Matt Taylor says “I will honour my commitments as the Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and will stand against Simon Kirby, Kemptown Brighton’s MP in the expected 2015 General Election on an anti-corruption platform, but other than that I’m quitting politics for good.”
Matt Taylor who lives in Brighton stood in the first ever Police and Crime Commissioner elections and has been a campaigner for the elimination of war poverty and child abuse since forming his SOS (Save Our Society) Political Party in 1997.
“I’ve gone as far as I can go with the SOS Party.”
He goes on to point out the 5 reasons why he chose to quit.
1. The Tories are winning the battle of the minds.
2. Katy Bourne SPCC proves fraud in public office.
3. The Yewtree (Jimmy Savile paedophile) Investigation arrest 11 but charge 3.
4. President Obama signs the Monsanto HR993 Bill into Law.
5. It’s affecting my relationship with friends and family.
Matt Taylor has embarked on a 3 month intensive fitness and diet regime to get his body in shape to be a Rock Star.
He says “If the world is going to Hell, we may as well see it out with sex drugs and rock n roll.”
Matt Taylor declared himself standing in the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner elections in 2012, before pulling out at the 11th hour saying he’ll be a fool to hand over the £5000 deposit.
He since formed the Shadow Sussex Police Crime Commissioner office with his deputy David Joe Neilson. “I will be delegating a lot more duties to my deputy but still intend to honour my obligations until such time I can pass the mantle of SSPCC to someone else. Its imperative Katy Bourne is held to account and the office of Police and Crime Commissioner to be exposed as a fraud against the tax payer, brought into place to coat the palms of corrupt officials with public funds. It truly is a gross perversion of public money and Katy Bourne should step down immediately, as she has already broken her oath and has brought her public office into disrepute.”
His last obligation to keep will be to stand in the likely 2015 general election against Simon Kirby for the Kemptown Brighton constituency.
“Of course I’d rather be playing in front of an audience by then, but I will honour my pledge to stand against Simon Kirby and do everything in my power to expose corrupt and injustice. I am fully committed to the Taylor family and will continue to fight for the reopening of the Katrina Taylor murder case and for a £1million compensation pay out to the Taylor family and other victims of Sussex police corruption.”
Matt Taylor intends to promote his debut novel, a sci-fi thriller called The Golden Cube and concentrate on developing his rock star skills with the Moulsecoomb Treasure’s Music Workshop.
He is available to perform his debut song ‘A.D.E.A’.
I have taken the liberty in making these collection of webpages which further elaborates on the 5 reasons why I’ve quit politics.

It’s been a pleasure knowing you and wish each and all, happiness and success in your endeavours.
Yours sincerely
Matt Taylor