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Dispatch - new workers' bulletin on the public pay dispute - distro help request

Dispatcher | 06.08.2007 21:06 | Analysis | Workers' Movements | London

We are a group of workers mostly in the public sector, who met via the website who are putting together a bulletin called Dispatch - Public sector pay dispute—information for action. An ad hoc newsletter for the ongoing struggles, mainly in the post office at present, against sub-inflation pay offers.

Our main aims are - to try to keep workers informed, to help communication across different sectors, to help spread the struggle, to help workers fight more effectively, to help us win, and to record information about how the struggle progresses to pass on lessons to other workers in the future.

We want to get the bulletin out to as many people as possible, and we need your help. This first issue is aimed at postal workers. Future issues might be aimed at civil servants, local government workers, etc.

Our main targets for distribution this time will be big District Offices (DOs), which can have thousands of workers, but also if these have been done, secondary targets include picket lines, Sub-Delivery Offices (SDOs), post offices, post boxes, CWU demonstrations, then other public sector workers, and anyone else.

Depending on responses we can pay for some to be printed, but for now we're mostly planning on using DIY photocopies or printouts from PDF.

Are you or your organisation interested? If so, which area are you in? Can you or your group take responsibility for certain areas/offices? Do you have a newsletter? If so can you include the bulletin in your mailout?

We're trying to co-ordinate this mostly on the libcom forums:
So please feed back here. Alternatively you can email us at

We can help to get details like DO addresses, and if you can't help distribute them libcom needs assistance with reporting the disputes online so if you have the time to help out do get in touch!

Please also forward this appeal to anyone or any websites/message boards where people may find it useful.

In solidarity,

The Dispatch crew

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Display the following 38 comments

  1. as i understand it... — (A)
  2. Libcom is more than the forum — llantwit
  3. An Worker — ..
  4. is this the best you can do? — N...
  5. to "an worker" — libcom John.
  6. i see — (A)
  7. five minutes — N...
  8. Danny — Joseph K.
  9. and also — Joseph K.
  10. Doing the job as it should be done — CH
  11. STFU Danny — dannyboy
  12. Disgusted from Ankara — Devrim Valerian
  13. ... — Joseph K.
  14. activists in "nutters" shocker — libcom John.
  15. cool — ...
  16. o rly? — (A)
  17. shame — anarchist
  18. wot? — the resitance
  19. troll — raw
  20. Alternatives? — pcs member
  21. r(A)pe — Danny
  22. Libcom admin, what a bunch of middle class tossers! enough is enough! — Aunty Christ
  23. Libcom admin, what a bunch of middle class tossers! enough is enough! — Aunty Christ
  24. 1 simple, unanswered question — Danny
  25. Thanks Libcom... — Dave
  26. Dave — Danny
  27. To Danny — Dave
  28. not one bit ashamed — Danny
  29. the irony — on the pull
  30. Missing the points... — Dave
  31. Hah! — Ms. Edna Krabappel
  32. Now that's what I Call Smear — Danny
  33. Ever the total liar — Ms. Edna Krabappel
  34. Okay — Danny
  35. we'll help out! — Shef AF
  36. us too — Brighton SolFed
  37. distroing ?? — Aunty Christ
  38. Libcom are hierarchical and unelected - self promoting — Scottish Postie


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