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Scottish prosecutors investigate CIA torture flights

Danny | 24.08.2007 13:17 | Terror War

The Scottish executive yesterday received a Reprieve report on over 100 CIA torture flights which used Scottish airports. Kenny MacAskill, the Justice minister has now passed this to the Lord Advocate for the procurator fiscal to decide what crimes have been commited.

Flights by Airport
Flights by Airport

MacAskill said : "Attempts to commit torture are crimes under Scots law and it is for the police to investigate allegations of such offences and for the procurator fiscal to decide whether to bring proceedings."

This is a welcome development but ignores the fact the police were warned about these flights at the time and refused to inspect them. Thus a police force that is complicit in these crimes may now be asked to investigate them retrospectively.

Glasgow Airport baggage-handler 'hero-for-our-time' John Smeaton, who bravely beat-upa burning man, has so far failed to comment on the fact his airport accomodated at least 30 torture flights.

Reprieve Report

Torture Jet N85VM / N227SV

Other Torture Jets



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28.08.2007 17:12

They should investigate the censorship of Guantanamo Bay coverage at Glenochil nick too.

Friend of John Bowden


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