website, 17 June 2011
The agent provocateurs just (pretend they) don't get it.
And "they" have no shame.
Well the House of Lords will not be warbling on again about new legislation to remove our campaign again until late June, and well time is .....?
A male we know as "Gareth Newnham" who is with 'Peace Strike' and doesn't use his real picture on facebook, tried to post this [see photo 1]
Gareth Newnham asked to join "The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group" 03:48 Reply ▼ Gareth Newnham Add to contacts To Barbara Tucker To approve Gareth's request to join "The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group," visit the Requests section at the top of your group:

[The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group] Thanks for allowing me to join t... 07:36 Reply ▼ Gareth Newnham Add to contacts To The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group Gareth Newnham posted in The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group Gareth Newnham 17 June 07:36
Thanks for allowing me to join the group. I'm posting this link in good faith. I hope it is received in the same way. Indymedia London | Articles | Show | Plea for Peace in Parliament Square We urgently NEED to make peace in Parliament Square, for the sake of the people on who's behalf we are supposed to be campaigning. There are deep rooted grievances at the Square, that should be put aside if we are to have any real chance of working effectively for peace.
And meanwhile, here's what the * - actually - said on his facebook:
along with a rather typically deliberate misuse of language... re: "attacked" while STILL trying to perpetrate the STARTING POINT OF IT ALL, the 24/7 lie about a campaign that was repeatedly left unmanned.
the male we know as "Gareth Newnham" looks like this [see photo 2] ...and has a very odd world view of what being "attacked" means...
"Gareth Newnham:
Maria Gallastegui, who has been campaigning for peace 24/7 in Parliament Square for over 4 years, has issued a "plea for peace" in response to the ongoing attacks on her and other other activists coming from individuals associated with Brian Haw's campaign. Even the BBC covered this [one-sided] dispute: Indymedia London | Articles | Show | Plea for Peace in Parliament Square We urgently NEED to make peace in Parliament Square, for the sake of the people on who's behalf we are supposed to be campaigning. There are deep rooted grievances at the Square, that should be put aside if we are to have any real chance of working effectively for peace. 19 hours ago · Like · · Share
Comment: Andy Baker: shill
18 hours ago · Like
[ADMIN: Personal Details Removed]
There is of course, no mention of our complaint to Ofcom about the BBC using edited footage, while denying the right of reply with the BBC reporter being Ms Gallastegui's mouthpiece, bizarrely denying Ms Gallastegui is an agent provocateur despite the fact Ms Gallastegui had every opportunity to say it herself Smile
Nor do I see a witness statement from Ms Gallestegui, denying anything, calling us liars, while by contrast there is a signed witness statement on the High Court record, from Brian Haw that was not disputed also naming Ms Gallastegui as an agent provocateur, so it is not just associates of Mr Haw who are complaining about the biggest operation of agent provocateurs, being run right outside Parliament.
Mr Newnham is just doing what he does, which is a whole lot of very unpleasant stirring going ...err
We do not see any signed witness statement saying Brian and Babs (for example) are - BOTH - LIARS !!!
Now if Mr Newnham wants to give a signed witness statement in a - claim - against 'Peace Strike' then he can be our guest and be cross examined on a witness stand under oath, (which is a bit different from facebook really) as to his part in the 24/7 lie.. too...otherwise his he said/she said is - at best - meaningless.... nonsense in amongst it all.
After all, the state choose to take us to court, but life is not their one way street, and these are VERY serious matters of which we publicly speak.
Brian Haw is unconscious in a critical condition in intensive care in hospital, while it was witnessed and recorded that a member of the Agent Provocateurs 'campaign' tried to smash a bottle over Babs head and punched her in the jaw... and there is a long history of related so on and so forth....
Which part of our campaign wants nothing to do with such a violent and dishonest group of idividuals, would a reasonable person not get ?
Surely 'Peace Strike' can stick with doing their thing, along with the fake Brian Haw facebook page, which dishonestly purports to be Brian Haw by using his image which is supposedly joining people (and in extremely poor taste, while Brian Haw is unconscious in hospital)
Babs can promise people that as she is sitting in hospital with Brian he is not adding people to the fake Brian Haw facebook page.
Nothing could be further from any of our thoughts.
In all the circumstances, the ongoing agent provocateurs are pathetic and they would disgust any decent and civilized person.
We have a real campaign that is visible. They surround it and try to destroy it. We have a real facebook page. They run a fake one. We have this real website. They run several fake ones.
They will NEVER control us.
Gareth Newnham who is right when he says his actions "speak for themselves", can take his cheap words & TAKE A HIKE.
Parliament et al face a massive law suit. Let's do it all in a 'court', very publicly ! In fact I invite the Lord Chief Justice to approve 'proceedings' being filmed. In fact I insist 'proceedings' are filmed. Makes it harder for the judges to ....errr run etc and then the PEOPLE can be very clear about WHO really said WHAT etc !
Gareth Newnham asked to join "The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group" 16:40 Reply ▼ Gareth Newnham Add to contacts To Barbara Tucker To approve Gareth's request to join "The Official Brian Haw and Parliament Square Peace Campaign Group," visit the Requests section at the top of your group:

Well, we said "they" had no shame !
So, on to the next thing !

Subject: bbc
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 16:44:29 +0100
Dear Mr Saiid,
I make further complaint, that the agent provocateurs are publishing libellous information about our campaign, accompanied by the edited BBC footage where we were not given any right of reply etc.
I find this particularly distressing and reprehensible when I am with Brian who is unconscious and critically ill, in hospital, unable to defend himself and our campaign.
There should be the right of reply (etc) & the sooner the better.
Babs Tucker