16:41

Spring in Parliament Square

A 600 word article about the ongoing peace campaign in London's Parliament Square with 20 relevant photos.

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18-09-2010 09:55

Naming The Dead: End The War in Afghanistan

Central London event to mark the anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan with Maya Evans (JNV) and Susan Clarkson - some risk of arrest.

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29-07-2010 14:04

£7m Big Mac 'was from surveilance'

The Daily Mail has apologised to Tamil Hunger Striker for false accusations.
Does such an apology have any meaning given the damage done to top kill the Tamil protests.

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02-06-2010 06:48

Brian Haw - 9 (nine) years in London's Parliament Square!

Today the peace campaign initiated in June 2001 by Brian Haw reaches nine years. Here is a selction of photos through the years of the campaign.

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17-05-2010 01:13

NHS doctors are providing info on political activists & Muslims to the police.

GPs are being required to pass information to the police regarding people that they think are at risk from crime or at risk of committing one. This is meant to safeguard children and safegurad women who might be victims of domestic violence, rape, female circumcism or murder. It is also meant to protect people with mental health problems and others affected by it.

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20-03-2010 16:35

Election Meltdown

Election Meltdown is gearing up for action in this sham election.
The politicians for sale at Westminster have no plans for our future. We need to take it into our hands.
We don't see any choice on offer except between bankers, bankers and more bankers, between capitalism, capitalism and more capitalism. We demand an equal and accountable voice for all, but we don't see any prospect of democratic representation by politicians who are in the pockets of corporate vested interests.
Right now we live under a dictatorship of the rich, a tiny minority hogging the world’s resources, who make all the decisions about the planet and our future to satisfy their greed. It’s time for democracy to dictate back to the rich!
So all of us who are fed up and disgusted, cry
Vote for a hung parliament!
Let's blow one big raspberry at the whole election charade on Mayday, taking over Parliament Square for a popular carnival on Saturday May 1st.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will be galloping back from four corners, dragging the carcasses of the four politicans chosen by the people to be hanged!
Then we will plant the People's Tree where a People's Assembly will camp and convene throughout the sham election period.

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13-03-2010 07:17

Undercover police working at drugs projects and NHS counselling services.

It might seem obvious to some people that it happens but there are some people who still believe that they can trust their GPs, nurses, drugs counsellors etc. Doctors are supposed to be bound by confidentiality but nevertheless discuss patients who are activists or other suspects with NETCU, the drugs squad etc. If you thought that your medical records are safe, confodential and private, think on.

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22-02-2010 05:39

Animal Protection Party shops thrive in spite of police clampdown on SHAC stalls

The Animal Protection Party have opened another shop, which they say have "gone from strenght to strength" in spite of the massive police clampdown on fundraising stalls for AR groups like SHAC. After the police raids on SHAC they claimed that SHAC had raised £1 million through street stalls & closed down the SHAC [which they said were ALF] stalls. The APP shops however stay open.

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19-02-2010 20:31

Camden Animal Lab campaign residents "We are up against heavies".

There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus contianment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Residents have been campaigning against the lab plans. Some have said that "we are up against heavies" and others have spoken of "dirty tactics" by those who are in support of the lab plans including aggression.

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19-02-2010 03:23

Stop UKCMRI [Camden Bio Hazard] Lab meeting at Camden Town Hall update.

There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a council house estate in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This week residents met with councillors at Camden Town Hall as a follow up to the meeting at St Mary & St Pancras Primary School meeting. Read the notes below regarding this meeting.

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18-02-2010 18:59

Stop The Stevenage GSK/Wellcome Trust/Mandelson Animal Torture Park

Plans were unveiled in October 2009, that's FIVE MONTHS AGO, to build a new animal testing lab park in Stevenage. They plan to open the project, fully built in 2011. This should be opposed with a National campaign. We want to know what is being done to stop this animal lab science park. Is anything being done? We are aware that Brendan co ordinates UK Animal Rights / ARC. What will be done?

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18-02-2010 18:48

Call out to Brendan / London Animal Rights and Bedford Animal Rights.

In October 2009 plans were unvelied by the government, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wellcome Trust and Stevenage council for a new Stevenage Bio Sciences Park. This will of course contain new animal testing labs. The plans wee unvieled in October and have been met with SILENCE. Is there a campaign other then struggling local activists who do not want the lab? Will there be a national group?

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15-02-2010 19:54

Big Pharma security thug threats to kill gay AR activist with crack cocaine.

A thug working for a private security firm on behalf of a pharmaceutical company have threatened to kill animal rights activists with crack cocaine & make it "look like suicide". The homophobic thugs have said they will rape & kill the man his family members with crack & a noose. The thugs burgled his house and stole family photos & told the AR activist " we will rape your gran, your mum & aunt".

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04-02-2010 15:07

Activists sent details of child & threatening letters from government/MI5/DWP

An activist with a child was sent strange letters from the Department of Work & Pensions detailing his child benefit & details of his parents pension. He was then telephoned with the warning "We know everything about you & if we want we can get your parents pension money interfered with at any time". The activist said the person phoning was a woman & that she had " an Australian or New Zealand accent. What's scary is that he did not any time given the DWP his mobile phone number.

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30-12-2009 16:17

Christmas in Parliament Square

An account of the ongoing peace camapign of Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker in London's Parliament Square with 20 photos

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science