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Animal Rights : Female infiltrator sabotages Keith Mann home and computer

In solidarity | 22.12.2009 16:57 | Stop Sequani Animal Testing | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Repression | South Coast | World

Someone from Animal Rights has sabotaged the computer of Keith Mann, stealing thousands of photos, documents, AR prisoners details. A woman who got very close to Keith Mann, who other AR people trusted and who had access to the computer etc has sabotaged everything leaving the website From Dusk Until Dawn ruined and without content. Keith has said : "How did I get it so wrong?"

We support you Keith and this could have happened to anybody. You have done nothing wrong by trusting this evil woman who still hangs around AR circles and is known to many and probably trusted by them too.

This shows that all of us should be more vigilant about letting people into our computers, homes, activist offices, social centres etc. Even of we are working perfectly legally there are those from the pharmaceutical industry, fur farms, meat factories etc who will seek us out, pose as activists, set up fake groups, spy on us and inform on us in a calculated attempt to stop us. This is a war we are fighting on behalf of the defenceless and the people such as the woman who befriended Keith with the sole intention of sabotaging him are simply evil people who have been paid in most cases to sabotage and destroy.

When this happens we should learn from it but dust ourselves down and carry on as Keith is doing....the website is back up and running!

Support Keith and if you have any AR demo and action photos etc to send for the website then send them to him.

In solidarity


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Was it Kerry?

22.12.2009 17:22

Would not be surprised if it was.

just wondering.....


22.12.2009 18:04

Please post picture and name of said person, so she can't trick others.


it was not

22.12.2009 19:13

it was not kerry, i know this for sure. this woman is based in the south west

knows who

its sad, but true

22.12.2009 19:44

that our movements are spied on and targeted by many agents from many backgrounds and paid by various corporate or governMEnot funding.

These people are sick. below the rank of grass or snitch, they are 'agent of lies' ...the almost mythical....yet this example of this woman - who i dont know, and also dont know full facts - is another fine example of their horrible handy work.

its hard to ascertain who is friend and foe, especially when the line is fine, leaving it hard to figure out when to trust and when to avoid.

a photo of this woman,with more facts would be good.


avoid those - in our circles - that know your name but have never, to your knowledge, been introduced to you. police sometimes use this tactic to scare people or assume they will get paranoid. Sometimes they literally get your name unwittingly or accidentally, and are nothing to worry about, yet be careful if they use it assertively upon first meeting you, ie. with no explanation or even embarrasement at using it. it happens usually as a slip of their tongue, rather than on purpose.

Spies are often unashamed to say what they think. Remember, they are operating from a point of view of ALWAYS deceiving you, ALWAYS. Never will the lies and manipulation stop. I always recall a man who used to stop me at the very last minute on a number of actions, and his disruption would often lead to the action being called off or unsuccessful.classic agent/spy handy work - failing the mission consecutively. I fell out with him, gladly, and he left and ive never seen him again.

So spies will use bold methods, even ones that raise immediate suspicions. Agents are sometimes skilled in using assertiveness and boldness to ward of suspicions, for example by accusing others and leading 'spy finding mobs/talks'. Be vigilant.

People who suddenly appear in your life, particularly after an 'event', like demo or festie. Be careful not to confuse with genuine randoms in life.
But spies are not randoms. They will know things you know, they will automatically like everything you do, except they may cleverly start arguments to appear 'independently minded', while all the while wanting to stay part of the group and will want to know everything everyone is doing - unless they are targeting one particular person or room, space. they will use all methods available to them. mobiles, internet, phone boxes, letters and notes through doors. they will want to see and read and talk about everything, again, unless they are after 'one target' or space, then they will gather whatever they need.

They will forge links with others, close to you/affinity group, then hold on to that position within the circle and hope to get themselves into a position of 'worth', ie. by being an 'important' cog in the group/action/inner circle. Yes the line is fine, when choosing who is friend and who is foe, but sometimes we need to gamble and not be afraid to avoid people we mistrust or suggest to someone else that person A or person B is a spy. I did this recently when i asked a founder member of a militant group about another member of their group, the founder member said. 'no, he's never a grass or spy, he's hardcore. he hates the police' but then i just got suspicious about both of them!!

ALWAYS suspect the people who are 'hardcore' or founding/controlling/organising members. it doesn't mean they are, its just that spies like to be these people - thats where the information is waiting to be collected and passed on.its ok to trust no one!

