Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details. Part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders'
- 8 Superglued in 'Tax Dodger' Christmas Window Display
- Brighton TopShop branch closed all day!
[part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders']
Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details.




FULL REPORT (+more photos) HERE:

Reports of people kettled for up to 3 hours in freezing conditions in pouring rain, refused refreshments by police and threatened with arrest (Under Section 50 + Section 14) if did not give details when released from kettle.


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