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Action Alert) - Letter to George Reid, Presiding Officer, The Scottish Parliamen

Worker Freedom | 06.09.2005 15:08 | Workers' Movements

ACTION ALERT - Please send a variation of the following letter (in your own words) to:

Dear Mr. Reid,

As a supporter of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in the British Isles, I am appalled that the Scottish Parliament intends to suspend the pay and benefits of 15 parliamentary workers, including members of parliament. This suspension will affect our members' pay, access to their workplace and benefits, including contributions to their pensions, and allowances which are primarily used to pay staff salaries.

By threatening IWW members' livelihoods, the Scottish Parliament is violating their dignity and security.

By excluding the Scottish Socialist Party and union representatives from the meeting that made this decision, the Scottish Parliament sought to silence our members and strip them of their right to defend themselves.

We condemn the Scottish Parliament for its severe reaction to a harmless protest for free speech and free assembly in Scotland during the G-8 meeting. As a result, workers now face punishment for their association with the SSP. This is unfair.

We demand you stop this plan to violate our members' rights and dignity. Furthermore, the IWW demands to be present with voice at any further negotiations, hearings or attempts to discipline our members.

No worker wants the Scottish Parliament to become another institution of oppression.

Worker Freedom


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Not again!?!?!!

06.09.2005 19:15

This is the THIRD time the SSP and IWW or whatever have tried to run this one.

"We condemn the Scottish Parliament for its severe reaction to a harmless protest for free speech and free assembly in Scotland during the G-8 meeting. "

Not quite lads, eh? Once again don't let the facts get in the way of your posting, now...


publicity stunt

07.09.2005 03:20

Here is part of the official record of events which got the SSP suspended, remember they were asked several times to stop their protest and they new their non compliance would result in suspention.

As you can see, the march & rally was going ahead anyway as the local MP, MSP & council were negotiating with the Police.
Please also note that the Parliament has no authority to interfere with negotiations that were taking place in Perth & Kinross

Carolyn Leckie: On a point of order, Presiding Officer. The motion that was referred to by Colin Fox was passed because people shamefully stand by while 30,000 children die every day. [Interruption.]

The Presiding Officer: Order. I have to listen to what Carolyn Leckie says.

Carolyn Leckie: Parliament agreed to uphold the right to demonstrate at the summit at Gleneagles. What action has the Presiding Officer taken to uphold the will of Parliament, and what further action will he take? Can he reassure us that Parliament's will to uphold the right to protest at the summit will be upheld, or is the Parliament just a tourist attraction?

The Presiding Officer: That, clearly, is a request for a policy statement on a policy question, and is not a matter for me.

Carolyn Leckie: This is a peaceful protest. [Interruption.]

The Presiding Officer: Order. That is clearly unacceptable behaviour. I order you to withdraw from the chamber. As this is a repeat performance, I will consult members of the Parliamentary Bureau on the penalties that are to be enforced. I must suspend the meeting for a few minutes while the Scottish Socialist Party members are removed.


Meeting suspended.


On resuming—

The Presiding Officer: Given that SSP members are not moving, I suspend the meeting until 1 o'clock.


Meeting suspended until 13:00.


On resuming—

Presiding Officer's Ruling

The Presiding Officer (Mr George Reid): What we witnessed earlier from some members of the Scottish Socialist Party was an absolute disgrace. For elected members to act in such a grossly undemocratic fashion shows an absolute contempt for Parliament. Those members have compounded that contempt by refusing to leave the chamber. They cannot hope to be simultaneously on the barricades and on the benches of this Parliament.

My powers as Presiding Officer are limited to suspending the offending members up to the end of the next sitting day. I so now suspend them. It may be that Parliament judges that penalty to be insufficient, given the gravity of the offence. I shall convene the Parliamentary Bureau and invite my colleagues to consider sanctions that will make it very clear that the business of democracy will continue in this place without let, without hindrance and without disorder.

This is a matter of democracy. Those who claim to speak for others should never deny that right and that privilege to other elected members. [Applause.]

16.15 (the hep c vote)

The Deputy Presiding Officer: The result of the division is: For 56, Against 52, Abstentions 0.

Members: The SSP members are not here.

The Deputy Presiding Officer: Order.

Amendment 24 agreed to


Roseanna Cunningham (Perth) (SNP): On a point of order, Presiding Officer. Further to today's events in the chamber, I wonder whether it is in order for the chamber to congratulate Perth and Kinross Council and Tayside police, which have, pending ratification, agreed with G8 Alternatives and the Stop the War Coalition a march in Auchterarder that will be as close to Gleneagles Hotel as is reasonably possible. Does that not prove that hard work, talk and compromise are significantly more effective than childish outbursts such as the display that we saw today?


Oh its all gone quiet, all gone quiet....

09.09.2005 19:44

Cannae help but notice our SSP and IWW pals always go strangely quiet when the facts are put to them.....



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