Information gathering is the work of spies. so one of the best ways to avoid spies and therefore being spied on successfully, is to try to have as little information in your home/office/shelves and cupboards as possible, so that if you are spied on, there's nothing of any worth for them to send back.
without information, spies are nothing. tell the ones you suspect dis-information. tell them a date for a demo is the wrong date. see what happens. dont be afraid to offend people as you play 'spy catcher'.

if you are underground, make sure you are truly underground. no state involvement, no giro's no bank accounts, no taxes no wages no real documents, only fake names and leave no dna, stay hidden, stay on the ball. anyone 'active' who does not take real measures to stay underground, will one day be spied on or in the group of someone who is and could be found out about.

dont be afraid to check peoples 'legends' - their personal history as far as you can ascertain - and never be afraid to tell someone you suspect them. their reaction is important to figuring out if they really are or not. i once accused a man of being a spy and his friend roared with laughter - the thought of it made them laugh so much. after realising - and finding out more facts - they were dedicated activists, i learned a valuable lesson - dont be afraid to ask or accuse someone of being a spy...their reaction will have the answer!

if someone says their mother lives in such and such, go there, unanounced, knock on and pretend to be looking for a dog - even if this means travelling far. see if they fit the bill and info you were told. is the persons mum even the same person?
some spies are better than others. particularly mi5 and mi6, mossad and cia for example. these are the experts, but they are not 'perfect' agencies.
anything involving human interaction can be manipulated by all 'sides', they have weak spots, that can be identified and played with.for example, when FIT are taking snaps, make your self disguised constantly. it will piss them off. they will see you and yet not quite know what you look like.
they will more than likely stop you - this is an example of 'state superiority frustration', this is when they are so pissed off with what you are doing they literally tell people they are a spy. for example, sitting in a group, say something like, in all seriousness, 'lets kill a cop'. see who reacts like a cop. you'll get the hang of it. its a tricky game to play. others will dialogue you with intelligent arguments. these should be watched too. spies often show their 'state superiority frustration' during protests and riots, leading to heavy handed responses from riot cops and undercovers. they also show it during arguments.

remember, not everyone is a spy...but somebody is!!

its a lonely existence looking for spies and agents and pigs...but you get used to it.

anyway, im waffling, be vigilant!!

PS. one of the ways to figure out if your anti-spy methods work, is to figure out when your actions have gone wrong, or if you have been in danger of being manipulated/arrested.


Really damaging

22.12.2009 20:46

There are a number of women AR activists this could be – I can think of one obvious candidate – and unless you actually identify this person ‘based in the south west’ it could cause a lot of innocent women activists to be wrongly accused.


don't start accusing every female in south west

22.12.2009 22:46

What would be really damaging would be to go on a witch hunt and start accusing people. In Keith's blog he says that she is not a threat to everyone else

stop the witch hunt

The Truth

22.12.2009 22:56

I know exactly what has gone on - there is no infiltrator, no-one has sabotaged his computer, these things are being said maliciously purely because Keith's original website was removed by the person who gave it to him as a favour. This was someone who no longer wanted to work with Keith because they recieved no thanks, no respect and no contribution for the work, hosting costs or anthing related to the running of the site over a period of two years. Nothing has been stolen as all content, photos etc. was orginally sent by Keith in the first place so he would obviously still have it! Whoever has written these comments should get their facts right. Printing malicious lies like these based on heresay regarding a personal fall-out makes Indymedia's "news" reporting look farcical. These false accusations against a true animal rights person can only in turn put more animals lives at risk.



22.12.2009 23:09

There are a lot of rumours circulating - mainly by text - tonight about who she is. I think, given the seriousness of the allegations, give a clear explanation of her motives.


Fabricated nonsense!

23.12.2009 00:02

This "story" is complete nonsense! I am the person that designed, hosted and updated Keith Mann's original web site. The site was withdrawn (by myself) after 2 years because of personal disagreements with Keith Mann. Keith had several weeks' notice that the site would be removed, and another web designer was supposedly lined up to do a new site. Every word and photo on the original site was supplied by Keith himself, so he still has them all and they will no doubt appear on his new site if they're not there already (I also offered to send copies of them back to him if he had lost/deleted any of them since sending them to me). Only my own graphical design of the original site was "lost", which is easily reproduced by another web designer. Quite why these lies are being spread is beyond me. Whether it is petty vindictiveness, genuine delusion and paranoia, or simply a misguided attempt to drum up some publicity, they only serve to undermine the movement and the legitimacy of news sites such as this.

mail e-mail: david@thethinkshop.co.uk

original blog

23.12.2009 00:16

Has anyone seen Keith's original blog reporting on this event? It reads differently to this article. Although his site was sabotaged wrongly it was not done so in the way that has been reported here


Inside The Sabotage Of The From Dusk 'til Dawn website

23.12.2009 00:59

I wasn’t going to name this woman but will do so now that more lies are being told about this affair and since I’m accused of lying. Whatever, there can be no justification for trashing an AR website.

