For those of us following the Hollie Greig case, it is particularly shocking that when challenged about the lack of action from Scotland’s prosecutors and the police, instead of a statement from the Lord Advocate stating her position, a persistent stream of threatening letters from a Mr Callum Anderson of Scottish law firm, Levy & McRae have been issued on her behalf.
The question that sprung to my mind when I saw these communications was, what is Ms Angiolini, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, afraid of that she feels the need to hide behind solicitors letters?
And then, a kind member of the public pointed us to a previous incident reported on by the Telegraph, involving Ms Angiolini in her role as Procurator Fiscal for Grampian, Highlands and Islands.
This was the case of a ten year old girl who had alleged she had been sexually abused by a male relative. The case was delayed by Ms Angiolini, and by the time it came before a Sheriff, it was deemed that too much time had passed, and that the case could not be heard – it had taken Ms Angiolini three years to process the case.
The girl involved was left devastated, and an “apology” was issued by Ms Angiolini.
But there is another fact that jumps right off the page when reading about this incident – the Sheriff who heard the case was none other than Sheriff Buchanan, the very Sheriff implicated in the abuse of Hollie Greig.
We now have two distinct cases of alleged paedophilia, involving the same officials of the Judiciary in Scotland, where a perversion of the course of justice seems to have taken place. Are there others, I wonder?
As a final aside, Levy & McRae still refuse to say whether they are acting for Ms Angiolini the person, or Ms Angiolini the Lord Advocate, and whether or not Scottish taxpayer money is being used to fund Mr Anderson’s threats.
Watch the videos here of Robert green’s expose.