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Icelandic Media Lie that No SI Prisoner is Being Held!

Maldoror | 31.07.2007 17:56 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Repression | London

Both National Broadcaster RUV and TV station Stod 2 claim that no SI
prisoner is being held. Both news departments quote the police as a
source for this.

This is typical of the kind of massaging of the truth that both the
Icelandic police and media are used to getting away with.

Arrests at the Rio Tinto Alcan smelter in Iceland
Arrests at the Rio Tinto Alcan smelter in Iceland

Miriam R. has been imprisoned for eight days in Hegningarhusid,
Skolavordustig, 101 Reykjavik. She is 23 years old and is being held in
a male prison.(1)

It is easy for the police to say that they do not know of any SI people
that are in prison. Miriam R. is not in their charge. The prison
Hegningarhusid falls under the Icelandic State Prison Authority

What a convenient amnesia about the structure of the Icelandic legal
system! Yet again, the Icelandic media have not done their homework.

Dullness and deceit seem to be the prerequisite for a job in the
Icelandic media.

1. - 'State Harassment of Saving Iceland Activists'

- Homepage:


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Serious Slander about S.I. made by the State Broadcaster

31.07.2007 18:10

Saving Iceland demands that the news department of the State Broadcaster publishes proof for their slanderous allegations that activists from Saving Iceland receive payments for being arrested and that RUV retract their lies and broadcast immediately an apology.
Saving Iceland also challenges the source of these lies to step forward and state his case.


RUV have responded by saying that they "stand by their story" but refuse to present evidence for their allegations.

This is evidence enough to show that the news department of RUV, which is an official institution of the Icelandic State, are circulating unsubstantiated slander about Saving Iceland. RUV have shot themselves badly in the foot with this. The corruption that these allegations indicate is transparent, irresponsible and illegal. It is certain to backfire in RUV's face.

The source for the story typically does not have the guts to step forward and state their case.


Please refer to BBC, ITV and other British media lies as well

01.08.2007 12:21

Please refer to BBC, ITV and other British media lies as well

Observing BBC lies, ITV lies and other British media lies


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