



we can't take our money with us.. only the positive
or negative karma associated with ahimsa or causation of suffering
The Future: Billionaires and Centimillionaires Changing the World For the
Alfred Ford, vegetarian billionaire

Steve Jobs of Apple: vegan
Biz Stone, cofounder of Twitter, a vegan
Michael Eisner, became a vegan after a heart operation (but did not end animal flesh advertising on Disney
Chuck Collins, great grandson of pig butcher Oscar Mayer, did
not want money derived from animal killing and gave it all away when 26
Jerry Seinfeld.. eats no mammals or birds.. a centimillionaire
Paul McCartney centimillionaire vegetarian[/b]
Michael Jackson, vegetarian. a centimillionaire says Forbes
Isaac Tigrett, founder of Hard Rock Cafes, sold them upon becoming
Baskin Robbins heir John Robbins does not eat
his family's icecream
He is the founder of Earthsave.

Brad Pitt is only one of thousands of famous vegetarian entertainers.
Akal Security, a vegetarian Sikh agency with over a billion in contracts.
John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods supermarket chain,
is a vegan and his chain caters to vegans.

Private Ethics Public Butchering
It was said that the owner of Jack In The Box (a chain selling
at at least one outlet kangaroo flesh) was himself a vegetarian.
The Past: Billionaire Blood Money
The blood of billions of pigs, cows and chickens has been shed by Don Tyson
while Ted Turner has shed blood of millions of bison.
Many mammal corpses are sold by Don Peltz
Bernard Arnault's Dior sells skinned animals' pelts.
Bill Gates funds primate torture at Duke.
Wendell Murphy sells pig cadavers containing flukes.
Liu Yongxing, Zhu Yicai and Li Wei
have not given living mammals.. any leeway.
Billionaires invested in the animal agony, human disease, global heating, energy waste,
and world hunger associated with raising animals for slaughter:
Nelson Peltz: billionaire owner of Arby's,
Wendy's, Kraft
Wendell Murphy, billionaire board member of Smithfield, world's
largest serial killer of pigs (5 US States, Poland, Romania, Mexico,
UK) Murphy's Foods is also a pig killing operation.
Perdue, billionaire chicken killer whose Salisbury plant cranes
on Rt 50 in Maryland
often drop broken necked chickens into traffic.
Liu Yongxing owns East Hope Group, providing food for slaughterhouse
bound animals
Li Wei, founder of Synear Food Holding . . . one of China's largest producers of animal flesh dumplings
Zhu Yicai, age 45, one of biggest killers of pigs,
chairman of China Yurun
Warren Buffett, biggest investor in warmonger Disney, which
foists Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on the public, billionaire owner of dairy product Dean
Foods, deforesting enterprises. At
slaughterhouses which are the ultimate end
of the dairy industry, cows are tortured.

Erik Prince, billionaire founder of Blackwater Security, now XE, which has had prisoners
die under its torture, has murdered many Iraqis,
which shot abandoned dogs and cats in the
streets of New Orlean and is seeking to have
its private army patrol the streets of the US.[url]

Gregorio Perez of Argentina building a slaughterhouse
with which he plans to murder 25,000 cows daily.
Rupert Murdoch advertises animal flesh, has deforested the world
of trillions of trees for his pornography, has promoted many wars in
which people and animals are killed
E Stanley Kroenke, owner of the Denver Nuggets, St Louis Rams,
and Canada's largest cattle concentration camp situated in British Columbia 650,000
acres as well as 600,000 acres of cattle ranches in Wyoming and Montana.
Arkady Gaidamak.. invested in Israeli slaughterhouses

Don Tyson: billionaire owner of the largest network of
pig cow and chicken slaughterhouses in the US
Philanthropist Ted Turner, funder of many charities, but his 2 million acres in the US
are raising bison for slaughter, and his restaurant chain serves
pieces of their corpses.
The LDS Church is invested in many cattle concentration camps
including 300,000 acres in Florida, a factor in drought and Everglades drying.
Billy Joel Jenkins bison and cow murder
NPR: owner of 200 million in McDonald's stocks [url]

Yum Foods, Kentucky based.. world's largest restaurant conglomerate
owner of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut etc.


Dan Duncan violated Russian law with aerial hunting of endangered

Steve Feinberg of the Cerberus hedge fund, who bought 226 Burger King outlets
and 900,000 acres of a deforesting paper company.
Michael Bloomberg, ]funder of vivisection at Johns Hopkins
The 5 billionaire Walton heirs of Sam Walton WalMart a unionbuster
advertises animal
flesh over our airwaves and profit from its sale. Sam Walton enjoyed killing birds.
Bill Gates, funder of primate torture at Duke University which maintains
a partnership with the Atkins Foundation (the toxic Atkins
diet condemned by the AMA and with Smithfield, largest
pig butcher in the US) is also funding Glaxo pharmaceutical vivisection
(150 million), and has purchased 50 million of ecocidal carcinogenic

is blocking [url]

Fred DeLuca, founder of Subway, seller of animal flesh sandwiches
Karl Albrecht Germany 87 20.0 Germany
animal and fish flesh monger Aldi's which carries virtually
no vegan burgers, no vegan ice creams, no tempeh or hummus
David Rockefeller who owns cattle ranches in Argentina
and a sheep ranch in Australia as well as a collection of 50,000
impaled beetles. Rockefeller Univ. is a major vivisector.
The heirs of Winthrop Rockefeller, father and son, with
their Winrock Farms cattle ranch in Arkansas.
Stefan Persson Sweden hunting supplies
Charles Koch US cattle ranches, pricegouging and polluting oil,
etc. Koch was sued for defrauding Native Americans of hundreds of
millions of dollars of oil. Deforesting cofounder of Cato Inst. which promotes war, named after
ancient Roman Cato who advocated the death penalty
Bernard Arnault France Christian Dior furs
David Thomson Canadian media several deforesting
newspapers.. has not yet used his clout to end sealclubbing in Canada
Forrest Mars Jr. of McLean Virginia and his brother John Mars of Arlington, Virginia, in age five years apart, are each worth $9 billion gelatin and factory
farm dairy products in their candy, deforesting packaging.. funding the forcefeeding of rats at UCSF

Tom Hicks on board of Swift slaughterhouses.. Hicks Muse
has become HM. He is also on the board of Univ of Texas regents.

George Gillett on board of Swift slaugterhouses

Sergey Brin warmonger.. one of those who conspired through
criminal algorithms and bellicose site placement to install the
unelected Bush and rain fire and death on the people and animals of Afghanistan
and Iraq.. Brin swiftboated the elected John Kerry more than anyone
else. His original data bank for Google was taken from tax funded research at Stanford.. Google and its partner Wikipedia censor articles critical
of the IDF and Israeli govt. May the US government follow Russia's
example and sue those oligarchs in the US who have stolen from the
Thomas Frist & family indicted for Medicare fraud.. Bill Frist authored legislation to exempt
American vivisector vaccine makers from liability
lawsuits [url]

Andrej Babis enslaving cows for dairy products

Edgar Bronfman's Buffalo Hill slaughterhouse in Madison County burned early January 20.
Billionaire Tamir Sapir: yacht seized .. full of exotic animal skins

Tim Blixseth razing the forests with the help of Credit Suisse

Jon Huntsman Sr. Bain Capital with fellow Mormon Mitt Romney
Bain Capital runs warmonger Clear Channel radio and has
tried to get the US military to make computer contracts with a Chinese
company connected to the Chinese army.
John Kluge: Metromedia meat ads, Steak and Ale Restaurants
Eric Schmidt: billionaire from being neocon Google exec, executing
with Bush the plot to steal the franchise of the American people
through algorithms, enabling 8 years of war in Afghanistan and 6 in Iraq, the most violent corporations
Larry Page: Google founder, helped start Afghan and Iraq
wars through installation of Bush
Wallace McCain, Canadian billionaire .. invested
in Maple Leaf Foods, a name which veils
its slaughterhouse operations
Harold Simmons funder of Swift Boat ads .. a conspiracy to continue
the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... John Kerry won but Republican
coconspirators prevented his installation.

Sanford Weill has given over 400 million dollars
to the primate torturers of Cornell.. a school
which is perhaps still pithing frogs (shoving
needles into their skulls) (whether AR activists
have been able to get the pithing stopped is not
Maurice Greenberg of AIG.. indicted for fraud..
involved in one of the world's top 5 heists of
all time... as he chaired the most rapacious
insurance company ever
51. Sumner Redstone developed Survivor on Viacom's CBS. Pigs were slaughtered by show
contestants. American tv media moguls have made
advertised murdered mammal pieces
52 Oleg Deripaska, 14 billion Russia deforestation
52 Ira Rennert, Magnesium Corp of America, nation's biggest
polluter, exposing workers to toxic chlorine fumes which take
the paint off cars in the parking lot

Billionaires from exploitation:
Phil Knight, Nike Shoes sweatshops
Dead Billionaires and centimillionaires:
Daniel Ludwig: cattle ranching, war profiteering, razing 10,000 acres
of Panama
J P Morgan: made his first fortune selling contaminated meat to the Union Army
King of the King Ranch

Millionaire Butchers
Jimmy Dean Tennessee pig murder
1. Fidelity.. their 'charity' fund as well needs to be investigated
2. Vanguard "
3. Goldman Sachs [url]

Father Mother God thank You for now and forever causing all these listed to end
their investments in animal slaughter and suffering.
Billionaires Using Their Assets to Harm Animals
Dan Duncan aerially hunting endangered species in violation of Russian law

Lawrence Ellison of Oracle is now #4 on the Forbes
list. His Oracle is in dozens of countries. Oracle
was involved in scandals for its bribery with
state universities in the US.
6 of the categories of those who hide their wealth
and are not listed:
1 Some remain invisible to avoid taxes. 2 Not on this list: the new owner of the 3.4 trillion which disappeared
from the US Pentagon while Donald Rumsfeld and Dov Zakheim
(owner of a remote control plane company) were in charge
of finances. 3 Counterfeiting also has created new wealth.
Some intelligence agencies and banks produce and distribute it.
4 Swiss and other bank accounts offer secrecy to megathieves.
The word mhoola comes from muladhara, a Sanskrit word for
the seat of karma. Many cultures are secretive about their money.
5. Private equity firms like Cerberus and the Carlyle Group hide assets.
6. Security for royals and prevention of kidnapping for the
very wealthy are further reasons for nonlisting. Royals, Rockefellers, Rothschilds (ro ro ro your boat
not necessary) and others are underrepresented on
the list.
Father Mother God cause all billionaires on this list and everyone
either to use now and forever their money for good, for nonviolence,
or to lose their money. You have the power with one thought to
transfer money out of all the bank accounts, vaults, safes in the world.
Bless all beings with joy, peace, love, supply, healing today and always
each way and all ways
Hank Asher of Florida, whose data mining (or
theft of the privacy of others), was, many believe,
the source for the fabricated profiles of alleged
911 hijackers.
Mitt Romney

Centimillionaire Politicians

Net Worth, 2005 -- The wealthiest politicians in DC

Posted on Saturday, October 14, 2006 4:32:09 PM by dennisw
Rank Name Minimum Net Worth Maximum Net Worth
1 Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin who promotes
factory farms [url]

