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Join the Stop the War Coalition at Faslane blockade 6 & 7th November

daniela | 05.10.2006 09:19 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Globalisation

The Stop the War Coalition is blockading Faslane in Scotland, the base where Britain's nuclear weapons are deployed 6th & 7th November.

For more details see leaflet

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You must be kidding me!

05.10.2006 21:32

Join stop the war coalition? More like prolong the war coalition. These guys are more or less part of the labour party by now.

Bunch of t*ssers!!

-Anyone agree? Post a message.



06.10.2006 08:32

No I don't agree. As Primo Levi said, if not now, when? if not us, whom?

red letter


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