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Hey, reporter - REMEMBER peace works, despite warspin pay-offs. Unratchet !

cheers mmmm | 29.03.2007 15:54 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Other Press

The BIG news, for the uk - for the world, in fact, is the under reporting of the "gritty miracle" of the N.I. peace process -far from as "grubby" as the "Indy" (29/4/7) paints it . . . . but if you are in that minderbinder, war racketeer-spiv industry, perhaps the threat of a good example. The intriguing "LITTLE" gaps or odd spasms in the Shatt al-arab tale are luminous, though. Very "con venient" for warbux, less for people. . . .

Odd hiccups or spasms might include the sudden aggression of the Guards boats to interrupt a search of . . . . wait for it - the inconvenient but mundane fact much missed in reports . . . . suspect Indian car-dealers offloading cars onto barges in what they had almost certainly hoped WAS the "dodgy/in dispute" bit of the waterway.
But its certain that the "odd hiccups or spasms" DOES include that word allowed so much repetition in the Guardian - RATCHET - along with the rushing about of the UK foreign secretary - to the probable tune of her "yes minister" type obedient functionaries. (£3 bn navy procurement deal also mentioned in that paper.Where DO old "obedient functionaries" go after the deskjob "defence of the realm" "equivalents" ? Fade away ? Or - arms dealers. A factual retort says - the latter - without so much as a "here today - gone tomorrow" ministerial rule to stop them.
Fed up, perhaps, the brit sailors etc, but they aint getting put through "abu ghraib/gitmo-type torture" as the relations of those picked up by the US must fear is happening to them. They shouldnt get caught up in that "tit for tat" - the nasty logic of the situation is SOMETHING TO NAIL THE BRITS TO A HARDER POSITION IS EXACTLY WHAT WAS REQUIRED by the few people in ( or - most often - out of ) the USA trying to keep the USA in a WAR-QUAGMIRE(goodfor-somebiz,cover-ups,distractions. . . . etc:?) DESPITE ( WHAT - you didnt hear about it? gee shucks!) YESTERDAYS VOTE IN THE CONGRESS TYING FUTURE FUNDS FOR THE WAR TO A TIMED PULL-OUT.

TWO - CRUCIAL "other bits"
. . . . that you "mightnt have got told about" by your usual sceptical news platforms:
A VERY BIG USA FLEET IS "EXERCISING" NEARBY. The sort of exercising people do swinging pool queues around when things are getting tense.
At least the sort of thing that gets short people that dont back down to play with catapults a bit.
The past of UK/USA involvement in that nation isnt "conspiracy theory" - you can actually look over almost the entire ACTUAL REPORTS OF SOME OF THE U.S.A. FORCES PEOPLE THAT PUSHED THE BUTTONS for that coup in 1953.
Against a democracy.
For the oil biz, after a "threat" to renegotiate (!) a 50 year (!) license - after its expiry (!) that was infamous across the middle east even in the 1920s as a deal scammed across a nieve, mesmerised "royal" for a few thou dollars by the sort of hawker that got chased out of town after town in the west of america - "snakeoil charmers" pushing quack cure-alls.

When spokespeople appear, seeming to feign amazement at the lack of logic in accusations of involvement in causing chaos in iraq, supply of those "supertech" roadside bombs etc - they aint feigning that amazement - but the bit when they explain WHY aint in the report. I f it was in the report, the rest of the report often doesnt add up. IT ISNT EVEN POSSIBLE TO DISPUTE, or "warspin" - even if they do that, too, sometimes. ITS AMAZEMENT AT THE LACK OF LOGIC.
"Next door", in iraq, a "shia" majority. AIM OF OCCUPATION - TO PUT IN PLACE A SORT OF MAJORITY RULE DEMOCRACY - THEN LEAVE. Whats the problem. Everything that postpones that - every explosion, every bullet, is AGAINST the MOST SELFISH INTERESTS of the nation these spokespeople represent, as much as against the "peaceloving nation of utter integrity" that EVERY diplomat represents. ( by the way - they havent actually ever done coups in other nations, or invasions. Or even tried to support the sale of dodgy cars. . . . )

PS the claims against israel have to get seen in the contexts that they were in. A TWO STATE SOLUTION IS SOMETHING THAT NATION SHOULD SUPPORT - but - the background of the propagation of the faked "protocols", as much as the opposition to the palestinians seeming to pay for what was done to the jews in europe, DOES mean that it is good to see WHY people seem to say things you disagree with as much asto disagree with them.
But you see what they mean.
But then, that also means peace in the MIDDLE EAST is a lot more possible - what with the same (ouch - UK) 1900s "diplomacy" "game" having meant jews, then arabs were actually lied to by the same actual people. They often lied to the British people too, then moved abroad.

How very different to old arms procurement functionaries these days.

(despite getting referred to as a sort of eyesore, a hazard to traffic even, in the "senior" opposition tothe placing of the cenotaph in whitehall - it was put there so that people might remember to stop it happening again. Perhaps some reporters need that sort of eyesore too - or some sort of re minder. . . . )


cheers mmmm


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further "where to get that" directions for reporters with integrity

29.03.2007 18:38

-a SPOKESMAN PRESS booklet covers the USA end of the 1953 coup op, as the ground people saw it. . . . the name of the oilco has gotten miswritten somehow, with mercenary "extra" bits of the op lacking a mention - but - all that said, VERY much "from the horses mouth" - quite a good ten minutes to spend - its a brief digest, people didnt get to scribe the "adventure yarn" version -
- but this was a democratic government
- this was as recent as ww2 - but we expect the entire world to remember who was with who, who won, etc. . . .

ps, as we challenge the war spin - if its "1938" why a jewish member of parliament ?

Isnt it time we saw the wars as tragedies or crimes that need inquiries, detection work, etc?
Why do we limit "who got the cash" questions to "domestic" crimes.

A "structural" question or two about the rewards from wars that perhaps, these days, prevent peace, to, in actual fact FUEL wars - DOESNT mean "everybody except lefties look away" - as the california "new space industry" - free from the "cost plus percentage" of old "defence" industries actual costs show .

People are too cheap in our "equations" at present. . . . but - worse than that - (info)war-for-hire is too easy.

A moment that calls for a way out for people caught up in it that doesnt allow itself to get ripped off by the stupidest/biggest"risktakers", but that allows for amnesty-amends with as much emphasis towards practical futures as to ethics - without sacrificing either.

We are all a bit "caught up in it".

Different ways (up) do exist.

Worth the extra thinking.

- without bullshit, verbatim, dates, names, etc - actual USA govt FOIA release


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