2 Henry M. Paulson $190,727,085 $392,934,024
The criminal frame of Gov Spitzer as Paulson used
the IRS (while Secy of the Treasury) as an instrument
of revenge against Spitzer for having as AG of NY sued
him, Maurice Greenberg and others. Paulson as CEO
of Goldman Sachs [url]

also the president by coup of Nature Conservancy whose
wilderness shrines he turned into cattle concentration
camps. Paulson gave Greenberg's AIG over 100 BILLION
in bailout money, some of which became billion $ bonuses.
3 Jane Harman (D-Calif) $168,651,649 $289,045,000
a tool of AIPAC
4 John Kerry (D-Mass) $164,741,510 $234,262,099
Please remove animal flesh from the Heinz menu
5 Darrell Issa (R-Calif) $135,862,098 $677,230,000
6 Robin Hayes (R-NC) $92,832,334 $181,295,169
7 Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa) $78,150,023 $101,579,003
has authored a bill to give the president authority to
cancel the internet
8 Samuel W. Bodman III $66,698,060 $117,179,012
9 Donald H. Rumsfeld $62,090,106 $199,687,011
war criminal... insider trading with Roche through Gilead
and Searle pharmaceutical companies
10 Charles H. Taylor (R-NC) $56,056,017 $77,341,000
11 William H. Donaldson $46,306,152 $191,419,025
12 Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) $43,343,464 $98,660,021
insider trader illegally funneling war profiteer contracts
to her husband Richard Blum.. over a billion in contracts
to his URS
13 Lincoln D. Chafee (R-RI) $41,153,105 $64,096,019
14 Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) $38,198,170 $90,733,019
15 John McCain (R-Ariz) $25,071,142 $38,043,014
16 Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) $19,978,175 $67,170,000
17 Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) $19,189,049 $93,043,004 Senator Kennedy's
wealth is inherited. The CIA and FBI should
pay him reparations for their roles in the murder
of his 2 brothers and his nephew.
18 Dick Cheney $17,120,041 $79,588,010
19 John Campbell (R-Calif) $17,004,087 $77,512,000
20 Kenny Ewell Marchant (R-Texas) $15,774,147 $55,312,000
21 Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) $15,087,070 $61,131,000
22 Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $14,746,108 $55,085,000 a henhawk engineering votes
for continued violence in Afghanistan
23 Jim Cooper (D-Tenn) $14,116,811 $30,725,757
24 Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) $13,508,152 $49,829,007
was defeated by the people of NC
25 Michael McCaul (R-Texas) $13,267,113 $58,330,000
God shut down all wars, slaughterhouses, pharmaceutical animal
bird fish insect labs, all systematized and individual violence now
and forever. Disinvest all billionaires, centimillionaires, decamillionaires
and all now and forever from violence.
Senator Jay Rockefeller’s fortunes are stored primarily in three blind trusts with JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wachovia Corp. and United National Bank, valued at more than $50 million, $25 million to $50 million, and $5 million to $25 million, respectively. JPMorgan Chase is the bank of
his great uncle David.
Georgia's 4 billionaires' money comes from
deforestation of newspaper businesses and lumber.
The wealthiest among Georgia’s billionaires is Anne Cox Chambers, the 89-year-old daughter of James M. Cox, the media mogul who built Cox Enterprises. Her estimated net worth is $9 billion.
Cox Chambers’ nephew James Kennedy, 61, is ranked 110 with net worth of $4.5 billion. However, Forbes noted Kennedy “has lost $2 billion since September as declining ad market punishes media revenues.”
With a net worth of $1.2 billion, The Home Depot Inc. co-founder and Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, 66, came in at a tie for No. 601 on the list.
Also at 601 is Bernie Marcus, the 79-year-old Home Depot co-founder, His net worth was pegged at $1.2 billion.
Deforesters Oregon's Kerr Contractors [url]


Buffett cares not for ethics.
Latvian meat millionaire


animal flesh corporation, Swift, on whose board sit
2 billionaires, Tom Hicks and George Gillett.
While the illegal immigrants who were raided at
Swift slaughterhouses were sent home (the brutal,
physically dangerous, and disease risk work has
the highest turnover of any occupation), board members
paid no fines when federal raids occurred. Hicks
is on the board of Univ of Texas Regents. UT had
50,000 animals captive in cages in underground labs
die, but no researchers did. *
Greeley, Colo., Dec. 12 2006 (UPI) -- Federal immigration officials swept through six U.S. Swift & Co. meat processing plants Tuesday in an investigation of identify theft. Arrests were made at plants in Greeley, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas and Utah
T Boone Pickens vs horse slaughterhouses

(Pickens is a strong investor in wind energy. His
wife has rescued thousands of mustang horses,
set to be murdered by the Bush regime.
May he bring down the price of natural gas.
(May all horse protectors become cow protectors as well.)
Bill Maher asks why T Boone Pickens spent millions
defaming the records of Gore and Kerry during their
victorious election campaigns ... stolen from them
by Diebold, ESS, Sequoia Pacific and other CIA
connected vote fraud companies.

Billionaire Richard Pratt of Australia whose money came from
packaging.. has died at the age of 74 after a bout with prostate
cancer. God speed, Richard Pratt.
Robert F Kennedy Jr: nephew of the murdered president,
son of the murdered attorney general
Billionaire chicken barons Don Tyson and Frank Perdue, like billionaire North Carolina hog tycoon Wendell Murphy, have used their market power to drive a million family farmers out of business including virtually every independent egg and broiler farmer in America. Each corporate farm puts 10 family farmers out of business

180 meatcutters at a Texas WalMart became the
first in the US to win a union at WalMart. A few days
later the billionaire directed company eliminated all their jobs, as it had in Canada when forced to unionize.

Topps Meat went out of business. Strategic Investments & Holdings,
a Buffalo private equity firm invested in deforesting products, purchased Topps in 2003 and
was at the helm when a very large meat recall was issued. [url]


Federal welfare for Ted Turner and other animal butchers, whose
surplus bison flesh is being bought at inflated prices by the
govt. is opposed by Libertarians.


Feds raid six Swift meat processing plants
Published: Dec. 12, 2006 at 10:05 PM
Biggest heist ever?
Dov Zakheim as financial controller of the Pentagon saw
3.4 trillion dollars disappear. He also has a remoted controlled
airplane business. Many surmise that remote controlled planes
were involved in 911 while other planes were shot down over the
Australian drought has been created by
the slaughter of 6 million kangaroo annually and the
deforestation caused by the slaughter of trillions of
cows and sheep through the years.
Australian Billionaires who could plant and irrigate
trillions of trees
Andrew Forrest, A$9.410bn, mining
Frank Lowy, A$6.300bn, shopping centres
Richard Pratt, A$5.480bn, manufacturing
Gina Rinehart, A$4.390bn, mining
Harry Triguboff, A$3.250bn, property
John Gandel, A$3.210bn, property
James Packer,A$3.000bn, media and investments
Kerry Stokes, A$2.760bn, media and retail
Zhengrong Shi, A$2.330bn, technology
David Hains, A$2.280bn, investment (although this has been disputed)[1]
data derived from [url]

Chinese billionaires
1 Li Ka Shing (李嘉誠) 200.40 (26.5) 80 Cheung Kong Group (長江集團)
2 Lee Shau Kee
3 Yang Huiyan (杨惠妍) 121.15 (16.02) 26 Country Garden (碧桂园)
4 Xu Rongmao (许荣茂) 54.43 (7.03) 57 Shimao Property (世茂国际; 世茂房地产)
5 Guo Guangchang (郭广昌) 36.23 (4.83) 40 Fosun International Limited
6 Zhang Li (张力) 35.88 (4.78) 54 Fuli Group
6 Zhang Jindong (张近东) 33.61 (4.48) 44 Suning Electric
7 Peng Xiaofeng (彭小峰) 28.66 (3.82) 32 Saiwei SDK Solar
8 Zhang Xin (张欣) 28.53 (3.80) 42 SOHO China
9 Lu Zhiqiang (卢志强) 27.98 (3.73) 56 China Fanhai Group
10 Larry Yung Chi Kin (荣智健) 27.22 (3.63) 65 CITIC Pacific
11 Wong Kwong Yu (黄光裕) 27.15 (3.62) 38 GOME Electrical Appliances
12 Zhang Yin (张茵) 25.35 (3.38) 51 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Limited
13 Liu Yonghao (刘永好) 23.75 (3.17) 57 New Hope Group (新希望集团)
14 Zhu Mengyi (朱孟依) 22.17 (3.00) 49 Hopson Development (合生创展)
15 Yang Yizhu (杨贰珠) 20.77 (2.78) 57 Country Garden
16 Huang Wei (黄伟) 20.71 (2.76) 49 Zhejiang Xinhu (浙江新湖集团)
17 Chen Fashu (陈发树) 19.93 (2.66) 47 Xinhuadu Industry (新华都实业)
18 Liang Wengeng (梁稳根) 19.65 (2.62) 51 Trinity Group (三一集团)
19 Kong Jianmin (孔健岷) 18.44 (2.46) 40 KWG Property (合景泰富)
20 Cao Dewang (曹德旺) 18.19 (2.43) 63 Fuyao Group (福耀集团)
21 Liu Yongxing (刘永行) 18.08 (2.41) 60 East Hope (东方希望集团)
22 Li Yanhong (李彦宏) 17.59 (2.36) 40 Baidu
23 Zhang Chengfei (张成飞) 17.14 (2.29) 40 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Limited
24 Lin Li (林立) 16.83 (2.24) 45 Shenzhen Liye (深圳立业集团)
25 Shi Yuzhu (史玉柱) 16.75 (2.23) 46 Giant Interactive Group Inc. (巨人集团)
26 Chen Zhuolin (陈卓林) 15.65 (2.09) 45 Agile Property (雅居乐地产)
27 Zhang Songqiao (张松桥) 15.5 (2.07) 44 Zhongyu Industry (中渝实业)
28 Liu Canglong (刘沧龙) 15.15 (2.02) 52 Sichuzn Hongda (四川宏达)
29 Zhang Guiping (张桂平) 14.97 (1.99) 57 Suning Universal (苏宁环球集团)
30 Zhu Linyao (朱林瑶) 13.82 (1.85) 39 Huabao International (华宝国际)
30 Miao Liansheng (苗连生) 13.76 (1.8) 52 Tianwei Yingli New Engergy (天威英利新能源)
31 Liang Xinjun (梁信军) 13.74 (1.8) 40 Fosun International Limited
32 Xian Yang (鲜扬) 13.19 (1.8) 34 Hidili Industry International Development Limited (恒鼎实业)
33 Lu Guanqiu (鲁冠球) 13.13 (1.8) 63 Wanxiang Group (万向集团)
34 He Xiangjian (何享健) 13.12 (1.7) 66 Midea (美的集团)
35 Gao Dekang (高德康) 12.08 (1.7) 56 Bosideng (波司登)
36 Li Xinyan (李新炎) 11.98 (1.6) 57 China Longgong (中国龙工集团)
37 Su Rubo (苏汝波) 10.38 (1.4) 53 Country Garden (碧桂园)
37 Qu Xueming (区学铭) 10.38 (1.4) 58 Country Garden (碧桂园)
37 Zhang Yaohuan (张耀垣) 10.38 (1.4) 62 Country Garden (碧桂园)
40 Pony Ma (马化腾) 10.19 (1.36) 37 Tencent Holdings (腾讯)
41 Zhang Keqiang (张克强) 9.75 (1.3) 48 Poly Investments Limited (保利地产)
41 Wang Chuanfu (王传福) 9.75 (1.3) 42 BYD Company (比亚迪)
41 Xu Jiayin (许家印) 9.75 (1.3) 50 Evergrande Real Estate Group (恒大地产)
41 Zhang Zhixiang (张志祥) 9.75 (1.3) 41 Jianlong Steel (建龙钢铁)
41 Song Weiping (宋卫平) & Xia Yibo (夏一波) couple 9.75 (1.3) 50/? China Greentown (绿城集团)
41 Huang Rulun (黄如论) 9.75 (1.3) 57 Centurial Jinyuan (世纪金源集团)
41 Chen Yihong (陈义红) couple 9.75 (1.3) 50/? China Dongxiang (中国动向)
48 Ke Xiping (柯希平) 9.38 (1.25) 49 Hengxing Industry (恒兴实业)
49 Shen Wenrong (沈文荣) 9.0 (1.2) 62 Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd (江苏沙钢集团)
49 Li Ning (李宁) family 9.0 (1.2) 45 Li Ning Company Limited (李宁有限公司)
51 Zhu Yicai (祝义才) 8.77 (1.17) 44 Yurun Group (雨润集团)
52 Chen Tianqiao (陈天桥) couple 8.63 (1.15) 35 Shenda (盛大网络)
53 Guo Ziwen (郭梓文) family 8.4 (1.12) 43 China Aoyuan Property (奥园置业)
54 Jian Nanchun (江南春) 8.25 (1.1) 35 Fenzhong Media (分众传媒)
54 Chen Lihua (陈丽华) family 8.25 (1.1) 67 Fuhua Group (富华集团)
54 Zhu Baoguo (朱保国) family 8.25 (1.1) 46 Jiankangyuan Pharmaceutical (健康元药业)
54 Di Jianming (耿建明) 8.25 (1.1) 46 Rongsheng Holdings (荣盛控股)
54 Zhou Furen (周福仁) family 8.25 (1.1) 57 Xiyang Group/Western Ocean Group (西洋集团)
54 Zhu Qinyi (朱庆依) 8.25 (1.1) ? Zhujiang Invest. (珠江投资)
60 Ren Yuanlin (任元林) 8.03 (1.07) 54 Yangtze Ship Building (扬子江船业)
61 Huang Xi (黄晞) family 7.88 (1.05) 46 Fuxin Group (福信集团)
61 Sun Guangxin (孙广信) 7.88 (1.05) 46 Xinjiang Guanghui (新疆广汇)
63 Tong Jinquan (童锦泉) 7.5 (1.0) 53 Changfeng Real Estate (长峰房地产)
63 Xu Ming (徐明) family 7.5 (1.0) 37 Dalian Haichang (大连实德集团)
63 Zong Qinghou (宗庆后) 7.5 (1.0) 64 Hangzhou Wahaha Group (娃哈哈集团)
63 Ding Lei (丁磊) 7.5 (1.0) 37 Netease (网易)
63 Li Songxiao (郦松校) 7.5 (1.0) 43 Zhongxin Group (中新集团)
Buffett is invested in Exxon Mobil, Petro China with its
connections to Sudan, cow and calf killing dairy products,
Altria tobacco.
Billionaires by grand theft
Proudhon said all property is theft.
Many cultures in the world such as Native American
have been communal in nature.
That aside, there are many billionaires whose income
has been derived by theft from the people
Larry Silverstein: renting the WTC at firesale prices

Neocon network owners lease the public's airwaves
at firesale prices while making cumulatively trillions
Milken: the junk bond king
Bernard Madoff

Billionaire Peter B Lewis, owner of pricegouging Progressive
Insurance, loses in battle with Guggenheim board.

