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Stirling Palestine group Campaign - Pressure the President

Stirling Palestine Solidarity Campaign | 29.09.2005 16:41 | Education | Repression | Social Struggles

The Stirling Palestine Solidarity Campaign has been recieving a lot of criticism about its campaign to twin the Stirling University with a Palestinian university and get the Students Association to condemn the illegal Israeli occupation.

We ask for all those sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and our campaign to email the Stirling University Students Association President, Al Wilson giving support to our campaign. We also ask that you forward this email to as many people as possible. The first test of our campaign starts on Tuesday 4th October where the attached motion will be proposed. We would also be grateful if any organisations/trade unions in the Stirling area could attempt to pass similar motions in the hope of pressuring the university to twin with Berzeit University.

Al Wilson, SUSA President,

Here is a link to the discussion forum on the issue, it has so far recieved 1400+ viewings and 140+ contributions

In Solidarity,

Gordon Clubb
Stirling Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Stirling Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- e-mail:


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univeristy is a place of knowledge

30.09.2005 11:06

I don't see why a non political institution should play part in your game, if they start doing so soon there will be many more others asking them to support their causes.


Support for the campaign

01.10.2005 10:38

To the above comment, i think that it is not asking a lot from a students association to condemn something that is considered illegal by the United Nations and others. Sometimes we need to push norms in society and in the cause of peace for both Israelis and Palestinians we believe that this is one of them. Are the rules and regulations of a students association really that more important than standing up for human rights? Would you be saying this if we done this during Apartheid in S Africa, the Civil Rights movement in America and any other major injustice that has felt the hand of British complicity.


Hi Gordon

all seems very straightforward to me.

"The more links that can be made between Palestine and the international community, the closer we'll get to a solution. Links between students at schools, colleges and universities are crucial; when you're 'up against it' it helps to know that people in other countries are thinking of you and supporting your cause, and when a solution is achieved, friends are needed just as much to drive change forward. I hope this motion passes SUSA - it states the case and looks constructively towards the future."


Linda Fabiani, SNP MSP

Dear Gordon

As a member of the Cross Party Group on Palestine in the Scottish Parliament, you can be assured of my support!
best wishes - a great idea to twin

Robin Harper Green MSP

Hi Gordon

There can be no peace without justice in the middle east and it is often the direct link between individual people in Scotland and those in Palestine which can bring home the personal injustices of everyday life that the Palestinians face. So I wish the campaign to twin Stirling with Berzeit University the warmest support.
all the best,
Mark Ruskell Green MSP

Dear Al (Wilson - SUSA President)

Dear Al

I write to you from the Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Anti-War
Coalition in South Africa. We have heard that SUSA is considering
officially condemning the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
We applaud you for the courage to take this step and hope that you will
not be intimidated by those who wish to legitimise that which is illegal
under international law. We know that the pro-Israeli lobby around the
world is untiring in its efforts to prevent any solidarity with Palestinians
from taking place. Please do remain steadfast in your efforts and know
that there are people and organisations from around the world who are
watching your moves and supporting you in this.

In solidarity
na'eem jeenah
spokesperson, palestine solidarity committee South Africa.

Gordon Clubb


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