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Faslane365: Rhythms of Resistance

peace and love | 09.11.2006 15:48 | Faslane | Anti-militarism | Ecology

Rhythms of Resistance Manchester joined Faslane365 on 6th-8th November 06, with 5 sambistas being arrested but released with no further court proceedings

8 Rhythms of Resistance sambistas joined the Manchester shift at Faslane on 6th, 7th and 8th November 06 to be part of the national Faslane365 year-long campaign against nuclear weapons and against the trident replacement. The aims of the sambistas were to raise awareness around the Trident replacement which is estimated £40,000,000,000 and also to support activists and obstruct the base with non-violent action.

The sambistas targeted the North gate with tactical frivolity twice: the first time to raise the spirits of demonstrators holding banners and placards in the rain, and the second time to shut the base with a big group of blockaders (around 3pm). The police arrested more than 20 activists at the North Gate, including the sambista having a mestre (conductor) role at the time.

There were another 2 blockades at the South Gate, where another 4 sambistas were arrested after being removed from an hour-long gate blockade.

All sambistas were released in good spirits, on Wednesday approximately 3:00 pm, after spending 20 hours in friendly cells. They were all given a letter from the Procurator Fiscal stating the offence(s) but that proceedings would not be taken.

Rhythms of Resistance Manchester mestre encouraged all human rights protectors to join Faslane365; to add to the enormous numbers of people protecting human rights and peace through Faslane 365’s civil disobedience and to state the biggest resistance against nuclear weapons and war.

peace and love


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the release letter

09.11.2006 15:58

standard letter:
..looks abit like this...usually with a second offence of resisting arrest if you go limp during arrest ;-)

Dear Madam


You have been reported to me for allegedly committing the following offence(s):

(1) Breach of the Peace on [date] at A814 North Entrance HMNB Clyde, Faslane.

Consideration of this report shows that the evidence is sufficient to justify my bringing you before the Court on this ciminal charge.

On this occasion, however, I have decided not to take such proceedings, but you should note that if a similar report against you is submitted to me in the future I am unlikely to refrain again from taking criminal proceedings and you may well be prosecuted.

Yours faithfully,

Procurator Fiscal.

love hearts


10.11.2006 06:17

Greenpeace briefing on Why Britain should stop deploying Trident can be found at:

For info on the year-long blockade of Faslane:



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