(Lewis has given millions to vivisecting Case Univ. .. the last university in the country to give
up med student dog vivisection. Case
is also the law school home of Michael Scharf, part of
the US illegal execution squad 'legal' team which planned
the murder of Saddam Hussein.)
Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has
been sued by fellow Harvard students who allege
he stole their code when hired to work on their
Harvard Connection.
Billionaires have not yet figured out how to take it with them. God speed to them.
Adolf Merckle, German billionaire, alleged to have committed
suicide over pharmaceutical and other losses.

Zhu Yicai
Chairman of Hong Kong-listed China Yurun, one of China's largest pork processors. China Yurun is one of only a handful of stocks headed by billionaires that actually appreciated in U.S. dollar value in the past year. Zhu also is a major shareholder in Nanjing Central Emporium, a Shanghai-listed department store, and Yurun Dihua, a real estate company. Co-founded Nanjing Yurun Meat Product, a predecessor business to China Yurun, with wife Wu Xueqin in 1993.
Richard Pratt died of prostate cancer in his early 70's.
Aaron Rubashkin, owner of Agriprocessors,
largest kosher slaughterhouse in the US when
raided for hiring 390 illegal Guatemalans
Cedar Rapids, Ia. – The number of illegal immigrants detained Monday in Postville has risen to 390 in what federal officials now describe as the largest single-site raid of its kind nationwide.
Iceland's billionaire has the financial clout to end that country's whale murder
He has tentacles in cellphones throughout Eastern

Burger King to own shares of a Virginia slaughterhouse.

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi.. and meat exports

A slaughterhouse for dairy cows.. who
are shoved with forklifts into fences, who are
kicked, poked repeatedly with clubs


Westland/Hallmark Co in Chino California fined 67
394 outlets of White Castle, fast food chain
selling cow and pig flesh

Dianne Feinstein:

Charles Koch: pricegouging oil pipelines,
Purina Mills, Georgia Pacific earth deforesters, Abcor etc)
1940: Fred Koch co-founds Wood River Oil and Refining Company.
1946: The company acquires Rock Island Oil & Refining Co. in Oklahoma.
1959: The company changes name to Rock Island Oil & Refining.
1959: Fred Koch purchases 35% equity position in Great Northern Oil Company in St. Paul MN for book value, sight-unseen.
1967: Koch's death prompts the company, now led by Charles Koch, to be named Koch Industries in honor of its co-founder.
1969: Charles Koch and J. Howard Marshall II pool equity positions to obtain majority of Great Northern Oil Company. After 100% equity was obtained, the refinery was renamed Koch Refining.
1977: Koch acquires 100% of equity in Abcor and later renamed it as Koch Membrane Systems in 1985
1981: The company acquires refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas, from Sun Oil.
1986: The company acquires the C. Reiss Coal Company.
1989: The company purchases the assets of the John Zink Company.
1992: The company acquires United Gas Pipeline.
1993: Elf Asphalt is acquired.
1997: The company acquires Delhi Group.
1998: Purina Mills is acquired.
1998: The company forms KoSa after acquiring 50 percent ownership of Hoechst's polyester division.
2000: A U.S. Bankruptcy court cancelled out all equity in Purina held by Koch, in order to maintain Purina's viability.
2001: The company partners with Entergy Corporation to form the limited partnership Entergy-Koch, which includes Koch's United Gas Pipeline subsidiary.
2003: Acquired fertilizer division of bankrupt Farmland Industries
2004: Koch acquires the INVISTA fibers and resins business from DuPont. Entergy-Koch is sold.
2005: Koch acquires Industrie Meccaniche di Bagnolo S.p.A. and later renamed it as Koch Heat Transfer Company S.r.l..
2005: Koch acquires Georgia-Pacific, its largest acquisition ever, and surpasses Cargill as the largest privately owned U.S. company.
2005: Koch acquires Puron AG, a water treatment membrane producer from Aachen, Germany[3].
Michael Dell, billionaire of Dell computers, has been receiving kickbacks
from indicted Intel for giving Intel exclusive access to its computers.
Edgar Bronfman Jr is one of those whose work
has resulted in France's illegal internet piracy
bill which allows the music industry without
court action to cancel for a year internet access for anyone suspected
of music piracy
Billionaire Epstein arrested

These Canadian billionaires have the power to end
the seal clubbing in Newfoundland

Which of these 26 pharmaceutical industry
billionaires is involved in vivisection (inflicting
pain on captive animals in alleged research)

One of many businesses linked to mammal killing

Author J K Rowling, born July 31, 1965..
publisher of Harry Potter books
Donald Trump says he is worth 6 billion dollars.

Gambling is one way he has made money
Belisarius' link
Billionaire Accused of ‘Looting’ Posh Montana Club

By Matthew Brown, Associated Press, 04-22-09
MISSOULA – Flamboyant billionaire Tim Blixseth lived the high life as the posh mountain resort he founded for the ultrarich spiraled into bankruptcy.
The timber baron turned luxury resort developer bought plush airplanes, sprawling estates in France, Mexico and Scotland and a private island in the Caribbean.
But creditors say he paid for all of that with a 2005 loan ostensibly meant for the Yellowstone Club, a 13,600-acre private ski resort that counts former Vice President Dan Quayle and Microsoft's Bill Gates among its members.
A civil trial for Blixseth was set to begin Wednesday, with creditors seeking to have the $375 million loan arranged by Credit Suisse declared illegal. They also want Credit Suisse to return to the club $146.4 million in principal and interest already paid.
"Enticed by the riches available from Credit Suisse, the Blixseths chose to breach their fiduciary duties (and) abandon the Yellowstone Club," creditors' attorney Thomas Beckett wrote in documents filed with the court.
In another brief, Beckett described Tim Blixseth as "looting" the club prior to transferring control to his wife, Edra, as part of their divorce settlement last August. The pair built the club in the late 1990s from former U.S. Forest Service land near Yellowstone National Park.
The Yellowstone Club filed for bankruptcy protection in November. Its members and creditors blame Blixseth and Credit Suisse, a Swiss investment bank.
In recent years, Credit Suisse packaged more than $2 billion in loans to at least six luxury resorts now in financial trouble. Some of those deals — including the Yellowstone Club's — were marketed as a way for resort owners to extract massive and early "profit dividends" before the developments were completed.
After the real estate market collapse, the resorts were unable to keep selling property to cover the loans.
Tim Blixseth's attorney contends the money he took from the loans was deserved, and that the bankruptcy was spurred by economic forces outside his control.
Credit Suisse contends there was nothing improper about the deal and that it was approved by numerous attorneys. That included Tim Blixseth's attorney Steven Brown, who now sits on the creditors' committee that is suing Credit Suisse.
The club is up for auction next month, with a starting minimum bid of $100 million.
If the creditors prevail in the lawsuit, any sale proceeds would go to the contractors, utilities, banks, employees and others owed between $25 million and $50 million by the club. Credit Suisse would have to wrangle directly with the Blixseths to reclaim the $307 million it is still owed.
Whether Credit Suisse could get its money back from the Blixseths is uncertain. Edra Blixseth filed for personal bankruptcy last month, while Tim Blixseth has been trying to unload his island in the Turks and Caicos for $75 million.
Steven Schwartzman... major crook

John Huntsman's polystyrene, with Arco and
Shell providing the loans
Longterm exposure to styrene has effects on the central nervous system: headache, fatigue, weakness, and depression, central nervous
system dysfunction, hearing loss, and peripheral neuropathy. an increased frequency of spontaneous abortions, leukemia, lymphoma.
Beatrice Foods holdings ..most owned now by
Through the 1980s, Beatrice was a co-defendant alongside W. R. Grace and Company in a class-action lawsuit re Riley Tannery, a division of Beatrice Foods, had dumped toxic waste contaminating an underground aquifer that supplied drinking water to East Woburn, Massachusetts. The case became the subject of the popular book and film A Civil Action with John Travolta. The EPA later found both companies responsible.
Before her death, Joan Kroc, widow of the founder of
McDonald's, wrote to a McDonald's boycott coalition
wishing them success. She was an animal lover
It is ironic that Mormons are encouraged to store food,
since the cattle concentration camps of the LDS
are a cause of famine, drought and world hunger.
The Mormon Church's Florida ranching operations
(300,000 acres) are one factor in the harmful
drying of the Everglades, drought in Florida,
and global heating.
Deseret Ranches refers to the ranching operations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Florida. The Ranches include several organizations. Some are Deseret Ranches of Florida, Deseret Cattle and Citrus, Taylor Creek Management, East Central Florida Services, Agreserves, and Farmland Reserve. Located 7 miles (11 km) east of the Orlando International Airport Deseret Ranches was one of the largest cow-calf ranches in the United States in 2001. This ranch, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Florida, spreads over the three central Florida counties of Osceola, Orange, and Brevard. Covering almost 300,000 acres (1200 km²) of land Deseret Ranch is home to 90 ranchers, their families, and 44,000 cows (described by the
LDS as 'head of cattle'.)

America's 100 biggest landowners

King Ranch Heirs 851,642 acres number 6 of 100
Its principal competitors:
Principal Competitors
AzTx Cattle Company; Cactus Feeders Inc.; Lykes Bros. Inc.
#84 Desiree Moore 105,000 acres
Wallace McCain, Canadian billionaire .. invested
in Maple Leaf Foods, a name which veils
its slaughterhouse operations
Forced out of McCain Foods' day-to-day operations in the 1990s after a family feud; remains vice chairman and still has a one-third stake in the world's largest producer of frozen french fries. Took over meat processor Maple Leaf Foods in 1995, where son Michael is chief. Stock off this year on the news of a meat recall and the shuttering of a Nova Scotia poultry plant.
Jeffrie Lurie, a billionaire from ownership of the Philadelphia
Eagles. Formerly he had a film production company
and produced commercials. Virtually every owner
of a professional sports team makes money from
the sale of animal flesh at the stadium.

"Economic crises have been produced by us by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." - It would appear
that the big bankster thieves have withheld the money
they were fraudulently given to reward their
megapurloining ..they have been robbin
the hood... where are the Robin Hoods?
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We.. control America, and the Americans know it." -Cattle Rancher and Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
These 2 quotes were on the front page of Rense Radio,
run by vegan Jeff Rense [url]

Billionaire Harold Simmons funded, in concert with
coconspirators in the Republican Party, the Swift Boat
ads libelous to the career of John Kerry, who was
elected by the people of the US in 2004.
Crooks at Bank of America bought Countrywide for 10 cents
on the dollar. Countrywide was one of countless firms
involved in subprime loans. Will Bank of America avoid
Countrywide's liability?

