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aldermaston shut down

act4peace | 23.01.2007 09:43 | Anti-militarism

A group of eight activists from Scotland blockaded the entrance to AWE Aldermaston this morning at 6.45am.

A group of eight activists blockaded the entrance to AWE Aldermaston this morning at 6.45am. Using steel lock-on tubes the group have completely blocked the road. Thus stopping all construction traffic entering or leaving the site. This has called a large tailback and the police turned all traffic away from the site.
The road is still blocked at 9.30am and the police have made no efforts to remove them yet. The police had given them an hour to unlock but two and a half hours later they are still there.
The police seem to be planning to freeze them out but they havent taken into account the fact they are dealing with mad weather hardened scottish activists.

The group, which included activists from Faslane Peace Camp, a protest site opposite HMNB Clyde where the UK’s Trident submarines are based, say they were acting in response to the Government’s White Paper published in Dec 2006 in which it confirmed its intention to replace the Trident submarine fleet and outlined proposals for replacing the current Trident II D5 missiles. .

The new facilities at Aldermaston will enable the UK to test, design and build the next generation of nuclear weapons. Such weapons are illegal under International laws, and encourage global proliferation, instability and conflict.

A spokesperson for the group stated “the only safe, humane, moral and legal route is to work towards disarmament of Trident and ditch any ideas of Trident replacement or any new nuclear weapons system.”

The group are acting in solidarity with the Block The Builders Campaign whoose website is



next BtB blockade

23.01.2007 16:01

... next public thing will be on 12 February

see website for details

more affinity groups urgently needed - construction work on new nuclear weapons facilities at Aldermaston is continuing every single day (even weekends cos they are behind schedule) - and is going to continue for years to come (development project as big as terminal five, etc etc). .. especially now its pretty much in the bag that Britain is going to continue with WMDs for the next 50 years.

but not quite in the bag .. critical vote in six weeks .. so the time to take action is definitely now!

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Block the builders

23.01.2007 13:42

Well done to those who braved the freezing Tuesday morning weather to succesfully block the traffic a AWE.
We must spread the word and keep up the pressure.
We will overcome this ridiculous governments policies.

mail e-mail:

Well done you

23.01.2007 14:10

Fantastic action, hope more people will follow your example in the run-up to the so-called Parliamentary debate on Trident.



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