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call for andy murray to pull out unless the israelis do!

tam | 20.07.2006 22:57

andy murray has been asked on his official website to pull out of the weekend's davis cup match with israel unless israel calls an immediate ceasfire in lebanon. where they offer free tickets for the match, actor, tam dean burn has posted a plea asking andy to pull out of the match as a desperate attempt to force the israelis to pull back from the murder and destruction. tam said ' get to the site and back this call as quickly as possible. andy pulling out would send shockwaves round the world"

sorry i'm in a really hurry - thats all i want to say above, in the abstract bit. ey will probably take my comment down!please publish it asap. th



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Pathetic petition

21.07.2006 01:20

Oh yeah! I can see it coming, Israel is going to feel in fear that their tennis player who makes no political statements at all by the way, is not going to play the game and therefore win, so Israel will be so afraid that will pull out inmediatly.

Get a real life!


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21.07.2006 01:38

Can't find you comment Tam, did you keep a link to it ? There is this one though, I guess you roped in Peter Mullen too ? Andy Murray could make a major difference by taking a personal stand on this but he would be committing 'professional suicide'. Given the Scottish football team have yet to cut ties with the last apartheid state, and given the Dunblane-related abuse that appeared on Andys site when he had the temerity not to support the Engerland team it seeems unfair to pressure such a young man to lead the way, but since you are free to make comments are you also free to help stage a fluffy demo at the event ? We do need to shun Israeli sporting contacts the way we used to shun South Africa.

I found this comment on Murrays website:


July 20th, 2006 at 4:30 pm

I’m a half Scottish OAP tennis nut, big fan of Andy, including his feisty overall approach to life, and normally I’d rate a game of tennis as more desirable than almost anything else in life. But when I see the news from Gaza and Lebanon with continuing deaths of women, children and families, from Israeli bombing and shelling, which without doubt constitute war crimes, I have to wonder at what point we need to get beyond tennis and say we won’t do sport with teams from Israel until they stop the war and comply with UN resolutions ?



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