While the Nobel Committee gave a peace prize to the UN environmental committee for promoting vegetarian diet and other antidotes to global heating, nearly billionaire Henry Paulson has been put on the board of the International Monetary
Fund, a group which has funded ecocidal animal
slaughter around the world, spreading human disease,
global heating with its disastrous temperature swings,
animal agony, energy waste, famine.
When he wore 2 hats, first as CEO of Goldman Sachs
and then as president of Nature Conservancy,
he introduced cattle into the wilderness shrines of NC,
adding to global heating, causing deforestation,
reducing biological diversity.
Goldman Sachs has always been a major investor
in war profiteering, slaughterhouses, ecocidal ventures.
As US Secretary of the
Treasury, he arranged a heist of trillions to Greenberg's
AIG, Goldman Sachs, and other bankster gangsters.
1 short sentence describing one of the 5 biggest heists
in world history.
He used the IRS as snoops to frame Gov Eliot Spitzer
for his private sex life (call girl).. , an abuse of federal
power which rivals the acts of Karl Rove and Ken Starr.
Why did Paulson frame Spitzer? Spitzer's prosecution
of the worst of Wall St, including Greenberg's AIG and
the Goldman Sachs of which Paulson had been head.
Libertarians believe that Spitzer's private sex life is no
business of the government, nor is his wire transfer
of money.
He is said to be a birdwatcher. The link below says he
plans to donate his .82 billion dollar wealth to
an environmental charity. His daughter as well
is involved in the now contaminated Nature Conservancy,
with its new links to S American cattle barons.

Billionaire Steve Rattner
Steven "Steve" Lawrence Rattner is a private equity investor, one of the four founding partners of the private investment firm Quadrangle Group, which invests media and communications companies globally. The other 3 are
Joshua S t e i n e r, (for some reason his name
was asterisked out) Peter Ezersky and David Tanner. Rattner is Obama's car czar. Rattner started as a reporter with The New York Times, first at the Washington bureau, where he became close friends with Times' ownership-family member Arthur Sulzberger, who also was at the time working as a reporter; and then at the London bureau. Subsequently, Rattner quit journalism and joined Morgan Stanley, where he founded their Communications Group. In 1989 he joined Lazard as a General Partner; he founded their Media and Communications Group. In 1997 he became Lazard's deputy chairman and Deputy CEO, a new position. He stepped down from those positions in 1999, and left Lazard in 2000, with three other partners in that firm, to found the Quadrangle Group.
In January 2008 it was reported that, through his friendship with Rattner, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's extensive business interests were placed in "a sort of blind trust" because of Bloomberg's possible run for the presidency. Bloomberg would "continue to have control of and access to certain investment decisions."[2] Quadrangle will continue with its responsibilities for Bloomberg after Rattner's departure for the Treasury position. Bloomberg also strongly endorsed Rattner's Treasury appointment.
Rattner is married to Maureen White, the former National Finance Chair for the Democratic Party. He has four children.
(Bloomberg chose to make his 'blind trust'
a trust controlled by himself.)
Joshua S t e i n e r was chief of staff at US
Treasury Dept before becoming part of Quadrangle.
A Platinum Class Heist
Steve Rattner's latest deal (not ratified by a bankruptcy
court) is attempting to arrange that Platinum Equity
of California pay a mere 750 million dollars for Delphi,
GM"s auto part chain... with the US poor subsidizing
2.8 billion of the rest

Sanford Weill
Warren Buffett's barbaric Outdoor Life Network
is now called Versus, but through his Comcast
it still promotes brutality.
In the starscript playing in the heavens
Orion, the hunter, is stung by the Scorpion,
the karmic return for stalking innocent
animals in the woods
sb11 06-05-2009 11:50 PM
Dov Zakheim who with Rumsfeld pulled off perhaps the
biggest theft of all time..the 3.4
trillion dollar heist (funds missing from the Pentagon)
at the same time that he needed money for his
remote control or drone plane company... now
wants to lecture the American people


Jewish billionaires club [url]

by: Leslie Bunder
(this information is out of date and does not
include many who are billionaires)
Successful Jews from across the globe have made it to the annual Forbes billionaires issue.
According to the business magazine, there are now 946 billionaires in the world and among them are Jewish people from the USA, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom and Israel.
Richest Jewish American is casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. The 73-year-old who owns The Venetian in Las Vegas is worth $26.5bn and is the sixth wealthiest person on the planet.
Coming in at number 11 is Oracle boss Larry Ellison with a worth of $21.5bn.
Chelsea Football Club owner and Russian oil magnate Roman Abramovitch, has a worth of $18.7bn.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin, aged 33 is one of the youngest billionaires with a worth of $16.6bn.
Michael Dell, founder of the computer giant that bears his name is at number 30 on the Forbes list with a worth of $15.8bn. Just below him at 31 is Microsoft chief executive Steven Ballmer with a worth of $15bn.
Another Russian, metals tycoon Oleg Deripaska has a worth of $13.3bn.
Other Jews who have a worth of $10bn or less include Sumner Redstone, who famously sacked Tom Cruise from his Paramount film studio has a worth of $8bn.
British retail tycoon Sir Philip Green owner of BHs and Top Shop has a worth along with his wife Christina of $7bn.
Financial services owner Joseph Safra from Brazil is worth $6bn while his brother Moise is worth $2.9bn.
Esther Koplowitz from Spain is worth $5.6bn while her sister Alicia is worth $5bn.
Fashion tycoon Ralph Lauren has a worth of $5bn, the same as South African precious gems magnate Nicky Oppenheimer and his family.
New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg who founded the financial news organisation that bears his name is worth $5.5bn.
Music and entertainment mogul David Geffen comes in with a worth of $4.7bn.
UK Property owners David & Simon Reuben are worth $4.5bn.
Israel's Stef Wertheimer & family have a worth of $4.4bn, Shari Arison $4.3bn, Lev Leviev $4.1bn, Yitzhak Tshuva $4bn, Sammy Ofer & family $3.9bn and Arnon Milchan $3bn.
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg is worth $3bn.
Sharing 754th joint place are two Brits. Travelex founder Lloyd Dorfman is worth $1.3bn while media tycoon and owner of OK! magazine Richard Desmond is worth $1.3bn.
These oil billionaires are a factor in the atrocities of Iraq
and Afghanistan.

Dan Duncan Texas oilman, violated Russian air space hunting endangered
animals from a helicopter
Charles Koch also funder of the prowar Cato Inst.
George Kaiser
Leonard Blavatnik
Richard Kinder
Sid Bass
T Boone Pickens... good on wind energy, good on mustang protection..
but a pricegouger
List of wealthiest 10 Arab billionaires:
Allah made oil and these billionaires think it is theirs
and not the people's:
1. Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia; $20.3 billion.
2. Nasser Al-Kharafi & family of Kuwait; $11.5 billion.
3. Naguib Sawiris of Egypt; $10 billion.
4. Mohammed Al-Amoudi of Saudi Arabia; $8 billion.
5. Abdul Aziz Al-Ghurair & family of UAE; $8 billion.
6. Maan Al-Sanea of Saudi Arabia; $7.5 billion.
7. Sulaiman Al-Rajhi of Saudi Arabia; $7.4 billion.
8. Onsi Sawiris of Egypt; $5 billion.
9. Saleh Al-Rajhi of Saudi Arabia; $4.4 billion.
10. Nassef Sawiris of Egypt; $3.9 billion.
past and present British billionaires
Mike Ashley
Nadhmi Auchi
David and Frederick Barclay
Octav Botnar
Richard Branson
Charles Cadogan, 8th Earl Cadogan
Clive Calder
John Caudwell
Richard Desmond
Mark Dixon (businessman)
James Dyson
Bernie Ecclestone
James Goldsmith (hostile takeover artist... one of
those who forced Goodyear to sell its Aerospace division
... whose missile technology ended up with the Chinese)
Philip Green
Albert Gubay
Simon Halabi
Jonathan Harmsworth
Tom Hunter
Mo Ibrahim
Nasser David Khalili
Alexei Kuzmichov
Bernard Lewis (entrepreneur)
Joe Lewis (British businessman)
Terry Matthews
Ken Morrison
Tony O'Reilly
Swaraj Paul
Jim Ratcliffe
Hans Rausing
Kirsten Rausing
David and Simon Reuben
J. K. Rowling
David Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Turville
Michael Spencer
Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster
this is an out of date list 2001... nevertheless informative [url]

33 Energy Billionaires
Billionaire Company Net Worth ($bil)
Marvin Davis Davis Petroleum $4.5
James, Arthur and John Irving Irving Oil 4.4
Lee Marshall Bass Bass Management 4.3
Sid Richardson Bass Bass Management 3.8
Charles de Ganahl Koch Koch Industries 3.2
David Hamilton Koch Koch Industries 3.2
Robert Muse Bass Lone Star Technologies (nyse: LSS - news - people ) 3.0
David Rockefeller Sr. Family oil fortune 2.5
Robert Rowling Investments in Pacific Gas and Electric (nyse: PCG - news - people ) and Texaco (nyse: TX - news - people ) 2.5
Mikhail Khordorkovsky Yukos Oil 2.4
Gordon Peter Getty Family oil fortune 2.3
Ray Lee Hunt Hunt Oil 2.3
George B. Kaiser Kaiser Francis Oil and BOK Financial (nasdaq: BOKF - news - people ) 2.3
Richard Edward Rainwater Crescent Reit (nyse: CEI - news - people ) 1.9
Vladimir Potanin Norilsk Nickel, Tyumen Oil 1.8
Roger W. Sant AES (nyse: AES - news - people ) 1.7
Dennis Bakke AES 1.6
Perry Richardson Bass Bass Management 1.6
Vladimir Bogdanov Surgutneftegaz Oil 1.6
George Phydias Mitchell Mitchell Energy and Development (nyse: MND - news - people ) 1.6
Didier Primat Schlumberger (nyse: SLB - news - people ) 1.6
Richard Kinder Kinder Morgan (nyse: KMI - news - people ) 1.5
Laurance Spellman Rockefeller Family oil fortune 1.5
Rem Viakhirev Former CEO of Gazprom 1.5
Roman Abramovich Sibneft Oil and Russian Aluminum 1.4
Robert C. McNair Cogen Technologies 1.4
Vagit Alekperov Lukoil 1.3
E. Pierce Marshall Koch Industries 1.3
Mikhail Fridman Alfa Group 1.3
Edward Perry Bass Bass Management 1.2
Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Family oil fortune 1.2
Viktor Chernomyrdin Gazprom 1.1
John Todd and family Todd Energy 1.0
sb11 06-11-2009 02:17 PM
Telecommunications warmonger billionaires include
Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone.
Irony: warmonger, govt briber, deforester, pornographer,
unionbuster Rupert Murdoch's newspaper
lectures others on the democracy which his very
career has reduced in Australia, the UK, Canada, the US,
China and everywhere his Nazi footprint has
stepped. Who has flouted the FDR created rules
of the FCC, that there be no ownership of both newspaper
and media in the same city? Murdoch Who has flouted the
FDR created rules of the FCC that only 1 tv station
be held in an area? Murdoch now controls 39% of
the publicly owned airwaves which he leases at
firesale prices, making billions while paying pennies
[B]Billionaires [/B]




we can't take our money with us.. only the positive
or negative karma associated with ahimsa or causation of suffering
Alfred Ford, vegetarian billionaire

Steve Jobs of Apple: vegan
Biz Stone, cofounder of Twitter, a vegan
Michael Eisner, became a vegan after a heart operation (but did not end animal flesh advertising on Disney
Chuck Collins, great grandson of pig butcher Oscar Mayer, did
not want money derived from animal killing and gave it all away when 26
Jerry Seinfeld.. eats no mammals or birds.. a centimillionaire
Paul McCartney centimillionaire vegetarian[/b]
Michael Jackson, vegetarian. a centimillionaire says Forbes
Isaac Tigrett, founder of Hard Rock Cafes, sold them upon becoming
Baskin Robbins heir John Robbins does not eat
his family's icecream
He is the founder of Earthsave.

Brad Pitt is only one of thousands of famous vegetarian entertainers.
Akal Security, a vegetarian Sikh agency with over a billion in contracts.
John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods supermarket chain,
is a vegan and his chain caters to vegans.

