Mukasey, Schumer and Feinstein
A brief exchange by Presswatch host Theresa Mitchell, of KBOO radio in Portland and military correspondent Captain May of The lone Star iconoclast.
From Theresa Mitchell
--a very useful article-- War with Iran? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

And by the way, Captain May, thanks again for a very engaging and informative interview on KBOO [11/1/07]. It was enthusiastically received, as usual. I ran into some difficulty with the recording, but should have it available as an mp3 in the usual location (

From Captain May
Dear Theresa,
Yes, I agree with you that the article War with Iran? Be afraid. Be very afraid. contains solid and scary analysis. I think that the current actions of the Democrats make it pretty clear that the only party in Washington, DC. nowadays is the War Party, and I believe that the American power elites are pushing us toward war with Iran. The probable result will be World War III, the full implementation of the Homeland State, national economic mobilization and conscription. The longer America takes to wake up, the more horrifying it will find things when it does.
Thanks for having me on Presswatch. I know that at the end of the interview I introduced the ever-controversial topic of Zionism as an important factor in our national nightmare. Even more controversial, but equally relevant, is the fact of intense Jewish ethnic loyalty, which I'm coming to believe is the deeper matrix from which Zionism draws its strength. Lately, I've read fine analyses about Jews and Zionism from the Jerusalem Post and Ha'aretz. When I can read the same things in the Washington Post and the New York Times, I'll start writing and saying that the American mainstream media is becoming balanced.
Until we gain the ability to discuss these issues without fear in America, we will be neither the land of the free nor the home of the brave. At present we Americans exist within a poisonous media matrix. Accordingly, we think it the highest sin to discuss Jews as a collective political entity, or to apply a cutting term like Zionazis to the Jewish and Christian Zionists who are turning our America into their Amerika. On the other hand, we think it perfectly reasonable to discuss Muslims as a collective political entity, and to apply a cutting term like Islamofascists to the Arabs and Persians who are resisting our efforts to conquer the Middle East.
It's a pretty good trick, when you think about it: Americans soak up and spill out philo-Semitism toward Jews and anti-Semitism toward Muslims, and consider themselves good Christians for their balanced approach to the world! There needs to be a new Voltaire to unmask this latest variant of political insanity.
As for you or me -- or indeed anyone else who wants to think and speak freely -- we are offered three choices. We can parrot the propaganda, which is the surest route to success and acceptance by the mainstream. Or we can refuse to parrot the propaganda, and pat ourselves on the back as a new generation of "good Germans," who didn't help Hitler, although they didn't hinder him either. Finally, we can oppose the propaganda, and accept the consequence of becoming targets for propaganda ourselves as anti-Semites and neo-Nazis.
I think yesterday's decision by Democratic senators Charles Schumer and Diane Feinstein to support Michael Mukasey as the next attorney general will be a most interesting test of media integrity. Mukasey refused to denounce torture as a means of persuading enemy combatants to comply, which means that it may well become a means of persuading American citizens to comply some day. Mukasey has been one of Bush's terror judges, helping the administration to prop up its policy against Islamofascism. Mukasey has loyally supported the undermining of civil liberties and constitutional restraints on the unitary executive. In short, Mukasey is a neocon thug.
Schumer and Feinstein represent New York and California Jewish Zionist power brokers, and Mukasey is a Jewish Zionist of the same sort as Joe Lieberman and Michael Chertoff. The Global War and the Homeland State are two sides of the same Anglo-Judeo Global Cabal, waged against Arabs and Persians for the greater glory of oil and Israel. Not to see this reality is to call blindness a virtue.
I suspect my insights will not be found in the mainstream media, which will forget about Schumer and Feinstein's Friday afternoon torture endorsement by the time Monday morning comes around. Further, I suspect my insights will earn me more propaganda attacks as an anti-Semite and neo-Nazi, of course, but I prefer to think of it as a kind of military intelligence that I spent decades doing for my country: speaking truth to power, even when it's inconvenient truth.
Best regards,
Captain May
PS: Resources from Ha'aretz
Ha'aretz, 1/5/07 -- First thought on most Jewish Congress ever: Wow. Second thought: Oy

Ha'aretz, 5/18/07 -- Poll: 71% of Israelis want U.S. to strike Iran if talks fail

Jews in Government