By Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent
Bush League Rules
"If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota." -- Vice President Dick Cheney to Senator Paul Wellstone (D), October, 2002, just days before Wellstone's death in an airplane accident.
The Bush League, comprised of neocons and globalists, has always played dirty in the game of politics. League members are forgiven for any and all vices and crimes -- except lack of loyalty to the Bush League, that is. Despite his felony conviction, pardoned Scooter Libby lives in freedom and comfort. Paul Wolfowitz, an architect of a failed Iraq war and later a scandalized president of the World Bank, is now working for the White House again. CIA Director George Tenet, who did not prevent 9/11, received the presidential Medal of Freedom. So did Army General Tommy Franks, for that matter, whose greatest accomplishment was leading our 2003 leap into Iraqi quicksand.
Bush League opponents, though, have frequently endured the worst of luck, so much so that folks whisper in private of reprisals against those who don't go along and get along. They whispered when Congressman Mickey Leland, a troublesome black radical from Houston, died in a strange plane accident in Africa just months after Bush 41 took office in 1989. They whispered when Senators Tom Daschle and Russ Feingold, who in 2001 were resisting the Homeland State and Global War, became targets of anthrax attacks that strangely used US military spores. They whispered when left-leaning antiwar Senator Paul Wellstone died in a strange plane accident just days after opposing the War Powers Act.
Not everyone who challenges the Bush League dies, though. Former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who insisted that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, found herself hassled by the DC cops, labeled a troublemaker and run out of office. Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison, who in July, 2007 compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire and Bush to Hitler, was begging Bush for emergency aid less than a month later, after the strange collapse of his Minnesota home district's I-35 bridge into the Mississippi River. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who sponsored articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney and called for a new investigation of 9/11, last month mourned the sudden, strange death of his 52-year-old brother, Perry. Former congressmen Mark Deli Siljander, who was about to publish a book loathed by neocons, A Deadly Misunderstanding: a Congressman's Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide, just this week found himself facing dozens of federal charges that he rendered aid to Al Qaeda.
Payback for Paul?
"All of a sudden, I heard a boom. A real big boom. I thought al-Qaida was here. I did, I'm not going to lie." -- Gloria Randle, Texas City, July 28, 2005
Congressman Ron Paul is probably the most prominent reformer in America nowadays not to suffer -- or see his constituents suffer -- from strange bad luck. His anti-establishment presidential bid is provocatively named "The Ron Paul Revolution," and his activist support base stretches from gold standard libertarians and states rights conservatives to 9/11 truthers and New World Order opponents. Despite a mainstream media that usually pretends he doesn't exist, Dr. Paul and his "Paulestinian" supporters continue to wage an Internet campaign effectively promoting both the man and the message.
In our brave new post-9/11 world, how long can the Bush League allow such a gadfly to buzz around the body politic? The answer is simple: not long. In fact, Paul and his district are already living on borrowed time. Readers of my recent columns are familiar with my assertion that Ron Paul's congressional district has long been the primary target for the nuclear 9/11, or "9/11-2B." Working with Houston area law enforcement and media, Internet activists in the Houston area have anticipated and interdicted three different 911-2B attempts or rehearsals against BP, the nation's third largest refinery, in Paul's Texas City.
What more fitting Bush League payback could there be for the pain in the ass Ron Paul, a constant critic of the Global War and the Homeland State, than an "Al Qaeda" attack against his district? Just Monday, January 14, the Texas City BP refinery experienced yet another explosion and fatality. It has had a strange streak of explosions in recent years, becoming the nation's most dangerous workplace. Insiders wonder whether the many incidents are really random -- or are rehearsals. Many of Paul's Gulf Coast friends are alarmed, believing that Texas City, Texas is long past due for joining New York City, New York and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on the New World Order false flag casualty list. To review the past as prologue, refer to my 2007 article, The Texas Triangle: Terror and Treason.
"Noble" 911-2B?
"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right." -- Congressman Peter DeFazio, July, 2007
"The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up... in Iraq, in the United States, and in Congress." -- Congressman Pete Stark, October, 2007
"Noble Resolve" is an annual series of military command post exercises rehearsing 9/11-2B in designated states. 9/11 analysts are quick to point out that both the 9/11/01 attacks and the 7/7/05 London attacks were strangely coincident with military exercises rehearsing their deadly outcomes. Accordingly, being a Noble Resolve participant is the last thing on earth anyone would want. All this is bad news for just-announced 2008 target states Texas, Oregon, Indiana and Washington, DC. They are now fair game for nuclear, biological and chemical attack exercises.
A healthy dose of paranoia about government motives is the correct prescription in the post-9/11 world. It's better to be safe than sorry, as every good doctor knows.
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Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. His homesite is