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North Pole ice thinner than ever

Zbigniew Charnas | 18.08.2007 05:44 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos | World

The ice layers on the North Pole are thinner than ever before. The melting is going far more rapidly than foreseen by the researchers, head of the Norwegian Cicero Center for International Climate and Environmental Research says.

Mr. Pål Presterud says the ice layers are reaching their thinnest level ever measured and that there is still a month left of the summer period in the area. US researchers have made the historic measurements.

The Norwegian researcher refers to studies made by William Chapman, researcher at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. In an article in the journal "The Cryoshpere Today" he and his colleagues write that the ice melting now is taking place in all parts of the Arctic.

Barents Observer / CICERO :

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Zbigniew Charnas
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18.08.2007 06:39

Last night I watched Newsround, the children's news programme on cBeebies and it featured a disgraceful episode showing the new "sport" of glacier surfing.
As bits break off they cause a huge wave which can - and is - being surfed.
I was disappointed that the programme wasn't more critical of this, nor, especially being aimed at children took the chance to explain why and how this has come about.

couch potato

Climate Change Con - Pathing the way for Nuclear Power

18.08.2007 09:12

Firstly, Climate Change is a big con, created by the social engineering think tanks, paid for by the likes of Enron and Co to further the advancement of there latest investment, Nuclear Power. So whilst your out there, indirectly frightening old ladys and young children into accepting more nuclear power stations, remember this, Our PM's brother has invested lots of dosh into the companies that will build all these nuclear power stations, yawn, I told you all this 4 years ago but u still wouldn't listen. Instead you just steered people away from the real issues with your clown army stupid G8 thing and yes, I can tell you that your thought control masters (the people whom steered you into these actions) where all having a good chuckle at you back then.



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