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Genewatch UK consultation:

Concerned | 03.01.2007 11:46 | Bio-technology

GeneWatch UK is a not-for-profit group that monitors developments in genetic technologies from a public interest, environmental protection and animal welfare perspective. GeneWatch believes people should have a voice in whether or how these technologies are used and campaigns for safeguards for people, animals and the environment. We work on all aspects of genetic technologies - from GM crops and foods to genetic testing of humans.

The Police National DNA Database Leaflet ( PDF file )
14th December 2006



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03.01.2007 13:15

GeneWatch UK believes
Important safeguards could be introduced without compromising the use of the National DNA Database in tackling crime. These include:
• destruction of DNA samples once the DNA profiles used for identification purposes have been obtained;
• an end to the practice of using the Database for genetic research without consent;
• more independent oversight to prevent misuse;
• a system of time limits on the retention of DNA profiles on the Database.

We do not think that putting everyone on the Database will solve the problems. Both the police and Government think this would be too expensive and impractical. It would also increase the potential for misuse by future governments.

Why are safeguards needed?
The Database and some of the DNA samples linked to it have been used for genetic research without consent, including controversial attempts to predict ‘ethnic appearance’ from DNA. One of the companies involved also kept copies of people’s genetic information.
Destroying the DNA samples once the DNA profiles used for identification purposes have been obtained, and having an independent regulator, would help prevent misuse. Time limits on how long people can be kept on the Database, unless they are convicted murderers or rapists, should be another important safeguard.

Online consultation

Silent Bob


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