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Send in the Clowns: CIRCA saves the day! YAY! ;) a piece of activism history;

Paul T | 08.05.2007 09:46 | Globalisation | History | Repression | World

A montage of events as they unfolded (hint: see the DVD for the live action! It is great!)

Send in the clowns:
Send in the clowns:

Send in the clowns:
Send in the clowns:

Send in the Clowns:

The Clown Army saves the blak-bloc protesters at Gleneagles in 2005 when the Make Poverty History campaign was in full swing.

Thank goodness for clowns :)

Thanks to Schmovies 2005 for the images and sounds.


to purchase the DVD and see the Insurgent Rebel Clown Army in action! for more info on our friends the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army see:

:) happy clowning :@)

To see the actual monage animation visit here:

Paul T
- Homepage:


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08.05.2007 12:12

are you referring to the bit during the MPH demo when the black bloc was cordoned in a street with a bunch of buses and the clowns showed up to dance/mock in front of the police line?

if so...

don't get me wrong, it was a bit cheering, but saying CIRCA "saved the day/saved the black bloc" is exaggerating just a little.



08.05.2007 13:25

I fucking hate clowns me.



08.05.2007 15:22

Can someone tell me what the fuck was insurgent about these arts council funded arts-activists?


Yay, them clowns are still in their big shoes

08.05.2007 19:32

Was wonderin where you lot had got to!

@ - they made more of a statement than 20 masked black bloc wannabees, who spent they day reading the sides of buses

Go clowns, the polis have little idea how to deal with you.... as you hardly break laws!!

unless taking the piss comes under socpa these days!

more clown activities please.......



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