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The devastating legal consequences of Peace Strike provocateurs

Parliament Square Peace Campaign | 28.01.2012 22:18 | SOCPA | Anti-militarism | Policing | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

In a two tier far from legal system, one campaign with legal representation, that remains with tents was set up to remove the other campaign who has no legal representation, over the illegal seizures, and so whose tents, were stolen by the police.

Our campaign talks about Genocide, while the other campaign parades what may as well be the front page of Murdoch's Sun Newspaper, trying to exploit young people with the responsibility free message of "honour the troops"....

With no mention of torture or Genocide.

Peace Strike et al are watching Babs die, in the middle of winter
Peace Strike et al are watching Babs die, in the middle of winter

One told the truth and has no tent & one who didn’t tell the truth has a tent
One told the truth and has no tent & one who didn’t tell the truth has a tent

Maria Gallastegui
Maria Gallastegui

A massive box full of banners untouched by the police
A massive box full of banners untouched by the police

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap - Doing the politicians' dirty work is not policing
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap - Doing the politicians' dirty work is not policing


There's a scandal that swirls around us, where others have too much to lose.

A barrister once said in court, if campaigners... went home every time the state told them to, there would be no-one left.

It's about being agents for change.

Not a band-aid.

Last Monday was pretty extraordinary, in terms of a show of force, by the state...against ...?

I keep repeating it.

A peaceful assembly is a peaceful assembly is a peaceful assembly.

Aqil and I were just looking at each other.

Because while it's not like the police haven't stolen things before.

We are hardly a riot.

So, it was extraordinary, the way Parliament, the police and press all did it.

The police did not simply walk out of court and make up a plan of that scale and nature.

And for those in the know, when you read the media, and our website you can put together, who knew what, and just how many were in on the game, and how much planning it took, ....to get to that point.

But yesterday Ms G from the fake campaign Peace Strike was reduced to doing the whole I have a tent and you don't have a tent...thing..

They really do beggar belief sometimes.

There is of course a massive battle going on in Parliament Square, over how the ...law ...is used.

Because when the law is used ....by the people, well the people do care about one another. Unlike the state.

So, the unmasking of who and what Peace Strike really are is a huge danger for the state.

It is a bubbling scandal, under which lurks and is revealed the breadth and depth of a very dirty old boys club.

And bizarrely, the key to unlocking it all, is very simple.

If the very simple fact that Peace Strike left their campaign unmanned for days and weeks on end, without it being removed, while all manner of laws had been ...used against our campaign, on the pretext that Peace Strike was a 24/7 campaign, WAS EVER BEFORE A COURT, there would be far reaching and devastating legal consequences for the ....whole state.

Who killed Brian.

And millions of others.

It was no co-incidence that Brian was refused an operation in this country.

So anyway, instead of always being the one's under constant "surveillance", we decided to do some surveillance of our own, into the behaviour of the psychopaths in the fake campaign alongside ours which is called Peace Strike.

There are two campaigns.

In a two tier far from legal system, one campaign with legal representation, that remains with tents was set up to remove the other campaign who has no legal representation, over the illegal seizures, and so whose tents, were stolen by the police.

Our campaign talks about Genocide, while the other campaign parades what may as well be the front page of Murdoch's Sun Newspaper, trying to exploit young people with the responsibility free message of "honour the troops"....

With no mention of torture or Genocide.

And let's face it, a campaign (Peace Strike) that has publicly lied by consistently covering up the fact that prior to May 1st 2010, it was far from 24/7 and left it's campaign completely unmanned, while trying to smear the name of those genuinely campaigning 24/7, can hardly be trusted to tell the truth about anything, let alone, "defend" the right to twenty four seven protest in court, for anyone...

And a warning sign that fake is fake, is that fake campaigners can talk about all sorts of things, and while they will have bucketloads of empathy for the shortcomings of those in the state, with you, they will have no ...empathy..

Always check out the empathy ....

And as a rule of thumb. If those you are with... will lie, where you are all supposed to be doing the same thing, yet harm is being caused, to others, I would stay well clear.

And Peace Strike just happens to be legally represented by ...Bindmans Solicitors.

The same Bindmans Solicitors who can be seen to have covered up that the police had no power of seizure over what was an illegal seizure of our campaign in 2006 !!!!

