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giving life to faslane peace camp

fruit | 03.03.2006 22:16 | Indymedia

Faslance Peace Camp a beautiful position in the landscape and ANTI-NUKE resistance has been going strength to strength since 1982 but now needs some TLC and life and laughter to RESIST some more. - this is news - your help is needed
Things coming up , read on.......

Faslance Peace Camp a beautiful position in the landscape and ANTI-NUKE resistance has been going strength to strength since 1982 but now needs some TLC and life and laughter to RESIST some more.
Things coming up , read on.......

Work month: - On the second weekend of March we are starting "work month" - no not yer 9-5 style more sortin it oot an havin a laugh style.

Camp has been here for a while and while it has been quiet things are beginning to feel a bit delapitated - take buildings down, sort tat piles, paint, build some more, general tidy etc.

If you have specialist skills, plumbing, diy power, building and want to come it would be helpful if you contacted camp before hand to let us know when : (01436) 820 901

At the end of the month we will be having a party - date to be announced as the month may naturally extend itself.

Bike Ride: On Friday 7th April
At protest at Mordechai’s continuing persecution, to demand his complete freedom and the dismantling of all nuclear weapons, the Vanunu Freedom Ride has been organized - this will leave from Faslane on 7th April heading to London - check their website :
come show solidarity.

On October 1st Faslane 365 will begin - this is a fantastic project looking at closing down the submarine base as many times as possible - ideally every day - over 1 year - - it would therefore be good to have the camp sorted (see "work month" above) for this.

Come visit, cook, play music, read some info, check it out – keep Faslane Peace Camp alive.

camp phone 01436 820 901
web site

- Homepage:


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Details of work month

10.03.2006 16:42

I tried spamming the following information all over the newswire in total disrespect to other indymedia users and to the volunteers who try to maintain the site. I would like to say I am a complete dick and I am sorry for making insults and threats. I now understand that since there had already been several posts of this information within days of each other and this particular post had been promoted (thanks for that) any further posts containing the same information would rightfully be regarded as a repost and hidden.

Upcoming events -

Work month: - Every weekend for the next month we are aiming to tidy camp,
Anyone with specific skills get in touch ( 01436 820901 )
Painters, builders ANYTHING !

17th-19th March, Sort out Accommodation areas, Build new toilet,
Sort out Tat piles (recycling, fort, sculptures etc)

24 th-26th March, Sort out Grey water system, Rain collection,
Plumbing/ new Bathroom
People with plumbing/building experience would be helpful.

31ST March-2nd April, Paint weekend!! Time to give the place a face-lift.
Would be easier (and cheaper) if you brought yer own paint, but we shall have some. Cover the place, pictures, walls, roofs..

7th-9th April, Defence Building Weekend.
Walkways, lock ons, treehouses, and whatever else we can come up with ;p
Would be good to have some climbers, diggers etc this weekend.
Finishing with the “Mischief of Defence Parteee”
Be there or, a pear….

For any of this to work we need you lovely people, don’t worry if you think “ how can I help” just come along and see. Also if people turn up with certain skills and that job is’nt on that weekend, it’s not really a problem. This callander is only really a guide, and is bound to change. Just turn up and we can work it out.

So what you doin sittin there????
Git yer ass up at the weekend and have some fun in the woods!!

Faslane Peace Camp.

camp phone 01436 820 901
web site

Pat Freeborn
- e-mail:
- Homepage:

Danny boy


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