This is an evening where another Israel, the minority who are not racists, who do solidarise with Palestinians, who do risk their lives to try and prevent the daily atrocities that are committed, speak.
The flyer says it all. This is where Israelis who are in solidarity with Palestinians speak. They are NOT ethnic or racial Jews/Israelis. The are no Atzmons or other racists amongst them. They do not witter on about conspiracies nor 'dare' people to debate whether there was a holocaust (or a Naqba). These things are taken for granted.
It is sponsored by a wide range of Jewish groups who are against the human rights abuses and genocidal activities of the Israeli state. They are not unified in terms of their political perspective but nor are they Zionist (unless you accept the racist Atzmon line that if you oppose Zionism and are Jewish then by definition you are Zionist!).
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