Private Ethics Public Butchering
It was said that the owner of Jack In The Box (a chain selling
at at least one outlet kangaroo flesh) was himself a vegetarian.
[B]The Past: Billionaire Blood Money[/B]
The blood of billions of pigs, cows and chickens has been shed by Don Tyson
while Ted Turner has shed blood of millions of bison.
Many mammal corpses are sold by Don Peltz
Bernard Arnault's Dior sells skinned animals' pelts.
Bill Gates funds primate torture at Duke.
Wendell Murphy sells pig cadavers containing flukes.
Liu Yongxing, Zhu Yicai and Li Wei
have not given living mammals.. any leeway.
Billionaires invested in the animal agony, human disease, global heating, energy waste,
and world hunger associated with raising animals for slaughter:
Nelson Peltz: billionaire owner of Arby's,
Wendy's, Kraft
Wendell Murphy, billionaire board member of Smithfield, world's
largest serial killer of pigs (5 US States, Poland, Romania, Mexico,
UK) Murphy's Foods is also a pig killing operation.
Perdue, billionaire chicken killer whose Salisbury plant cranes
on Rt 50 in Maryland
often drop broken necked chickens into traffic.
Liu Yongxing owns East Hope Group, providing food for slaughterhouse
bound animals
Li Wei, founder of Synear Food Holding . . . one of China's largest producers of animal flesh dumplings
Zhu Yicai, age 45, one of biggest killers of pigs,
chairman of China Yurun
Warren Buffett, biggest investor in warmonger Disney, which
foists Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on the public, billionaire owner of dairy product Dean
Foods, deforesting enterprises. At
slaughterhouses which are the ultimate end
of the dairy industry, cows are tortured.

Erik Prince, billionaire founder of Blackwater Security, now XE, which has had prisoners
die under its torture, has murdered many Iraqis,
which shot abandoned dogs and cats in the
streets of New Orlean and is seeking to have
its private army patrol the streets of the US.[url]

Gregorio Perez of Argentina building a slaughterhouse
with which he plans to murder 25,000 cows daily.
Rupert Murdoch advertises animal flesh, has deforested the world
of trillions of trees for his pornography, has promoted many wars in
which people and animals are killed
E Stanley Kroenke, owner of the Denver Nuggets, St Louis Rams,
and Canada's largest cattle concentration camp situated in British Columbia 650,000
acres as well as 600,000 acres of cattle ranches in Wyoming and Montana.
Arkady Gaidamak.. invested in Israeli slaughterhouses

Don Tyson: billionaire owner of the largest network of
pig cow and chicken slaughterhouses in the US
Philanthropist Ted Turner, funder of many charities, but his 2 million acres in the US
are raising bison for slaughter, and his restaurant chain serves
pieces of their corpses.
The LDS Church is invested in many cattle concentration camps
including 300,000 acres in Florida, a factor in drought and Everglades drying.
Billy Joel Jenkins bison and cow murder
NPR: owner of 200 million in McDonald's stocks [url]

Yum Foods, Kentucky based.. world's largest restaurant conglomerate
owner of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut etc.


Dan Duncan violated Russian law with aerial hunting of endangered

Steve Feinberg of the Cerberus hedge fund, who bought 226 Burger King outlets
and 900,000 acres of a deforesting paper company.
Michael Bloomberg, ]funder of vivisection at Johns Hopkins
The 5 billionaire Walton heirs of Sam Walton WalMart a unionbuster
advertises animal
flesh over our airwaves and profit from its sale. Sam Walton enjoyed killing birds.
Bill Gates, funder of primate torture at Duke University which maintains
a partnership with the Atkins Foundation (the toxic Atkins
diet condemned by the AMA and with Smithfield, largest
pig butcher in the US) is also funding Glaxo pharmaceutical vivisection
(150 million), and has purchased 50 million of ecocidal carcinogenic

is blocking [url]

Fred DeLuca, founder of Subway, seller of animal flesh sandwiches
Karl Albrecht Germany 87 20.0 Germany
animal and fish flesh monger Aldi's which carries virtually
no vegan burgers, no vegan ice creams, no tempeh or hummus
David Rockefeller who owns cattle ranches in Argentina
and a sheep ranch in Australia as well as a collection of 50,000
impaled beetles. Rockefeller Univ. is a major vivisector.
The heirs of Winthrop Rockefeller, father and son, with
their Winrock Farms cattle ranch in Arkansas.
Stefan Persson Sweden hunting supplies
Charles Koch US cattle ranches, pricegouging and polluting oil,
etc. Koch was sued for defrauding Native Americans of hundreds of
millions of dollars of oil. Deforesting cofounder of Cato Inst. which promotes war, named after
ancient Roman Cato who advocated the death penalty
Bernard Arnault France Christian Dior furs
David Thomson Canadian media several deforesting
newspapers.. has not yet used his clout to end sealclubbing in Canada
Forrest Mars Jr. of McLean Virginia and his brother John Mars of Arlington, Virginia, in age five years apart, are each worth $9 billion gelatin and factory
farm dairy products in their candy, deforesting packaging.. funding the forcefeeding of rats at UCSF

Tom Hicks on board of Swift slaughterhouses.. Hicks Muse
has become HM. He is also on the board of Univ of Texas regents.

George Gillett on board of Swift slaugterhouses

Sergey Brin warmonger.. one of those who conspired through
criminal algorithms and bellicose site placement to install the
unelected Bush and rain fire and death on the people and animals of Afghanistan
and Iraq.. Brin swiftboated the elected John Kerry more than anyone
else. His original data bank for Google was taken from tax funded research at Stanford.. Google and its partner Wikipedia censor articles critical
of the IDF and Israeli govt. May the US government follow Russia's
example and sue those oligarchs in the US who have stolen from the
Thomas Frist & family indicted for Medicare fraud.. Bill Frist authored legislation to exempt
American vivisector vaccine makers from liability
lawsuits [url]

Andrej Babis enslaving cows for dairy products

Edgar Bronfman's Buffalo Hill slaughterhouse in Madison County burned early January 20.
Billionaire Tamir Sapir: yacht seized .. full of exotic animal skins

Tim Blixseth razing the forests with the help of Credit Suisse

Jon Huntsman Sr. Bain Capital with fellow Mormon Mitt Romney
Bain Capital runs warmonger Clear Channel radio and has
tried to get the US military to make computer contracts with a Chinese
company connected to the Chinese army.
John Kluge: Metromedia meat ads, Steak and Ale Restaurants
Eric Schmidt: billionaire from being neocon Google exec, executing
with Bush the plot to steal the franchise of the American people
through algorithms, enabling 8 years of war in Afghanistan and 6 in Iraq, the most violent corporations
Larry Page: Google founder, helped start Afghan and Iraq
wars through installation of Bush
Wallace McCain, Canadian billionaire .. invested
in Maple Leaf Foods, a name which veils
its slaughterhouse operations
Harold Simmons funder of Swift Boat ads .. a conspiracy to continue
the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... John Kerry won but Republican
coconspirators prevented his installation.

Sanford Weill has given over 400 million dollars
to the primate torturers of Cornell.. a school
which is perhaps still pithing frogs (shoving
needles into their skulls) (whether AR activists
have been able to get the pithing stopped is not
Maurice Greenberg of AIG.. indicted for fraud..
involved in one of the world's top 5 heists of
all time... as he chaired the most rapacious
insurance company ever
51. Sumner Redstone developed Survivor on Viacom's CBS. Pigs were slaughtered by show
contestants. American tv media moguls have made
advertised murdered mammal pieces
52 Oleg Deripaska, 14 billion Russia deforestation
52 Ira Rennert, Magnesium Corp of America, nation's biggest
polluter, exposing workers to toxic chlorine fumes which take
the paint off cars in the parking lot

Billionaires from exploitation:
Phil Knight, Nike Shoes sweatshops
Dead Billionaires and centimillionaires:
Daniel Ludwig: cattle ranching, war profiteering, razing 10,000 acres
of Panama
J P Morgan: made his first fortune selling contaminated meat to the Union Army
King of the King Ranch

Millionaire Butchers
Jimmy Dean Tennessee pig murder
1. Fidelity.. their 'charity' fund as well needs to be investigated
2. Vanguard "
3. Goldman Sachs [url]

Father Mother God thank You for now and forever causing all these listed to end
their investments in animal slaughter and suffering.
Billionaires Using Their Assets to Harm Animals
Dan Duncan aerially hunting endangered species in violation of Russian law

Lawrence Ellison of Oracle is now #4 on the Forbes
list. His Oracle is in dozens of countries. Oracle
was involved in scandals for its bribery with
state universities in the US.
6 of the categories of those who hide their wealth
and are not listed:
1 Some remain invisible to avoid taxes. 2 Not on this list: the new owner of the 3.4 trillion which disappeared
from the US Pentagon while Donald Rumsfeld and Dov Zakheim
(owner of a remote control plane company) were in charge
of finances. 3 Counterfeiting also has created new wealth.
Some intelligence agencies and banks produce and distribute it.
4 Swiss and other bank accounts offer secrecy to megathieves.
The word mhoola comes from muladhara, a Sanskrit word for
the seat of karma. Many cultures are secretive about their money.
5. Private equity firms like Cerberus and the Carlyle Group hide assets.
6. Security for royals and prevention of kidnapping for the
very wealthy are further reasons for nonlisting. Royals, Rockefellers, Rothschilds (ro ro ro your boat
not necessary) and others are underrepresented on
the list.
Father Mother God cause all billionaires on this list and everyone
either to use now and forever their money for good, for nonviolence,
or to lose their money. You have the power with one thought to
transfer money out of all the bank accounts, vaults, safes in the world.
Bless all beings with joy, peace, love, supply, healing today and always
each way and all ways
Hank Asher of Florida, whose data mining (or
theft of the privacy of others), was, many believe,
the source for the fabricated profiles of alleged
911 hijackers.
Mitt Romney

Centimillionaire Politicians

Net Worth, 2005 -- The wealthiest politicians in DC

Posted on Saturday, October 14, 2006 4:32:09 PM by dennisw
Rank Name Minimum Net Worth Maximum Net Worth
1 Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin who promotes
factory farms [url]

2 Henry M. Paulson $190,727,085 $392,934,024
The criminal frame of Gov Spitzer as Paulson used
the IRS (while Secy of the Treasury) as an instrument
of revenge against Spitzer for having as AG of NY sued
him, Maurice Greenberg and others. Paulson as CEO
of Goldman Sachs [url]

also the president by coup of Nature Conservancy whose
wilderness shrines he turned into cattle concentration
camps. Paulson gave Greenberg's AIG over 100 BILLION
in bailout money, some of which became billion $ bonuses.
3 Jane Harman (D-Calif) $168,651,649 $289,045,000
a tool of AIPAC
4 John Kerry (D-Mass) $164,741,510 $234,262,099
Please remove animal flesh from the Heinz menu
5 Darrell Issa (R-Calif) $135,862,098 $677,230,000
6 Robin Hayes (R-NC) $92,832,334 $181,295,169
7 Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa) $78,150,023 $101,579,003
has authored a bill to give the president authority to
cancel the internet
8 Samuel W. Bodman III $66,698,060 $117,179,012
9 Donald H. Rumsfeld $62,090,106 $199,687,011
war criminal... insider trading with Roche through Gilead
and Searle pharmaceutical companies
10 Charles H. Taylor (R-NC) $56,056,017 $77,341,000
11 William H. Donaldson $46,306,152 $191,419,025
12 Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) $43,343,464 $98,660,021
insider trader illegally funneling war profiteer contracts
to her husband Richard Blum.. over a billion in contracts
to his URS
13 Lincoln D. Chafee (R-RI) $41,153,105 $64,096,019
14 Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) $38,198,170 $90,733,019
15 John McCain (R-Ariz) $25,071,142 $38,043,014
16 Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) $19,978,175 $67,170,000
17 Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) $19,189,049 $93,043,004 Senator Kennedy's
wealth is inherited. The CIA and FBI should
pay him reparations for their roles in the murder
of his 2 brothers and his nephew.
18 Dick Cheney $17,120,041 $79,588,010
19 John Campbell (R-Calif) $17,004,087 $77,512,000
20 Kenny Ewell Marchant (R-Texas) $15,774,147 $55,312,000
21 Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) $15,087,070 $61,131,000
22 Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $14,746,108 $55,085,000 a henhawk engineering votes
for continued violence in Afghanistan
23 Jim Cooper (D-Tenn) $14,116,811 $30,725,757
24 Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) $13,508,152 $49,829,007
was defeated by the people of NC
25 Michael McCaul (R-Texas) $13,267,113 $58,330,000
sb11 05-07-2009 11:44 PM
God shut down all wars, slaughterhouses, pharmaceutical animal
bird fish insect labs, all systematized and individual violence now
and forever. Disinvest all billionaires, centimillionaires, decamillionaires
and all now and forever from violence.
Senator Jay Rockefeller’s fortunes are stored primarily in three blind trusts with JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wachovia Corp. and United National Bank, valued at more than $50 million, $25 million to $50 million, and $5 million to $25 million, respectively. JPMorgan Chase is the bank of
his great uncle David.
Georgia's 4 billionaires' money comes from
deforestation of newspaper businesses and lumber.
The wealthiest among Georgia’s billionaires is Anne Cox Chambers, the 89-year-old daughter of James M. Cox, the media mogul who built Cox Enterprises. Her estimated net worth is $9 billion.
Cox Chambers’ nephew James Kennedy, 61, is ranked 110 with net worth of $4.5 billion. However, Forbes noted Kennedy “has lost $2 billion since September as declining ad market punishes media revenues.”
With a net worth of $1.2 billion, The Home Depot Inc. co-founder and Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, 66, came in at a tie for No. 601 on the list.
Also at 601 is Bernie Marcus, the 79-year-old Home Depot co-founder, His net worth was pegged at $1.2 billion.
Deforesters Oregon's Kerr Contractors [url]


