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Anarchist Pogo Party's election TV spot censored

ab | 28.08.2005 10:14 | Culture | Free Spaces | Repression | World

In the run up to the German elections for parliament and governemnt, several satirical and fun parties promise to make elections interesting entertainment again.
The Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany has now their TV spot censored, because of too much "sex, drugs, alcohol and violence".
But the founder of the Anarchist Pogo Party claims, that this scene would just mirror the catastrophical conditions in our society leading to an apocalyptic vision of the future".

censored version of original spot
censored version of original spot

The Anarchist Pogo Party has now released their own censored version to be braodcasted on TV as an election spot(t).

Now the censored version will be broadcasted on:
- 5. September at 22.28 ARD,
- 1. September at 17.10 ZDF,
- 12. September at 21.40 Uhr.

The uncensored version and the whole history can be downloaded via their website:

In the meantime the satirical magazine "Titanic" has founded their own political party called "PARTEI" (party).
It is selling its airtime for its election spot on ebay, promising agressive product placement or incorporation of any love messages.

rough translation and summary of the original news:



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translation of the pic

28.08.2005 17:32

sorry, i didn't read the text, but i have saw ther is sth. in german and so wanted to translate it for you ( i hope nobody has translat' it before)!
the 2nd pic has more text than sth. else. the text is: "censor, shows-violence, says the WDR". if you don't understand me: it means it shows violence, so the can't show this in the tv, cause it would be possible small children see this and want do this too!
so, i hope it was good for you !

i don't remember


13.09.2005 08:11

It does not say "shows violence", it actually says "glorifies violence".
I have seen the video and i don't see how it glorifies violence, it just promotes the use of alcohol and drugs. Pretty stupid, but hey, just my 2 cents.



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