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Old 11 Hours Ago #1
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Thumbs up Coming Soon ~ Eastbourne BPP
Contrary to what is being banded about by scumbags, the BPP is still growing faster than any of us expected. Today a trusted Comrade from the Eastbourne area took the first steps towards building a unit there. If you were at the BPP Xmas social in Bradford, you will have met our man there.
Contact details for the new unit will be published as soon as possible. In the meantime, let us get our heads down and continue with the business of saving the white race.
BPP ~ Working today for a whiter tomorrow.
With the dried blood stiff on my temples I climbed the hill, cursing the satanic way of men, yet knowing myself vile, for they had not known what they were doing, but I betrayed an innocent; and the tears - weak, whiskey tears - would not wash from my brow the blood of a little brother.
Henry Williamson
SouthCoastNationalist is offline
Monday, March 13, 2006
Everybody Point & Laugh....Its The BPP
The farcical British Peoples Party has gone to ground after recent revelations. Most entertaining was their admission to having nothing against jews and the recordings of 'PISSING SID Williamson' went on general release much to the amusement of everyone who has heard it, including his 'don't tell anyone I told you' description of the inside of Eddy Morrisons flat in Leeds (are Elvis posters really an obligatory item of Nationalist propaganda) and the hilarious conversation about Sids trouser wetting problem in his own words. Sid as we all know is nothing more than a numpty dumbty who makes threats to people and when they offer to pay his train fare to sort the problem out he vanishes, which is typical of someone with incontinence we suppose?
Its also emerged that since Eddy Morrison claimed "If you find your are being accused of this that or the other nonsense – NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT MAY UPSET YOU – ignore it" and the laughable "Don’t get involved in Internet forum/Guestbook arguments. The Net is a weapon in our favour – do not let it be used to demoralise you." his posts and internet activity has zoomed up as he desperately tries to save the non existent credability the BPP ever had, and this is one factor that has been pointed out by MANY as he and his party of THREE continue to make even bigger fools of themselves.
Like the COVERT motto states 'If it pisses them off it must be working' and never a truer word said, I think we all agree their headless chicken antics are testiment to it afterall. Remember folks, Morrison is a NEVER HAS BEEN and Sid has only been into nationalism a couple of years and lets face it, he isn't very bright, who else threatens an old fella then bottles out when the same old fella even offers to pay his train fare up? We all know the reason why though don't we? Thats right, he knows he will do an EXTRA LONG piss in his jeans if if he did visit because he is a coward. We are well aware of many folk planning the 'Who'll be the first to slap Pissing Sid Williamson' campaign but we at COVERT MANSION think a more humane way of proving his bottle is called for. We suggest he proves us all wrong by accepting the challenge HE originally set and made his way up North to face his problems, so we suggest a 'SID WILLIAMSON SHOW US YOU'RE NOT A COWARD' campaign is in order? Don't hold your breath though folks cos FATTY PISS PANTS will make more excuses but if he does COVERT UNDERCOVER NUISANCE TACTICS will donate £100 to support Aryan children and their families who may be down on their luck, so we hope he will show us how far HE will really go to abiding to the 14 words?
posted by Covert Team at 10:37 PM 2 comments
Seems The British Rip off Party cant seem to make their minds up. We all know the party has failed. But then why tell so called memebrs and other people who want to join, have to keep the money rolling in LMFAO. To pay for laundry to be cleaned and a stolen computer. Eh! Mr Kevin Watmough.