Politics hit a new low as Labour candidate for Brighton Kemptown
Loses all credibility
A series of e-mails where sent to her asking what she would do about Sussex Police corruption plus the cover up of pedophiles No response?
Next how could she stand as a Labour Party candidate after the exposure of Tony Blair’s cover ups and war crimes No response?
Mr. Matthew Taylor who is standing as an Independent candidate for Brighton Kemptown was also investigated by.
The Whistler who tried to trap him by sending e-mails and made phone calls saying she had uncovered secret information on police and council corruption.
To his credit Mr. Taylor said he was fully aware of corruption on massive scale within Sussex and his election campaign corner stone was to expose corruption.
The Whistler asked Mr. Matthew Taylor if he would hold a public meeting with Nancy Platts going face to face over Labour Party corruption and cover up of Sussex Police corruption and the fact that a 38 Degrees campaign to have Martin Richards investigated for covering up for pedophiles.
Mr. Matthew Taylor said these allegations have been made against Martin Richards and Katy Bourne P.C.C. must be hold a public investigation.
The Whistler put same the question to Nancy Platts of the 38 Degrees campaign to have Martin Richards investigated. No response?
Nancy Platts has been asked if she hold a public meeting with Mr. Matthew Taylor. No response?
Nancy Platts has been asked why she did not go to with Caroline Lucas to the anti- fracking protest. No response?
The Whistler to all contact Nancy Platts with the same questions