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Please help Zahra

UNITY | 15.01.2007 18:00 | Anti-racism | Migration

Zahra Byansi and her two boys were detained when reporting at the Home Office in Glasgow on Monday last week. She was moved to Yarls Wood detention centre on Saturday while her friends protested outside the Home Office in Glasgow organised by the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees. Zahra and her sons have been in Glasgow for over four years. She has made a huge contribution to the local community.

Zahra at Unity demo 07.10.06
Zahra at Unity demo 07.10.06

Zahra at early morning vigil against dawn raids in Glasgow
Zahra at early morning vigil against dawn raids in Glasgow

At a protest during Liam Byrne's visit to Glasgow
At a protest during Liam Byrne's visit to Glasgow

Speaking outside the Scottish Parliament
Speaking outside the Scottish Parliament

Solidarity demo for Zahra outside Home Office in Glasgow
Solidarity demo for Zahra outside Home Office in Glasgow

Solidarity for Zahra
Solidarity for Zahra

Zahra is Glasgow's 'Cheeky' girl - she belongs to Glasgow!
Zahra is Glasgow's 'Cheeky' girl - she belongs to Glasgow!

Over the last year Zahra has actively supported many demonstrations organised by UNITY and other groups in Glasgow. In her local area she has been a driving force behind the Kingsway Asylum Group and the campaign of early morning vigils to protest against Home Office dawn raids.

Zahra needs our solidarity now.

She is due to be put on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET0701 at 19.00 hours (7pm) on Wednesday 17th January to Addis Ababa and then from Addis Ababa to Entebbe.

“[When] A failed asylum seeker, with a deportation certificate, arrives at Entebbe airport [they are] handed over to one of the security organisations. If suspected of political dissident activities, the person is taken to a safehouse for questioning. Rape, for young women, is inevitable. Children over the age of three are taken from their mother and put in an orphanage. Detention can last weeks, or months; a number of people have "disappeared" from custody.” (Caroline Moorhead , The Guardian Wednesday August 23, 2006)

Zahra is at great risk if she is returned to Uganda.

Zahra and her two sons have played an incredible role in helping asylum seekers in Glasgow to settle and integrate into their local communities. She has been an inspiration to all who have met her.

We are asking for urgent faxes to be sent to:
1. Ethiopian Airlines offices at Heathrow airport asking for the airline not to allow her on board the plane.
Ethiopian Airlines
Room 238
Terminal 3
Fax 0208 747 9339

2. Liam Byrne, Minister of Immigration's office asking for Zahra’s case to be reconsidered and the removal notice lifted. Please make sure to quote Zahra’s Home Office number; B1127212

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Support the protest outside Yarls Wood detention centre in support of Zahra - 2.30pm Tuesday 16th January.

Kingsway Amnesty Group are taking a minibus from Glasgow to Yarls Wood. Leaving from Kingsway Court at 6am tomorrow morning. There a few places still available. If you would like to go please email or phone the Unity Centre on 0141 427 7992.

If you have a car and can join the convoy - contact us!

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Many thanks

The UNITY Centre
30 Ibrox Street
G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992

theunitycentre [at]



Zahra's Back Home

31.01.2007 13:15

It says here:
"From an email sent out by Unity today:


There is much jumping and screaming at Unity today, we have just heard from the Kingsway Amnesty Group that Zahra, Faisal and Rahim are coming home to Glasgow!

After 3 weeks in Yarlswood IRC, Zahra and the boys return is long overdue!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported Zahra, Faisal and Rahim and Kingsway's fight to get them back!

Zahra, we love you and we have missed you so much! "

- Homepage:


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Zahra's flight stopped

17.01.2007 11:11

Wednesday 17.01.07

The Unity Centre has just recieved information from the Kingsway Amnesty Group that yesterday afternoon Zahra's lawyer lodged an application for a judicial review of the decision to remove Zahra.

This morning it was officially confirmed that Zahra's flight has been cancelled.

Her lawyer is now going to apply for Zahra, Faisal and Rahim to be released and returned to Glasgow where they belong!

Well done everyone who supported Zahra and her two boys - now we just have to campaign to get her out of Yarls Wood.

0141 427 7992


Well done!

17.01.2007 13:41

I'm so happy the family are still here.
Please do not forget there are thousands of other families in similar situations, threatened with deportation, snatched during dawn raids, put in detention centres and deported to the most unsafe and war torn countries. We fight for all of them.

one of noborders


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