Date: 08/24/06 22:20:38
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Subject: [FSID] NATIONALIST WEEK No.96 - 24th August 2006
No.96 - 24th August 2006
The Weekly Online e-zine of the British People's Party
"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry
Well, after a three-month break, Nationalist Week is back alive and kicking! We will be out every week from next Monday but this is just a short bulletin to let you know that Nat Week - Vanguard - Imperium - The BPP website and of course the Movement itself is being streamlined and reactivated. Eddy Morrison has come back as National Political Advisor.
Kev although remains as Party Leader - other leading White Nationalists are also being taken into our leadership corps. Much more next week. A mass mail out to all members and supporters of a special letter is going out today - watch out for your copy. The BPP is on the march again and we are RADICAL! Other organisations who are watering down their policies YET AGAIN will have to look over their shoulders because the BPP wants all REAL White Nationalists under its banner. Loyalty-Honour-Comradeship!
During the 2005 British general election, Debbie Jones, an employee of HSBC bank, told a co-worker that she would be voting for Robert Kilroy-Silk because he promised "to get rid of the foreigners." She also
allegedly said she was "against immigration" and "hates foreigners."
Another co-worker, Ruby Schembri, an immigrant from Malta, overheard her and sued the bank for race discrimination. "I found Debbie's racist comment to be offensive and very hurtful," Mrs. Schembri told a government employment commission. "I left the room . . . [and] began to cry." In July, the employment commission found the remarks could indeed be considered "racist"--even though the "victim" was white--and ordered HSBC to pay Mrs. Schembri compensation. The bank had already sent Miss Jones to racial sensitivity classes.
You couldn't make it up and where are these "racial sensitivity classes" held? We could send a few anti-Whites there if they let us know!!
Don't confuse us with the facts!
"These Holocaust deniers are very slick people. They justify everything they say with facts and figures." - Steven Some, Chairman, New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education.
Heritage and Destiny magazine; issued quarterly, this publication offers thought-provoking and educational articles and talking points for all freethinking White Nationalists.
Sample Issue: £3.00
PO Box 331, Blackburn BB1 2WU
(Cheques or POs payable to: 'Heritage and Destiny')
Then YOU should be a member of the British People's Party. Download an application form from today and send in with the annual subscription of just £5.00 or drop us a line at:
BPP, BM Box 5581, London WC1N 3XX - and do it NOW!
Autumn edition now in preparation - sorry for delay to subscribers. Sample copy only £2.00 including postage.
September 2006 - This is now well on the way to being finished and will be ready and sent out to subscribers on September 1st.
Many apologies for delay.
Back issues of Vanguard are available No.s 1-6 at £2.00 per issue including postage. Back issues of Imperium available too.
(Send £10 for selection of 7 back issues mixed to BPP, BM Box 5581, London WC1N 3XX)
How to reach us by e-mail...
All e-mail for the attention of the British People's Party should be sent to:

All e-mail for Nationalist Week (temporarily):

Editor: James Turner
Visit our website
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Nationalist Week is Copyright Imperium Press 2006
It may be freely distributed as long as no part is altered, changed or deleted in any way.
Obviously Morrison is fed up with paying for his own bills and alcohol, Wankmough has run out of glue, and maybe the telephone masturbator Sid will rejoin.
Come on lads grow up you know nothing about UNITY, only about SEARCHLIGHT!
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