But we are faced with the serious moral dilemma of what to do with our soon to be outdated Trident system?
We of the Counter-Revolutionary Absurdist Police would argue that - given the current strategic situation in the middle-east and the inevitable outbreak of hostilities - would it not be worth deploying our Tridents against Iran now, while the nukes still work? Would it not be wasteful of the money, time and resources spent to let them go unused? Not to mention the environmental cost and risk involved in the decommissioning process. No the time is ripe for deployment.
By leading the way with a pre-emptive strike upon Iran sooner rather than later, Britain will be seen, once again, as a true world player. Not only will we pip the yanks to the post (Bush could be Blair’s poodle for a change, wouldn’t that be nice?), but we’ll also show the rest of Europe that, unlike the French with their empty pre-emptive posturing, we really mean the business.
Now a lot of Peace Mongers will no doubt come out in force against this proposal and attack its dehumanised cruelty and barbarism. But really, come on, think it through! What peace have the Peace Mongers ever achieved? Vapid and weak are the Peace Mongers, or rather Guilt Mongers.
Lets face it Iran being nuked is as inevitable as China and the USA eating our planet alive within the next 50 years. What use is peace when there is nothing left to eat, drink or breathe? If you think the Iranians will be thanking us for letting them stick around long enough to see the end of the world you are clearly deluded.
Get with the plan. Call off the protests. Rally behind the Jack and lets nuke Iran.
You know it makes sense.
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If we nuke Iran we are all going to die not just Iranians!
11.02.2006 15:00
Grim Reaper