Buffett cares not for ethics.
sb11 05-11-2009 01:31 PM
Latvian meat millionaire


animal flesh corporation, Swift, on whose board sit
2 billionaires, Tom Hicks and George Gillett.
While the illegal immigrants who were raided at
Swift slaughterhouses were sent home (the brutal,
physically dangerous, and disease risk work has
the highest turnover of any occupation), board members
paid no fines when federal raids occurred. Hicks
is on the board of Univ of Texas Regents. UT had
50,000 animals captive in cages in underground labs
die, but no researchers did. *
Greeley, Colo., Dec. 12 2006 (UPI) -- Federal immigration officials swept through six U.S. Swift & Co. meat processing plants Tuesday in an investigation of identify theft. Arrests were made at plants in Greeley, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas and Utah
T Boone Pickens vs horse slaughterhouses

(Pickens is a strong investor in wind energy. His
wife has rescued thousands of mustang horses,
set to be murdered by the Bush regime.
May he bring down the price of natural gas.
(May all horse protectors become cow protectors as well.)
Bill Maher asks why T Boone Pickens spent millions
defaming the records of Gore and Kerry during their
victorious election campaigns ... stolen from them
by Diebold, ESS, Sequoia Pacific and other CIA
connected vote fraud companies.

Billionaire Richard Pratt of Australia whose money came from
packaging.. has died at the age of 74 after a bout with prostate
cancer. God speed, Richard Pratt.
Robert F Kennedy Jr: nephew of the murdered president,
son of the murdered attorney general
Billionaire chicken barons Don Tyson and Frank Perdue, like billionaire North Carolina hog tycoon Wendell Murphy, have used their market power to drive a million family farmers out of business including virtually every independent egg and broiler farmer in America. Each corporate farm puts 10 family farmers out of business

180 meatcutters at a Texas WalMart became the
first in the US to win a union at WalMart. A few days
later the billionaire directed company eliminated all their jobs, as it had in Canada when forced to unionize.

Topps Meat went out of business. Strategic Investments & Holdings,
a Buffalo private equity firm invested in deforesting products, purchased Topps in 2003 and
was at the helm when a very large meat recall was issued. [url]


Federal welfare for Ted Turner and other animal butchers, whose
surplus bison flesh is being bought at inflated prices by the
govt. is opposed by Libertarians.


Feds raid six Swift meat processing plants
Published: Dec. 12, 2006 at 10:05 PM
Biggest heist ever?
Dov Zakheim as financial controller of the Pentagon saw
3.4 trillion dollars disappear. He also has a remoted controlled
airplane business. Many surmise that remote controlled planes
were involved in 911 while other planes were shot down over the
sb11 05-11-2009 02:58 PM
Australian drought has been created by
the slaughter of 6 million kangaroo annually and the
deforestation caused by the slaughter of trillions of
cows and sheep through the years.
Australian Billionaires who could plant and irrigate
trillions of trees
Andrew Forrest, A$9.410bn, mining
Frank Lowy, A$6.300bn, shopping centres
Richard Pratt, A$5.480bn, manufacturing
Gina Rinehart, A$4.390bn, mining
Harry Triguboff, A$3.250bn, property
John Gandel, A$3.210bn, property
James Packer,A$3.000bn, media and investments
Kerry Stokes, A$2.760bn, media and retail
Zhengrong Shi, A$2.330bn, technology
David Hains, A$2.280bn, investment (although this has been disputed)[1]
data derived from [url]

Chinese billionaires
1 Li Ka Shing (李嘉誠) 200.40 (26.5) 80 Cheung Kong Group (長江集團)
2 Lee Shau Kee
3 Yang Huiyan (杨惠妍) 121.15 (16.02) 26 Country Garden (碧桂园)
4 Xu Rongmao (许荣茂) 54.43 (7.03) 57 Shimao Property (世茂国际; 世茂房地产)
5 Guo Guangchang (郭广昌) 36.23 (4.83) 40 Fosun International Limited
6 Zhang Li (张力) 35.88 (4.78) 54 Fuli Group
6 Zhang Jindong (张近东) 33.61 (4.48) 44 Suning Electric
7 Peng Xiaofeng (彭小峰) 28.66 (3.82) 32 Saiwei SDK Solar
8 Zhang Xin (张欣) 28.53 (3.80) 42 SOHO China
9 Lu Zhiqiang (卢志强) 27.98 (3.73) 56 China Fanhai Group
10 Larry Yung Chi Kin (荣智健) 27.22 (3.63) 65 CITIC Pacific
11 Wong Kwong Yu (黄光裕) 27.15 (3.62) 38 GOME Electrical Appliances
12 Zhang Yin (张茵) 25.35 (3.38) 51 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Limited
13 Liu Yonghao (刘永好) 23.75 (3.17) 57 New Hope Group (新希望集团)
14 Zhu Mengyi (朱孟依) 22.17 (3.00) 49 Hopson Development (合生创展)
15 Yang Yizhu (杨贰珠) 20.77 (2.78) 57 Country Garden
16 Huang Wei (黄伟) 20.71 (2.76) 49 Zhejiang Xinhu (浙江新湖集团)
17 Chen Fashu (陈发树) 19.93 (2.66) 47 Xinhuadu Industry (新华都实业)
18 Liang Wengeng (梁稳根) 19.65 (2.62) 51 Trinity Group (三一集团)
19 Kong Jianmin (孔健岷) 18.44 (2.46) 40 KWG Property (合景泰富)
20 Cao Dewang (曹德旺) 18.19 (2.43) 63 Fuyao Group (福耀集团)
21 Liu Yongxing (刘永行) 18.08 (2.41) 60 East Hope (东方希望集团)
22 Li Yanhong (李彦宏) 17.59 (2.36) 40 Baidu
23 Zhang Chengfei (张成飞) 17.14 (2.29) 40 Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Limited
24 Lin Li (林立) 16.83 (2.24) 45 Shenzhen Liye (深圳立业集团)
25 Shi Yuzhu (史玉柱) 16.75 (2.23) 46 Giant Interactive Group Inc. (巨人集团)
26 Chen Zhuolin (陈卓林) 15.65 (2.09) 45 Agile Property (雅居乐地产)
27 Zhang Songqiao (张松桥) 15.5 (2.07) 44 Zhongyu Industry (中渝实业)
28 Liu Canglong (刘沧龙) 15.15 (2.02) 52 Sichuzn Hongda (四川宏达)
29 Zhang Guiping (张桂平) 14.97 (1.99) 57 Suning Universal (苏宁环球集团)
30 Zhu Linyao (朱林瑶) 13.82 (1.85) 39 Huabao International (华宝国际)
30 Miao Liansheng (苗连生) 13.76 (1.8) 52 Tianwei Yingli New Engergy (天威英利新能源)
31 Liang Xinjun (梁信军) 13.74 (1.8) 40 Fosun International Limited
32 Xian Yang (鲜扬) 13.19 (1.8) 34 Hidili Industry International Development Limited (恒鼎实业)
33 Lu Guanqiu (鲁冠球) 13.13 (1.8) 63 Wanxiang Group (万向集团)
34 He Xiangjian (何享健) 13.12 (1.7) 66 Midea (美的集团)
35 Gao Dekang (高德康) 12.08 (1.7) 56 Bosideng (波司登)
36 Li Xinyan (李新炎) 11.98 (1.6) 57 China Longgong (中国龙工集团)
37 Su Rubo (苏汝波) 10.38 (1.4) 53 Country Garden (碧桂园)
37 Qu Xueming (区学铭) 10.38 (1.4) 58 Country Garden (碧桂园)
37 Zhang Yaohuan (张耀垣) 10.38 (1.4) 62 Country Garden (碧桂园)
40 Pony Ma (马化腾) 10.19 (1.36) 37 Tencent Holdings (腾讯)
41 Zhang Keqiang (张克强) 9.75 (1.3) 48 Poly Investments Limited (保利地产)
41 Wang Chuanfu (王传福) 9.75 (1.3) 42 BYD Company (比亚迪)
41 Xu Jiayin (许家印) 9.75 (1.3) 50 Evergrande Real Estate Group (恒大地产)
41 Zhang Zhixiang (张志祥) 9.75 (1.3) 41 Jianlong Steel (建龙钢铁)
41 Song Weiping (宋卫平) & Xia Yibo (夏一波) couple 9.75 (1.3) 50/? China Greentown (绿城集团)
41 Huang Rulun (黄如论) 9.75 (1.3) 57 Centurial Jinyuan (世纪金源集团)
41 Chen Yihong (陈义红) couple 9.75 (1.3) 50/? China Dongxiang (中国动向)
48 Ke Xiping (柯希平) 9.38 (1.25) 49 Hengxing Industry (恒兴实业)
49 Shen Wenrong (沈文荣) 9.0 (1.2) 62 Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd (江苏沙钢集团)
49 Li Ning (李宁) family 9.0 (1.2) 45 Li Ning Company Limited (李宁有限公司)
51 Zhu Yicai (祝义才) 8.77 (1.17) 44 Yurun Group (雨润集团)
52 Chen Tianqiao (陈天桥) couple 8.63 (1.15) 35 Shenda (盛大网络)
53 Guo Ziwen (郭梓文) family 8.4 (1.12) 43 China Aoyuan Property (奥园置业)
54 Jian Nanchun (江南春) 8.25 (1.1) 35 Fenzhong Media (分众传媒)
54 Chen Lihua (陈丽华) family 8.25 (1.1) 67 Fuhua Group (富华集团)
54 Zhu Baoguo (朱保国) family 8.25 (1.1) 46 Jiankangyuan Pharmaceutical (健康元药业)
54 Di Jianming (耿建明) 8.25 (1.1) 46 Rongsheng Holdings (荣盛控股)
54 Zhou Furen (周福仁) family 8.25 (1.1) 57 Xiyang Group/Western Ocean Group (西洋集团)
54 Zhu Qinyi (朱庆依) 8.25 (1.1) ? Zhujiang Invest. (珠江投资)
60 Ren Yuanlin (任元林) 8.03 (1.07) 54 Yangtze Ship Building (扬子江船业)
61 Huang Xi (黄晞) family 7.88 (1.05) 46 Fuxin Group (福信集团)
61 Sun Guangxin (孙广信) 7.88 (1.05) 46 Xinjiang Guanghui (新疆广汇)
63 Tong Jinquan (童锦泉) 7.5 (1.0) 53 Changfeng Real Estate (长峰房地产)
63 Xu Ming (徐明) family 7.5 (1.0) 37 Dalian Haichang (大连实德集团)
63 Zong Qinghou (宗庆后) 7.5 (1.0) 64 Hangzhou Wahaha Group (娃哈哈集团)
63 Ding Lei (丁磊) 7.5 (1.0) 37 Netease (网易)
63 Li Songxiao (郦松校) 7.5 (1.0) 43 Zhongxin Group (中新集团)
Buffett is invested in Exxon Mobil, Petro China with its
connections to Sudan, cow and calf killing dairy products,
Altria tobacco.
Billionaires by grand theft
Proudhon said all property is theft.
Many cultures in the world such as Native American
have been communal in nature.
That aside, there are many billionaires whose income
has been derived by theft from the people
Larry Silverstein: renting the WTC at firesale prices

Neocon network owners lease the public's airwaves
at firesale prices while making cumulatively trillions
Milken: the junk bond king
Bernard Madoff

Billionaire Peter B Lewis, owner of pricegouging Progressive
Insurance, loses in battle with Guggenheim board.

