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NEWCASTLE Lebanon/Gaza Emergency Demonstration this Saturday

Phil - Newcastle StWC | 18.07.2006 20:10 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles

Just to let you know details of the Stop the War Coalition Demostration in Newcastle this Saturday at 1pm at Grey's Monument in the city centre

Newcastle: Saturday 22nd July
Assemble Grey's Monument 1pm
Nearest Metro: Monument

•Hands off Lebanon
•Freedom for Palestine
•Don't Attack Syria
•Don't Attack Iran

Organised by Tyneside Stop the War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Mob 07914 606 452

Phil - Newcastle StWC
- Homepage:


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Trot sloganising hits new heights

20.07.2006 15:34

Well, someone really has been swotting up on Lyndsey German's 'Trot sloganising for social workers' seminal master piece. I wonder if anyone can come up with something even more cringe-worthy? A years subscription to Socialist Review awaits the winner.


Somethings speak for themselves

24.07.2006 15:22

Notes From The Borderland
Notes From The Borderland

The Next Front Cover of NFB:

Larry O'Hara
- Homepage: http://nfb@mi5/zioniast.orguk

Larry, I'm not surprised.

26.07.2006 00:56

Larry makes up hi sstories and slanders his prey.

Was that sticker from the girl you slapped in Wrexham boyo?

Of course, the SWP/Searchlight mole that is LO never mentions Wrexham, does he?

Red & Black, Give Moles the Sack.


retread of the undead?

01.08.2006 23:55

Never been to Wrexham in my life--as I think I've said before somewhere. Interestingly, the person I seem to remember making this bizarre claim before was Tim Hepple/Matthews. Got bored with Nazi Line-Dancing have you, thug??

Larry O'Hara
- Homepage:


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