You won't find either Peace Strike or Bindmans overflowing with empathy about that illegal seizure. They are in court precisely to cover up that illegal seizure.

Always look at what the people do, rather than what they ....say.

And it's really not good for business that it was us, not the lawyers who were arrested time and again as WE exposed a law that had no power of seizure, and so killed the use of that law off.

I mean when people ask us about lawyers, it is very easy for us to show Bindmans did not do their job. And Bindmans do not want us doing that in the activist community, where there is lots of business for them.

But the records prove that it was Brian and I who honestly kept fighting through the courts for the ....return of our campaign property.

Where were Bindmans? And then Birnberg Pierce.....

The stakes were too high.

For them, it was illegal wars we were talking about.

And not as victims.

But as agents of change.

So, on 16th January 2012, while Peace Strike was as per usual left untouched, the police stole our tents & our legal papers.

Nobody wants to see us in court on anything other than ...their terms.

It's all about control..

And we want ...the people to be in control...of the law !!

And way back in January 2011, when Westminster City Council brought a High Court claim with the old chestnut of obstruct hway, I pointed out that I am entitled to bring a counter-claim against co- "defendants"...Peace Strike & their legal representatives, Bindmans...

And the case floundered.

I can only repeat that there is a reason the police keep stealing our legal papers !!!!

But where it all goes wrong, is very simple.

It is the part where the state want to manage and control people & campaigns.

Peace Strike was set up to manage and control - any - campaign that comes to Parliament Square. They can morph their signs into any issue on any given day.

But psychopaths are sloppy, because they are arrogant.

And the biggest thing that I learnt that reveals a fake campaign is, actually when you look beyond the sweet smiles, do their actions show any empathy. Are their actions in keeping with what they claim they are ?

Because it's all very well claiming you are doing all sorts of things to stop war, but that all looks a litle bit odd, when you are trying to murder your neighbours, and smear their names, while giving all sorts of lame excuses, about how the state are not all that bad.

And the story is, Peace Strike is supposedly run by a woman called Ms Gallastegui. But really Ms Gallastegui has a whole tribe of psychopaths working with her.

But they needed to put one person, preferably, a woman out there, pretending she is acting alone, to deflect from many realities.

And also because Peace Strike is not set up to grow into anything, many of those who work with Peace Strike, must remain publicly, at least, in the shadows.

The last thing Peace Strike want, is to encourage people to stand up to the state..too.

That's what I discovered, when I confronted Ms G about leaving her campaign completely unmanned for days and weeks on end, before I named her as an agent provocateur, in legal proceedings over searches, in January 2010. I was sent to prison in August/September 2011 to cover up much, including the agent provocateurs.

And her childlike mouthpieces wanted to do mediation over what to those of us living in the real adult world, know are numerous very serious legal proceedings.

The only reason they wanted to do "mediation", is because they wanted to find out the goods we had on them.

However, not realising, in my long lost innocence, that the point of Peace Strike was not to grow into anything, I pointed out to Madam, that there were any number of people who could mind her campaign when she was not there. Of course, I never gave any thought to the purpose of Peace Strike and who those other people, like Simon Moore, Gareth Newnham and Chris Coverdale were.

I did not know that in pointing out a number of others who I knew from being in Parliament Square, could help her, that I had just threatened to expose, a whole network of infiltrators.

Because they would all have to lie for Ms G.

And all I was doing was just being straight up, pointing out that we were not being played for mugs being searched and then arrested, when Peace Strike could be left unmanned for days and weeks on end.

And thus Cameron's circus called ...Democracy Village was born. And so many were revealed, in any event, to be just like Ms Gallastegui.

And much worse, it was everything about Democracy Village, the onerous proceedings and the daily attacks of which there was no scrutiny, that killed Brian. It was relentless abuse, day after day, in court and out.

But in our crash course about controlled opposition, we learnt a lot, about the many layers and how they run their operations.

And the fact we stuck to logic was simple.... but legally devastating:

If a campaign could be left completely unmanned...there was no need for endless intrusive searches which gave the police opportunities to destroy our property and arrest us on trumped up charges, while stopping ...our campaign that was stolen in a massive police raid on 23rd May 2006, being returned....

If a campaign could be left completely unmanned, there could be no purpose in needing the murky "police authorisations" where the police can "authorise" anything...including their own operations, which no-one would know about.

