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Glasgow - Dawn Raid Vans are Being Detained

Tim Waterstone | 11.10.2006 05:29 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

The Home Office Reporting Centre at Brand St in Glasgow (home of the Dawn Raid teams) isn't going to open on time this morning. Have a lie-in if you don't fancy work or signing-on today.

At around 5:00am this morning, the gates of "Festival Court" were chained shut with the intention of detaining the Immigration Services' vans and preventing their use in dawn raids.

As of 6:30am there's a couple of sofas, a "No Dawn Raids" banner and 60 people with candles quietly standing at the gate. Around 10 Police are present and, though they were apparently "arsey" earlier on, things seem calm right now.

Watch this space for updates, or get along here yourself to call for an end to dawn raids.

Tim Waterstone



11.10.2006 12:03

7AM - The chain is off the gate and the sofas have been moved inside into the Home Office car park. People have been "asked" to move onto the pavement.
(3 vans, 2 cars and 9 cops standing around. Lots more than at previous Brand St actions. Feeling on the run much, John?)

7:45AM - The protest's over, no arrests and NO DAWN RAIDS this morning. Pictures to follow I hope.

(11 police vans!)

Tim Waterstone


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Nice one

11.10.2006 11:55

Keep the fuckers locked in there, lets see how they like it. More direct action, less silent vigils!



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