(Lewis has given millions to vivisecting Case Univ. .. the last university in the country to give
up med student dog vivisection. Case
is also the law school home of Michael Scharf, part of
the US illegal execution squad 'legal' team which planned
the murder of Saddam Hussein.)
Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has
been sued by fellow Harvard students who allege
he stole their code when hired to work on their
Harvard Connection.
Billionaires have not yet figured out how to take it with them. God speed to them.
Adolf Merckle, German billionaire, alleged to have committed
suicide over pharmaceutical and other losses.

Zhu Yicai
Chairman of Hong Kong-listed China Yurun, one of China's largest pork processors. China Yurun is one of only a handful of stocks headed by billionaires that actually appreciated in U.S. dollar value in the past year. Zhu also is a major shareholder in Nanjing Central Emporium, a Shanghai-listed department store, and Yurun Dihua, a real estate company. Co-founded Nanjing Yurun Meat Product, a predecessor business to China Yurun, with wife Wu Xueqin in 1993.
Richard Pratt died of prostate cancer in his early 70's.
Aaron Rubashkin, owner of Agriprocessors,
largest kosher slaughterhouse in the US when
raided for hiring 390 illegal Guatemalans
Cedar Rapids, Ia. – The number of illegal immigrants detained Monday in Postville has risen to 390 in what federal officials now describe as the largest single-site raid of its kind nationwide.
Iceland's billionaire has the financial clout to end that country's whale murder
He has tentacles in cellphones throughout Eastern

Burger King to own shares of a Virginia slaughterhouse.

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi.. and meat exports

A slaughterhouse for dairy cows.. who
are shoved with forklifts into fences, who are
kicked, poked repeatedly with clubs


Westland/Hallmark Co in Chino California fined 67
394 outlets of White Castle, fast food chain
selling cow and pig flesh

Dianne Feinstein:

Charles Koch: pricegouging oil pipelines,
Purina Mills, Georgia Pacific earth deforesters, Abcor etc)
1940: Fred Koch co-founds Wood River Oil and Refining Company.
1946: The company acquires Rock Island Oil & Refining Co. in Oklahoma.
1959: The company changes name to Rock Island Oil & Refining.
1959: Fred Koch purchases 35% equity position in Great Northern Oil Company in St. Paul MN for book value, sight-unseen.
1967: Koch's death prompts the company, now led by Charles Koch, to be named Koch Industries in honor of its co-founder.
1969: Charles Koch and J. Howard Marshall II pool equity positions to obtain majority of Great Northern Oil Company. After 100% equity was obtained, the refinery was renamed Koch Refining.
1977: Koch acquires 100% of equity in Abcor and later renamed it as Koch Membrane Systems in 1985
1981: The company acquires refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas, from Sun Oil.
1986: The company acquires the C. Reiss Coal Company.
1989: The company purchases the assets of the John Zink Company.
1992: The company acquires United Gas Pipeline.
1993: Elf Asphalt is acquired.
1997: The company acquires Delhi Group.
1998: Purina Mills is acquired.
1998: The company forms KoSa after acquiring 50 percent ownership of Hoechst's polyester division.
2000: A U.S. Bankruptcy court cancelled out all equity in Purina held by Koch, in order to maintain Purina's viability.
2001: The company partners with Entergy Corporation to form the limited partnership Entergy-Koch, which includes Koch's United Gas Pipeline subsidiary.
2003: Acquired fertilizer division of bankrupt Farmland Industries
2004: Koch acquires the INVISTA fibers and resins business from DuPont. Entergy-Koch is sold.
2005: Koch acquires Industrie Meccaniche di Bagnolo S.p.A. and later renamed it as Koch Heat Transfer Company S.r.l..
2005: Koch acquires Georgia-Pacific, its largest acquisition ever, and surpasses Cargill as the largest privately owned U.S. company.
2005: Koch acquires Puron AG, a water treatment membrane producer from Aachen, Germany[3].
Michael Dell, billionaire of Dell computers, has been receiving kickbacks
from indicted Intel for giving Intel exclusive access to its computers.
Edgar Bronfman Jr is one of those whose work
has resulted in France's illegal internet piracy
bill which allows the music industry without
court action to cancel for a year internet access for anyone suspected
of music piracy
Billionaire Epstein arrested

These Canadian billionaires have the power to end
the seal clubbing in Newfoundland

Which of these 26 pharmaceutical industry
billionaires is involved in vivisection (inflicting
pain on captive animals in alleged research)

One of many businesses linked to mammal killing

Author J K Rowling, born July 31, 1965..
publisher of Harry Potter books
[B][B]Donald Trump says he is worth 6 billion dollars.[/B][/B]

Gambling is one way he has made money
Belisarius' link
sb11 05-25-2009 03:26 PM
Billionaire Accused of ‘Looting’ Posh Montana Club

By Matthew Brown, Associated Press, 04-22-09
MISSOULA – Flamboyant billionaire Tim Blixseth lived the high life as the posh mountain resort he founded for the ultrarich spiraled into bankruptcy.
The timber baron turned luxury resort developer bought plush airplanes, sprawling estates in France, Mexico and Scotland and a private island in the Caribbean.
But creditors say he paid for all of that with a 2005 loan ostensibly meant for the Yellowstone Club, a 13,600-acre private ski resort that counts former Vice President Dan Quayle and Microsoft's Bill Gates among its members.
A civil trial for Blixseth was set to begin Wednesday, with creditors seeking to have the $375 million loan arranged by Credit Suisse declared illegal. They also want Credit Suisse to return to the club $146.4 million in principal and interest already paid.
"Enticed by the riches available from Credit Suisse, the Blixseths chose to breach their fiduciary duties (and) abandon the Yellowstone Club," creditors' attorney Thomas Beckett wrote in documents filed with the court.
In another brief, Beckett described Tim Blixseth as "looting" the club prior to transferring control to his wife, Edra, as part of their divorce settlement last August. The pair built the club in the late 1990s from former U.S. Forest Service land near Yellowstone National Park.
The Yellowstone Club filed for bankruptcy protection in November. Its members and creditors blame Blixseth and Credit Suisse, a Swiss investment bank.
In recent years, Credit Suisse packaged more than $2 billion in loans to at least six luxury resorts now in financial trouble. Some of those deals — including the Yellowstone Club's — were marketed as a way for resort owners to extract massive and early "profit dividends" before the developments were completed.
After the real estate market collapse, the resorts were unable to keep selling property to cover the loans.
Tim Blixseth's attorney contends the money he took from the loans was deserved, and that the bankruptcy was spurred by economic forces outside his control.
Credit Suisse contends there was nothing improper about the deal and that it was approved by numerous attorneys. That included Tim Blixseth's attorney Steven Brown, who now sits on the creditors' committee that is suing Credit Suisse.
The club is up for auction next month, with a starting minimum bid of $100 million.
If the creditors prevail in the lawsuit, any sale proceeds would go to the contractors, utilities, banks, employees and others owed between $25 million and $50 million by the club. Credit Suisse would have to wrangle directly with the Blixseths to reclaim the $307 million it is still owed.
Whether Credit Suisse could get its money back from the Blixseths is uncertain. Edra Blixseth filed for personal bankruptcy last month, while Tim Blixseth has been trying to unload his island in the Turks and Caicos for $75 million.
Descartes 05-25-2009 05:24 PM
SB!!, i've been thinking about this vegan and meat and fruit and nuts and ... I've come to the conclusion.... without the slaughter of the huge number of animals.. there wouldn't be the space for humans to live on the planet... there wouldn't be the food.. vegan only , of course... and if you trained the animals not to eat other animals...... ..
I have a relative that farms and kills something like 27,000 chickens a month and supplies supermarket chains... imagine... if no chickens were killed for six months that would be an additional 162.000 chickens to feed and what would you do with the eggs... procreation.. at about six eggs per day per chicken... WOOOWWWW thats 162000 plus 176,904,000..... wow that's 177,066,000.
After only six months and the ex potential growth on a continuous basis.....
Now, if you train the dogs, wolves, foxes etc not to eat the wild chickens because nobody would want to keep them because they are no longer considered food.... the human race would be over run by chickens within about three years.
I bet if there got hungry.. they would soon eat flesh..
Have you ever considered that with your plans it could be the end of civilisation as we know it?
sb11 05-25-2009 06:41 PM
Dear D, It is not the animals humans do not eat
whose numbers are large but the animals humans raise
for slaughter... if one turns off the faucet of demand
eventually the rivulet dries up
Descartes 05-25-2009 07:23 PM
It's animal natural reaction to breed... a few billion won;t disappear overnight and won't reduce to a sensible level quickly... if you every looked after Chickens... you will know the rate of egg production and as you espouse these are not eaten...
sb11 05-26-2009 02:32 AM
Dear D, the disappearance of carriage horses was a
very gradual thing
Steven Schwartzman... major crook

John Huntsman's polystyrene, with Arco and
Shell providing the loans
Longterm exposure to styrene has effects on the central nervous system: headache, fatigue, weakness, and depression, central nervous
system dysfunction, hearing loss, and peripheral neuropathy. an increased frequency of spontaneous abortions, leukemia, lymphoma.
Beatrice Foods holdings ..most owned now by
Through the 1980s, Beatrice was a co-defendant alongside W. R. Grace and Company in a class-action lawsuit re Riley Tannery, a division of Beatrice Foods, had dumped toxic waste contaminating an underground aquifer that supplied drinking water to East Woburn, Massachusetts. The case became the subject of the popular book and film A Civil Action with John Travolta. The EPA later found both companies responsible.
sb11 05-28-2009 09:56 AM
Before her death, Joan Kroc, widow of the founder of
McDonald's, wrote to a McDonald's boycott coalition
wishing them success. She was an animal lover
sb11 05-28-2009 12:31 PM
It is ironic that Mormons are encouraged to store food,
since the cattle concentration camps of the LDS
are a cause of famine, drought and world hunger.
The Mormon Church's Florida ranching operations
(300,000 acres) are one factor in the harmful
drying of the Everglades, drought in Florida,
and global heating.
Deseret Ranches refers to the ranching operations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Florida. The Ranches include several organizations. Some are Deseret Ranches of Florida, Deseret Cattle and Citrus, Taylor Creek Management, East Central Florida Services, Agreserves, and Farmland Reserve. Located 7 miles (11 km) east of the Orlando International Airport Deseret Ranches was one of the largest cow-calf ranches in the United States in 2001. This ranch, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Florida, spreads over the three central Florida counties of Osceola, Orange, and Brevard. Covering almost 300,000 acres (1200 km²) of land Deseret Ranch is home to 90 ranchers, their families, and 44,000 cows (described by the
LDS as 'head of cattle'.)