Early 2007 I asked Rolanda Ware (aka Rolanda Celina) if she could help with creating a website and typesetting the book for printing. I have all our correspondence since then which I will now happily share with anyone who wants it. This includes recorded phone conversations with her new husband, James, who has now appeared publicly claiming I have lied. In these calls he does nothing but lie and stresses repeatedly that none of this had anything to do with me but was the fault of the three of them. He is quite disrespectful and rude toward David in these calls, he also tries to cover up for Rolanda’s role in all of this and tries to blame David for everything. This didn’t wash with me for a moment hence the need to record everything.

I have a long list of emails from me to Rolanda over 18 months in which I show quite enough gratitude for the work she did in helping to build this project. Similarly there are many where I try to wrestle control of the website even offering to buy it off them. I was given no warning by any of them that the site was being taken down I was never offered the codes or images or anything back. It was all stolen and some material looks like it has gone for good as nothing has ever been offered back. David emailed me finally on August 31 2009 to tell me that he had removed the site and left up one page because “obviously my loyalties are with Rolanda”.

Here are some quotes from my numerous emails to her:

"I have the utmost respect for you for what you do for the animals (and for me..."

"I am eternally grateful to you for everything you have done"

"you should be proud of what you are doing for the animals"

“Hey, Please thank David for the updates and for all he does do on the website. I am grateful just keen to make it the best and most up to date site and am about to do an email alert to draw attention to the POW's and latest blog and hopefully generate some sales. ”

I remain grateful for her input back then but am equally disgusted by her attack on the site over what she perceives as ingratitude from me. I did pay her for her time even though wages were never agreed and I praised her endlessly as this was clearly necessary. She claims the person responsible for sabotaging the website is her friend David Fricker. Indeed he was the one managing it and he found it hard going keeping up with my updates as he freely admitted as you can see from the last email he sent to me just before Rolanda told him to pull it, or as she puts it “had to say something” to David to stop him being used for a project they both willingly worked on and refused to give over.

I asked repeatedly over the 18 months to be given more control of my website partly due to the problems it was causing them and due to the time it was taking for them to update things. This was always denied for various reasons not least that they would try harder to keep on top of it.

This from 23/08/2008 from Keith to Rolanda a year before it was trashed by her:

“Hey, Can we sort this website thing out so I can upload stuff. Its no ones fault but its taking us too long to update and the news is old. I've more material to add but am reluctant to keep sending it in case its adding to problems. I'm in the best position I'm ever likely to be to get on top of everything just now so will happily relieve the pressure from everyone else. Shall I speak to David or are you able? I'm happy to.x”)
This from Keith to David on 16 August 2009 a few days before the site was sabotaged. At this point I had no idea this was going to happen. In fact it was only after it was taken down and a page left up linking From Dusk til Dawn to another site that I noticed it had gone:

“Hi David

I'm grateful for this contact and for the Guestbook fixture. This is a big help thanks.

I have never understated Rolanda's work and have told her of my gratitude often. I have given her money and offered more but the problem seems to be with the way I have asked her for things over the past year or so, essentially since I took a back seat and started caring for Alice and not money although that is the overriding theme of her complaints

I'm not sure how to go with the updated sections on the website. I'm anxious about maintaining it and indeed improving it so there are more news and campaign updates posted more regularly. I fully appreciate your position and am ever grateful for the work you have done all this time. The website makes me as proud as the book does..... I have to keep it growing but I hope you get a feel for what this project is achieving. What do I need to do to rearrange the prisoner listing section as a starting point? To be honest my instinct is to wait and hope you can juggle the numbers in the not too distant future so I can control this thing as desired… Could we agree that I pay you to give me the control I need of the website updates? For your time. I know this wont be cheap to have to ask as for me it's the best solution and could suit you too maybe?"

From Rolanda to Keith 29 08 09

I have no "motive" for making anything worse, I simply don't want to correspond with you anymore. The website is the straw that broke the camel's back… I was not prepared to see David get taken for granted too and had to say something. You know the work for the website became too much for me to fit in because I told you.

I am unsure to this day exactly what caused her to behave in this way and cannot accept that removing an animal rights resource is an appropriate response to her personal feelings.

Here are snippets from the beginning:

----- Original Message -----
From: Rolanda Ware
To: keith
March 02, 2007 9:54 PM

Web design doesn't come cheap but if you wanted it my friend would do you a site for very little as a favour... x

----- Original Message -----
From: Rolanda Ware
To: keith
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 11:34 PM

Just been talking to my friend David and he asked re: typesetting, can you find out if you are able to do the typesetting yourself and give the publishers a ready-to-print PDF or post script file? Seems like you are being ripped off here and it would be cheaper to buy specialised software and typeset it yourself, or I could help.

