The Disabled Person’s Parking Badges Act:
o Imprison anyone found fraudulently using a Blue Badge to 6 months in prison and a £5000 fine;
o Empower under cover inspectors to confiscate Blue Badges;
o Introduce new ID style cards complete with covert and overt security features;
o Make a minor driving offence as bad as carrying a threatening weapon;
o The Bill has been granted Royal Assent without a Second Reading in Parliament, but has instead been given the 'Nod';
o Exposes the hypocrisy of Simon Kirby MP and Philip Davis MP; and
o Passes into Law a Bill which hasn't had it's legal debate and which caters to the personal preferences of the MP's who are responsible for the Bill's passage.
Matt Taylor said, “The Disabled Person’s Parking Badges Act 2013 makes a mockery of parliamentary procedure. The Bill is pampered towards the psychopathic impulses of Philip Davies and stokes the ego of Simon Kirby, revered in the House of Commons as an Old Hand skilled at passing through legislation.
Isn't it fraudulent that a Private Member’s Bill makes it onto the statute book without a Second Reading? This Bill has succeeded because it has had the 'Nod' by shadowy people working behind the scenes. This Bill must have it's due consideration and the MP's responcible for its passing, namely Simon Kirby MP, Philip Davies MP and Norman Baker MP should be arrested for fraud and abuse of parliamentary power.”