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MAYDAY Glasgow 06!

Maydayista | 19.04.2006 15:35 | Mayday 2006 | Globalisation

To follow on from the many succesful Mayday parades, people will be gathering this Mayday once again to party and protest.

The meeting place is Buchanan street, by the Underground. Bring instruments, banners and all the rest...

See you on the streets.



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19.04.2006 17:03

Some how the picture screwed up. Hope it'll work now.

And I forgot to say the meeting time is 1pm!


Good rebels, safe rebels

23.04.2006 01:49

You folk are idiots if you think we need to wait to Mayday to get arrested. Mayday is for workers - for anarchists every day is Mayday. You are the sort of moron that subverted the peace movement to 'concentrate' on the G8 - only to spend days caged behind police barricades, or worse, to run amok attacking locals private property rather than real military targets.

If you didn't already exist then the state would have to invent you. I will avert my eyes on Mayday as you try to embarrass me further, twats. In fact, i think I will come along to give you a kicking, you are such statist props. Fakers. Fools. Coward-slaves.


smart real smart

28.04.2006 14:10

Danny blusterd:

You folk are idiots if you think we need to wait to Mayday to get arrested. Mayday is for workers - for anarchists every day is Mayday. You are the sort of moron that subverted the peace movement to 'concentrate' on the G8 - only to spend days caged behind police barricades, or worse, to run amok attacking locals private property rather than real military targets.

If you didn't already exist then the state would have to invent you. I will avert my eyes on Mayday as you try to embarrass me further, twats. In fact, i think I will come along to give you a kicking, you are such statist props. Fakers. Fools. Coward-slaves.

---your movement of one should be an impresive thing to see as it catches the bus towards freedom indeed it is you that seems to be more linked to 'the state.'

Go home, your vilage is missing it's idiot.

elizabeth veldon
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