This is usually because people are using FB as a campaigning and networking tool and are eager to spread campaign messages.
Disreputable people [for legal reason we will say these people are acting alone] who go on to Facebook "on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry" for example have in one known case [and this is still ongoing] made hundreds of Facebook and myspace profiles using other people's photos.
While law abiding people are unaware that their photos are being used, cyberstalkers are using the photos of such innocent and law abiding members of the public to spy upon, harrass, threaten stalk and abuse activists. One anti activists cyber stalker has made thousands of fake profiles and encouraged frineds to do the same. They have in some cases bombarded activists with messages, hate mail and misleading messages etc on campaign pages.
One activist has been the subject of a relentless and nasty cyberstalking attack that is part of a real life hate campaign. An office, house and car were broken into by the cyberstalkers who then sent messages detailing names and addresses of family members, home details and threats to "stop campaigning or else" which is all very nasty. This was re-itereated via hundreds of fake profiles. Some of the threats were sexaul and many violently threatening. Some of the threats were carried out.
As one can imagine...the police interest in this was negligable. Negligance in other words. Had an activist done something on this scale to an HLS worker it would be different.
While there might not be much we can do without becoming completely paranoid or being led to stop campaigning I think that there should be some kind of safeguard by FB to protect young people and women from this sort of thing...although it will probably just end up being used by the police against us.
If you are a parent [ESPECIALLY if you are the parent of a teen activist!!]- CHECK what young people are up to online...chances are you paid for the computer and it's installation, bills etc's up to you!
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29.10.2009 02:06
Like psychopathy, it is a human flaw that affects everyone, and I'm not sure if there is really any more child abuse than there was 50 years ago, but be constantly careful while ignoring the hype.
10% of Scotlands prisoners are sex offenders, and the vasat majority of sex-offenders aren't convicted. Fucking any child is rape. If you feel yourself likely of rape then suicide is the least painful option.
These weirdos should have their computers confiscated.
29.10.2009 02:24
Imagine the headline "NETCU / HLS used my photo to harrass activists"
29.10.2009 02:27
If someone is doing this then the police should take the person's computer away. What else will be on it?
29.10.2009 11:12
What happened to that girl is tragic, it's sad and disturbing, but don't twist it to sow bizarre sexist scaremongering about deep cover NETCU paedo fascists coming after any young female anarchists they can. Organisations with ulterior motives use social networking sites to gather information, sure. People get hurt and killed by predators they meet on the internet. They're two separate issues. There are plenty of good reasons for activists to get off facebook and myspace, but it being by default too dangerous a place for female activists is paternalist, sexist and I get enough of that shit when I'm making the tea.
Wired UK: Policing the Facebook extremists
29.10.2009 12:27
Policing the Facebook extremists
By CJ Davies|06 October 2009
Would not dream of using real details on Facebook
29.10.2009 12:44
Pointless scaremongering.
Over the top scaremongering
29.10.2009 13:54
For example :
"One anti activists cyber stalker has made thousands of fake profiles ......"
Do you really believe this ??
Thousands of profiles? So in other words, one person has over 1000 email addresses and passwords for Facebook ? - I simply do not believe it.
This does not take away from the very real need to be security conscious, especially for children and young adults, as well as activists,on the internet. - Do not give out your mobile number or home address or any personal details to anyone that you do not actually know, in other words anyone that is not already your friend in real life that you have already met and are friends with.
Get Real
@ Get Real
29.10.2009 16:14
Why use facebook?
29.10.2009 17:42
Too many people are on this thing, connecting themselves to others with photos and all kinds of info including political affiliations and recent arrests.
Against survillance, against facebook!
catcher in the rye
Why would it would be bullshit that some geek has made a lot of profiles?
30.10.2009 01:04
Mister Bean
Why would it would be bullshit that some geek has made a lot of profiles?
30.10.2009 01:04
Mister Bean
The real threat
30.10.2009 15:38
The only paedo I have ever met was a member of [removed]. Until these organisations start invstiagting their own members then they are all complicit in child abuse and they remain the biggest external threat to activists children.