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Public School condemns 'chav-hunt' spoof

class warfare | 14.08.2007 01:58 | Analysis | Education | Workers' Movements

Public school boys keeping the class war alive

One of Scotland's top public schools has condemned a video which showed ex-pupils staging a mock "chav hunt".

"Class Wars" was posted on the internet site YouTube by former students at Glenalmond College, near Perth.

The film, which showed teenagers wearing shell suits being chased by classmates dressed as aristocrats, was partly filmed on the school grounds.

Officials have described the spoof as "deeply offensive" and said it did not reflect the ethos at the school.

It began with one teenager in a baseball cap being pulled out of a river before being subjected to a simulated beating by a couple of tweed-wearing 'attackers'.

Another scene showed a shell suit wearing gang being chased through the school grounds by two young men dressed as huntsmen and on horseback.

They were shown being 'shot' as they ran across a field and one of the 'victims' was then prodded by an aristocrat as he lay on the ground.

The warden of Glenalmond College, Gordon Woods, said the film had been made by former pupils of the £23,000-a-year school.

He said: "I strongly disapprove of this video. The film, although clearly intended as satire, is immature and deeply offensive.

"We understand it was made almost two years ago and the pupils involved are no longer at Glenalmond.

"I must stress it does not reflect the ethos of Glenalmond or that of the present community of boys and girls studying here.

class warfare


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Help The Rich Parasites

14.08.2007 07:48

Trinity College Glenalmond pays no tax on it's £7million plus income since it is a charity - a 'subsidy junky'. . The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator lists two charities at Glenalmond aprt from the school itself. Effectively the 'chavs' in the video are subsidising the rich parasites decadent lifestyle. These rich kids parents pay £23k a year tax school fees, and doubtless most don't pay any tax either. Tax, like laws, are only imposed on the poor, while chairty is only applied to the rich.

So, it may be tempting to beat up a Glenalmond pupil or two, or to picket their fringe production next week. It is certainly worth writing to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator at demanding to know how such an elitist school meets 'the charity test' of being a benefit to the public if these are the calibre of pupils produced. Ask when the OSCR will be reviewing the schools charity status.

Charity Number: SC006123
Charity Name: Trinity College Glenalmond
Postcode: PH1 3RY
The charity's gross income in the last financial year.
Gross Income: £7,233,766.00

Charity Number: SC003191
Glenalmond Development Fund ( Appeal Fund )

Charity Number: SC006031
Charity Name: Friends Of Glenalmond

- Homepage:

Warden speak with forked tongue

14.08.2007 08:26

Surely this film *does* reflect the philosophy of the school very well? So much so that lefties might want a better quality copy than this youtube one
for propaganda purposes


altogether now..

14.08.2007 11:15

Off with their heads, with their heads, with their heads...
off with their heads off with their heads off with their heads

IT.s are ace


14.08.2007 16:20

Anarchists get sent to Public Schools. Public Schools also make them. Are you sure you have the right end of the stick?


Funny how

14.08.2007 16:34

Funny how two IMC UK admins who attended Private schools didn;t comment on this !!!!!!!!


No, let's not attack children Danny.

15.08.2007 11:17

Perhaps Danny is too stupid to realize that children don't have any control over where their parents send them, nor over whether they pay tax or not.

Still, always nice to see someone prepared to beat up teenagers.

If a state school had done this, would you find it acceptable? The comments on here seem more concerned on focusing on the fact it was a private school than the actual video.

Those who went to private school include Tony Benn and the late Paul Foot. Are they deserving of a beating from Danny?


Don't post drunk Richard

15.08.2007 21:42

>Perhaps Danny is too stupid to realize that children don't have any control over where their parents send them, nor over whether they pay tax or not.

Yup, I do, although that hardly excuses the video. If you reread though I recommended writing complaining about the charity status of the school instead of giving in to the temptation 'class warfare' may feel to beat up the kids. Sorry if I misinterpret 'Class warfare' there it isn't intentional.

>Still, always nice to see someone prepared to beat up teenagers.
Haven't done that since I was a teenager. Unlike you who admitted on IM attacking a teenage girl half your size and age last year. How did you put it ? 'All I did was pinch her cortoids'. Still, she wasn't middle-class like you claim to be so she probably deserved it. Smash the oiks eh ?

I have to say, nice to see you 'decloak' from your assumed pseudonymns for once. I hope someone else realises your american use of the word 'realize' betrays your army roots in Germany. Or how did you describe that - "I'm a member of an international brotherhood of ex-squaddies, ex-paras and ex-SAS".

But no, I won't be beating up Glenalmond pupils or recommending that, I will be challenging their charitable status. I can even say something nice about former Glenalmond pupils, they include the Cockburn brothers who are behind 'Counterpunch'. Of course you smeared 'Counterpunch' as 911 conspiraloons on the same level as Rense, don't you, so that won't impress you.


Double standards?

17.08.2007 10:49

When it is done the other way around (videos of chavs beating up what you describe as "middle-class" kids or "toffs", you never seem to complain, although there is plenty of footage of "happy slapping" incidents all over the place, and most of it is real, not acting. But I suppose that is alright, isn't it.

As for the chavs sponsoring the toff's "decadent lifestyle", you are making the broad assumption that chavs actually pay tax - an assumption which is wrong. Chavs live on handouts. They are no better and no worse than your "tax-evading toffs".

You guys are not exaclty being impartial here, are you now?

Dr. D.


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