Descartes 05-28-2009 06:29 PM
Before her death, Joan Kroc, widow of the founder of
McDonald's, wrote to a McDonald's boycott coalition
wishing them success. She was an animal lover
Link, Please
sb11 05-28-2009 08:45 PM
Dear D, I sent you a pm
America's 100 biggest landowners

King Ranch Heirs 851,642 acres number 6 of 100
Its principal competitors:
Principal Competitors
AzTx Cattle Company; Cactus Feeders Inc.; Lykes Bros. Inc.
#84 Desiree Moore 105,000 acres
Wallace McCain, Canadian billionaire .. invested
in Maple Leaf Foods, a name which veils
its slaughterhouse operations
Forced out of McCain Foods' day-to-day operations in the 1990s after a family feud; remains vice chairman and still has a one-third stake in the world's largest producer of frozen french fries. Took over meat processor Maple Leaf Foods in 1995, where son Michael is chief. Stock off this year on the news of a meat recall and the shuttering of a Nova Scotia poultry plant.
sb11 05-28-2009 09:53 PM
Jeffrie Lurie, a billionaire from ownership of the Philadelphia
Eagles. Formerly he had a film production company
and produced commercials. Virtually every owner
of a professional sports team makes money from
the sale of animal flesh at the stadium.

sb11 06-02-2009 01:48 PM
"Economic crises have been produced by us by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." - It would appear
that the big bankster thieves have withheld the money
they were fraudulently given to reward their
megapurloining ..they have been robbin
the hood... where are the Robin Hoods?
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We.. control America, and the Americans know it." -Cattle Rancher and Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
These 2 quotes were on the front page of Rense Radio,
run by vegan Jeff Rense [url]

sb11 06-02-2009 05:25 PM
Billionaire Harold Simmons funded, in concert with
coconspirators in the Republican Party, the Swift Boat
ads libelous to the career of John Kerry, who was
elected by the people of the US in 2004.
sb11 06-04-2009 10:27 PM
Crooks at Bank of America bought Countrywide for 10 cents
on the dollar. Countrywide was one of countless firms
involved in subprime loans. Will Bank of America avoid
Countrywide's liability?
sb11 06-05-2009 01:27 PM
While the Nobel Committee gave a peace prize to the UN environmental committee for promoting vegetarian diet and other antidotes to global heating, nearly billionaire Henry Paulson has been put on the board of the International Monetary
Fund, a group which has funded ecocidal animal
slaughter around the world, spreading human disease,
global heating with its disastrous temperature swings,
animal agony, energy waste, famine.
When he wore 2 hats, first as CEO of Goldman Sachs
and then as president of Nature Conservancy,
he introduced cattle into the wilderness shrines of NC,
adding to global heating, causing deforestation,
reducing biological diversity.
Goldman Sachs has always been a major investor
in war profiteering, slaughterhouses, ecocidal ventures.
As US Secretary of the
Treasury, he arranged a heist of trillions to Greenberg's
AIG, Goldman Sachs, and other bankster gangsters.
1 short sentence describing one of the 5 biggest heists
in world history.
He used the IRS as snoops to frame Gov Eliot Spitzer
for his private sex life (call girl).. , an abuse of federal
power which rivals the acts of Karl Rove and Ken Starr.
Why did Paulson frame Spitzer? Spitzer's prosecution
of the worst of Wall St, including Greenberg's AIG and
the Goldman Sachs of which Paulson had been head.
Libertarians believe that Spitzer's private sex life is no
business of the government, nor is his wire transfer
of money.
He is said to be a birdwatcher. The link below says he
plans to donate his .82 billion dollar wealth to
an environmental charity. His daughter as well
is involved in the now contaminated Nature Conservancy,
with its new links to S American cattle barons.

sb11 06-05-2009 05:15 PM
Billionaire Steve Rattner
Steven "Steve" Lawrence Rattner is a private equity investor, one of the four founding partners of the private investment firm Quadrangle Group, which invests media and communications companies globally. The other 3 are
Joshua S t e i n e r, (for some reason his name
was asterisked out) Peter Ezersky and David Tanner. Rattner is Obama's car czar. Rattner started as a reporter with The New York Times, first at the Washington bureau, where he became close friends with Times' ownership-family member Arthur Sulzberger, who also was at the time working as a reporter; and then at the London bureau. Subsequently, Rattner quit journalism and joined Morgan Stanley, where he founded their Communications Group. In 1989 he joined Lazard as a General Partner; he founded their Media and Communications Group. In 1997 he became Lazard's deputy chairman and Deputy CEO, a new position. He stepped down from those positions in 1999, and left Lazard in 2000, with three other partners in that firm, to found the Quadrangle Group.
In January 2008 it was reported that, through his friendship with Rattner, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's extensive business interests were placed in "a sort of blind trust" because of Bloomberg's possible run for the presidency. Bloomberg would "continue to have control of and access to certain investment decisions."[2] Quadrangle will continue with its responsibilities for Bloomberg after Rattner's departure for the Treasury position. Bloomberg also strongly endorsed Rattner's Treasury appointment.
Rattner is married to Maureen White, the former National Finance Chair for the Democratic Party. He has four children.
(Bloomberg chose to make his 'blind trust'
a trust controlled by himself.)
Joshua S t e i n e r was chief of staff at US
Treasury Dept before becoming part of Quadrangle.
A Platinum Class Heist
Steve Rattner's latest deal (not ratified by a bankruptcy
court) is attempting to arrange that Platinum Equity
of California pay a mere 750 million dollars for Delphi,
GM"s auto part chain... with the US poor subsidizing
2.8 billion of the rest
sb11 06-05-2009 11:41 PM

Sanford Weill
Warren Buffett's barbaric Outdoor Life Network
is now called Versus, but through his Comcast
it still promotes brutality.
In the starscript playing in the heavens
Orion, the hunter, is stung by the Scorpion,
the karmic return for stalking innocent
animals in the woods
sb11 06-05-2009 11:50 PM
Dov Zakheim who with Rumsfeld pulled off perhaps the
biggest theft of all time..the 3.4
trillion dollar heist (funds missing from the Pentagon)
at the same time that he needed money for his
remote control or drone plane company... now
wants to lecture the American people


sb11 06-05-2009 11:55 PM
Jewish billionaires club [url]

by: Leslie Bunder
(this information is out of date and does not
include many who are billionaires)
Successful Jews from across the globe have made it to the annual Forbes billionaires issue.
According to the business magazine, there are now 946 billionaires in the world and among them are Jewish people from the USA, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom and Israel.
Richest Jew is casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. The 73-year-old who owns The Venetian in Las Vegas is worth $26.5bn and is the sixth wealthiest person on the planet.
Coming in at number 11 is Oracle boss Larry Ellison with a worth of $21.5bn.
Chelsea Football Club owner and Russian oil magnate Roman Abramovitch, has a worth of $18.7bn.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin, aged 33 is one of the youngest billionaires with a worth of $16.6bn.
Michael Dell, founder of the computer giant that bears his name is at number 30 on the Forbes list with a worth of $15.8bn. Just below him at 31 is Microsoft chief executive Steven Ballmer with a worth of $15bn.
Another Russian, metals tycoon Oleg Deripaska has a worth of $13.3bn.
Other Jews who have a worth of $10bn or less include Sumner Redstone, who famously sacked Tom Cruise from his Paramount film studio has a worth of $8bn.
British retail tycoon Sir Philip Green owner of BHs and Top Shop has a worth along with his wife Christina of $7bn.
Financial services owner Joseph Safra from Brazil is worth $6bn while his brother Moise is worth $2.9bn.
Esther Koplowitz from Spain is worth $5.6bn while her sister Alicia is worth $5bn.
Fashion tycoon Ralph Lauren has a worth of $5bn, the same as South African precious gems magnate Nicky Oppenheimer and his family.
New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg who founded the financial news organisation that bears his name is worth $5.5bn.
Music and entertainment mogul David Geffen comes in with a worth of $4.7bn.
UK Property owners David & Simon Reuben are worth $4.5bn.
Israel's Stef Wertheimer & family have a worth of $4.4bn, Shari Arison $4.3bn, Lev Leviev $4.1bn, Yitzhak Tshuva $4bn, Sammy Ofer & family $3.9bn and Arnon Milchan $3bn.
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg is worth $3bn.
Sharing 754th joint place are two Brits. Travelex founder Lloyd Dorfman is worth $1.3bn while media tycoon and owner of OK! magazine Richard Desmond is worth $1.3bn.
sb11 06-08-2009 12:51 PM
These oil billionaires are a factor in the atrocities of Iraq
and Afghanistan.

Dan Duncan Texas oilman, violated Russian air space hunting endangered
animals from a helicopter
Charles Koch also funder of the prowar Cato Inst.
George Kaiser
Leonard Blavatnik
Richard Kinder
Sid Bass
T Boone Pickens... good on wind energy, good on mustang protection..
but a pricegouger
sb11 06-08-2009 10:23 PM
List of wealthiest 10 Arab billionaires:
Allah made oil and these billionaires think it is theirs
and not the people's:
1. Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia; $20.3 billion.
2. Nasser Al-Kharafi & family of Kuwait; $11.5 billion.
3. Naguib Sawiris of Egypt; $10 billion.
4. Mohammed Al-Amoudi of Saudi Arabia; $8 billion.
5. Abdul Aziz Al-Ghurair & family of UAE; $8 billion.
6. Maan Al-Sanea of Saudi Arabia; $7.5 billion.
7. Sulaiman Al-Rajhi of Saudi Arabia; $7.4 billion.
8. Onsi Sawiris of Egypt; $5 billion.
9. Saleh Al-Rajhi of Saudi Arabia; $4.4 billion.
10. Nassef Sawiris of Egypt; $3.9 billion.
sb11 06-08-2009 11:14 PM
past and present British billionaires
Mike Ashley
Nadhmi Auchi
David and Frederick Barclay
Octav Botnar
Richard Branson
Charles Cadogan, 8th Earl Cadogan
Clive Calder
John Caudwell
Richard Desmond
Mark Dixon (businessman)
James Dyson
Bernie Ecclestone
James Goldsmith (hostile takeover artist... one of
those who forced Goodyear to sell its Aerospace division
... whose missile technology ended up with the Chinese)
Philip Green
Albert Gubay
Simon Halabi
Jonathan Harmsworth
Tom Hunter
Mo Ibrahim
Nasser David Khalili
Alexei Kuzmichov
Bernard Lewis (entrepreneur)
Joe Lewis (British businessman)
Terry Matthews
Ken Morrison
Tony O'Reilly
Swaraj Paul
Jim Ratcliffe
Hans Rausing
Kirsten Rausing
David and Simon Reuben
J. K. Rowling
David Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Turville
Michael Spencer
Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster
sb11 06-09-2009 01:17 PM
this is an out of date list 2001... nevertheless informative [url]

33 Energy Billionaires
Billionaire Company Net Worth ($bil)
Marvin Davis Davis Petroleum $4.5
James, Arthur and John Irving Irving Oil 4.4
Lee Marshall Bass Bass Management 4.3
Sid Richardson Bass Bass Management 3.8
Charles de Ganahl Koch Koch Industries 3.2
David Hamilton Koch Koch Industries 3.2
Robert Muse Bass Lone Star Technologies (nyse: LSS - news - people ) 3.0
David Rockefeller Sr. Family oil fortune 2.5
Robert Rowling Investments in Pacific Gas and Electric (nyse: PCG - news - people ) and Texaco (nyse: TX - news - people ) 2.5
Mikhail Khordorkovsky Yukos Oil 2.4
Gordon Peter Getty Family oil fortune 2.3
Ray Lee Hunt Hunt Oil 2.3
George B. Kaiser Kaiser Francis Oil and BOK Financial (nasdaq: BOKF - news - people ) 2.3
Richard Edward Rainwater Crescent Reit (nyse: CEI - news - people ) 1.9
Vladimir Potanin Norilsk Nickel, Tyumen Oil 1.8
Roger W. Sant AES (nyse: AES - news - people ) 1.7
Dennis Bakke AES 1.6
Perry Richardson Bass Bass Management 1.6
Vladimir Bogdanov Surgutneftegaz Oil 1.6
George Phydias Mitchell Mitchell Energy and Development (nyse: MND - news - people ) 1.6
Didier Primat Schlumberger (nyse: SLB - news - people ) 1.6
Richard Kinder Kinder Morgan (nyse: KMI - news - people ) 1.5
Laurance Spellman Rockefeller Family oil fortune 1.5
Rem Viakhirev Former CEO of Gazprom 1.5
Roman Abramovich Sibneft Oil and Russian Aluminum 1.4
Robert C. McNair Cogen Technologies 1.4
Vagit Alekperov Lukoil 1.3
E. Pierce Marshall Koch Industries 1.3
Mikhail Fridman Alfa Group 1.3
Edward Perry Bass Bass Management 1.2
Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Family oil fortune 1.2
Viktor Chernomyrdin Gazprom 1.1
John Todd and family Todd Energy 1.0
Telecommunications warmonger billionaires include
Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone.
Irony: warmonger, govt briber, deforester, pornographer,
unionbuster Rupert Murdoch's newspaper
lectures others on the democracy which his very
career has reduced in Australia, the UK, Canada, the US,
China and everywhere his Nazi footprint has
stepped. Who has flouted the FDR created rules
of the FCC, that there be no ownership of both newspaper
and media in the same city? Murdoch Who has flouted the
FDR created rules of the FCC that only 1 tv station
be held in an area? Murdoch now controls 39% of
the publicly owned airwaves which he leases at
firesale prices, making billions while paying pennies