Re: the website, that work is no problem at all and would still only take a few days to do if it was concentrated on by David and me. The site would need to be hosted somewhere which costs around £5 a month. David said he'll design the site for nothing (well, he did ask for a few complimentary copies of the book!) since it's for you.

18 months later just before she pulled the site down David was responding to my emails and begun to give me access to update things for myself the Guestbook at least. All our correspondence was polite and respectful and as far as I can see there was no animosity between David and I. His actions were clearly motivated by Rolanda.

(8/8/09) From David to Keith:
Hi Keith,
Firstly, I'm sorry that your relationship with Rolanda has degenerated like it has.
Unfortunately, I have the same problem that we all have these days of time seeming to just evaporate, so I have struggled to keep the site up to date. It wasn't really designed with constant updates in mind, so the news and campaigns for instance are hard-wired into the raw markup code on the site rather than stored in a database (which makes updating the site much more time-consuming). I've always intended to re-work those bits of it so that you could have a screen for inputting news stories etc yourself, but like I said, time has always eluded me so it hasn't been done.

Like I said, hopefully I'll have time soon to revamp the site and put the news etc back, as a database-driven feature, though I can't guarantee any timeframe cos of the way things are for me at the moment.
Hope this clarifies things for you.

And from me to David on 16 August 2009:

“From looking over all the messages I have sent in this time I can't see what I have done to offend her. For the last 18 months I've been caring for Alice 24/7 and so I've been less active than is the norm and so perhaps I have sent more emails but they don't seem to me to be rude or disrespectful. I have apologised regardless and she is going to clarify it soon I guess. This has created an incredible amount of negativity that we could all do without and seems to be over a lack of communication. Anyway, while I don't really want to go over the fine detail of my life I feel the need to delve a little now as I am deeply hurt by the way I have been judged and this thing handled by her. I am personally financially broken after 18 months caring for Alice who is my central focus, paying for treatment, transport and plenty else with no freedom to work makes finding spare cash a struggle right now. I am more than happy to pay you whatever I owe you and will do so. I have book reprint money saved but this is so fragile a resource I am afraid to dip in to it and end up with the book going out of print but if you bear with me a little while I will sort this out or do just that.”

There is plenty more of this but whatever it is I am supposed to have done to upset Rolanda there can be no justification for doing what was done here and then lie about it to try and discredit me.

Keith Mann
mail e-mail: puppypincher@yahoo.co.uk
- Homepage: http://www.fromdusktildawn.org.uk

Copies of the old website should be at archive.org

23.12.2009 01:34

 http://www.archive.org aka the Wayback Machine has snapshots of old websites going back several years. You can probably recover a lot of information from there.


Moderators delete this

23.12.2009 01:41

This is obviously a personal disagreement and nothing more. Keith, you have produced no evidence of anyone sabotaging your site so why are you publicly criticising people who have worked so hard for you?


Not Justified

23.12.2009 01:52

It is sad that people would remove an animal rights website. I do not understand why they would remove campaign information, prisoner contact details and other important information. It is clearly not keith's words at the core of this original post. He did not publicly name anyone or criticize anyone, only stated that it was sabotaged until he was attacked for just saying my site was sabotaged, if only to explain why From Dusk 'til Dawn disappeared for a couple of months! I see nothing wrong with this



23.12.2009 02:55

You mean work so hard to sabotage the site Tod?


Let's ask David Ike

23.12.2009 08:54

I'm sure that Dave can save us!

Purple Track Suit


23.12.2009 09:01

Obviously anyone can see you have changed your story Keith. It now pans out that this is all just about a disagreement. The web guy has said that nobody has "stolen" your website content because you sent it in the first place. Duh! Cherry picking emails which you can edit anyway is not going to fool anyone. Clearly nothing to do with an infiltrator or someone who couldn't be trusted because she "got too close" and hardly what can be called sabotage! You need to get over it and grow up.


Friend of Keith Mann

23.12.2009 09:13

Keith I do trust you but I think you have gone too far this time. I have seen the change in you over the last two years. It all seems to be about David Icke and other conspiracy theories. It does no good for animal rights to use your well known name to blacken another animal rights person's character. You should keep personal squabbles to yourself Keith.


keith did not make this public, he was forced too

23.12.2009 09:54

Remember Keith did not make this public, others did, he just mentioned that it was sabotaged and now he has been accused and cornered to have to say something. He even said publicly that this is a private affair and he didn't want to do his 'dirty washing' in public. Whatever the method it was sabotaged



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