Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details. Part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders'
- 8 Superglued in 'Tax Dodger' Christmas Window Display
- Brighton TopShop branch closed all day!
[part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders']
Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details.
Protest: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcwuyeILv91qd8cz1.jpg
Protest: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcwv31VWmB1qd8cz1.jpg
Kettle: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcwuuizWPp1qd8cz1.jpg
(copyright http://www.nicholas-adams.co.uk/)
FULL REPORT (+more photos) HERE:
Reports of people kettled for up to 3 hours in freezing conditions in pouring rain, refused refreshments by police and threatened with arrest (Under Section 50 + Section 14) if did not give details when released from kettle.
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who put the kettle on?
05.12.2010 00:10
WTF it seems like your local cops boil a kettle at the drop of a hat.
This must be just to get your names and addresses (and to put you off protesting again).
Did you ask them to justify why they kettled you?
next time...
05.12.2010 15:39
Well done good action, go for it!
B Right on
I would have preffered a cell to the kettle
13.12.2010 20:47
At first we coud shelter under the ledge by the buildings, but when we came together to have a meeting the police moved in and cut off all our shelter, so that we had no choice but to stand int he rain.
At the end they then took our details under section 50 of the police reform act.
Anybody who even stopped to talk to anyone handing out leaflets that day got harassed by the police, yet they accused us of anti-social behaviour!
They arrested the person with a megaphone and confiscated our banner, they pushed us away from all the public and then formed a line of intimidating police officers between us and any members of the public that might dare to try and come and talk to us. This very effectively stopped us handing out leaflets explaining why we were there.
But of course the police were just "facilitating" our protest!
Despite all this the public were hugely supportive with many random people challanging the police on what they were doing. People went and bought us umbrellas, biscuits, tea (although the police wouldn't let us have the tea as they didn't know what was in it) and one person even gave a girl her coat!!!
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