Peace Strike are only going to court now to stop us going to court. To help Parliament & the police out of a fix. Our Application for Judicial Review was in a big part, all about the use of SOCPA 2005 ss 132-138 as a front to conduct the illegal seizure of our campaign. We don't support a less than transparent authorisation process, while Peace Strike who did not lose their campaign, do.

Yet anyone who looks, can see. Two big boxes and as many tents as you like is fine with the police.

But ours is never ok, whatever the size.

Wherever it is.

I had one banner and I was arrested. Because in the campaign Brian started the state said, he can have "supporters", not fellow campaigners with ...heaven forbid....other banners.

You must always watch the language these people use and ask the reasons why.

Because it is always about control.

Yet if the police can authorise two big boxes and numerous tents, then they have to do likewise with us.

But they don't.

And Peace Strike don't say that is the fault of the police. Peace Strike claim that is our fault. Because we don't play the game...??

Yet there is no explanation legally speaking for either arguing at all, ..about how we do, what is our campaign..

And so for the police, courts, press and government...Brian had supporters.

They could almost tolerate one man, if they had to. And one man was easier to attack...

But having a banner and saying you were a fellow campaigner. Well, that got you arrested. And many times !!!!

And so to tents.

Logic says

If a campaign could be left completely unmanned, there could be no reason for police to steal the tents from a campaign that is manned... The police could not justify removing tents from a manned campaign if it was admitted that they did not take tents from Peace Strike when it was left completely unmanned for days and weeks on end.

And so you can begin to imagine through the length of time and the number of arrests, the number of civil actions, which, heard before a jury, would change the face of the legal system, because too much was done to our campaign...for what ???

And when the police came to steal the tents last week, yet again, I don't recall Peace Strike mentioning that they left their campaign completely unmanned...without the police removing it !!

After all, that is what Peace Strike could have been telling the media, last week.

But they didn't take that opportunity.

Time and again, you see there is a massive reason for the police to keep stealing our campaign with legal papers and DVD's etc.

And if a campaign could be left completely unmanned, there could be no reason to not publicly tell the truth about that.

Unless you had something to hide. There is no shame in their - not - campaigning 24/7. Peace Strike could easily have come and gone every day. But Peace Strike kept the lie going, because they are only there to control....

And if a campaign could be left completely unmanned, you would not go around trying to smear the names of anyone saying that is what you did, while supporting the police, who did not remove yours.

And I have been very public about what is at issue. That Peace Strike were not in fact 24/7.

And all the attacks, personal or otherwise, against me, do not address that.

Because of course business rule 101 is sidestep what you cannot answer, preferably with a personal attack, that distracts from what is at issue.

And on Sunday, Ms Gallastegui came up to me and said that (after the police stole our tents) I could use her tent.

Imagine that !!!

Every day she sees me freezing and suffering from sleep deprivation, and she doesn't think to tell the truth.

She thinks of offering me her tent.

It's that old, do what we want. Join us ..or die thing. It's all about control.

Ms Gallastegui is an agent provocateur..and then some.

And the police stole witness statements that talked about intelligence from Special Branch....Indeed !!!! At one point you see, I was deemed a "National Security Risk".

Only it was not intelligence. It was lies. But when you work for the state you can get paid for lies. But we always wondered where the lies came from.

Anyway, I simply said, Ms G needed to tell the truth that prior to May 1st 2010, Peace Strike could be left completely unmanned for days and weeks on end.

And left it at that.

I would like our own campaign property returned.

She said, to sidestep the point, that we each have a different idea of what is the truth.

No, there is only one way of saying that you left your campaign completely unmanned for days and weeks on end.

And the reason why, is not important, and can be left to argument.

But not the fact and consequences of that lie.

And when Peace Strike choose not to tell the truth, that act of not telling the truth, is the answer.

Because maintaining the lie, has caused real legal proceedings. Real harm.

Watch out for "campaigners" who lack empathy.

they tell us they follow orders.

well, it saves them needing to investigate their own crimes.

it's pretty rude of them to say, it wasn't me, over our making a report of the police stealing property, rather than saying how can we help you, which is what they would do, if they were acting as real police officers, who gave a toss....

but they don't give a toss.

they are there to protect the corrupt state.

Parliament Square Peace Campaign
- Homepage: http://brianhaw.tv/index.php/blog/978-22012012


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