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make poverty history march

wolfgang mattt | 23.07.2005 12:51 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

Will marching around Edinburgh change the world?

I do not think protest marches are fun, so I want to find out why people think they will change something

wolfgang mattt
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25.07.2005 18:23

Coming from the third world chaos, i think that the protest was great. In Brazil we are learning how to do it, so keep protesting and resisting.


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Edinburgh - has anything changed?

08.08.2005 13:08

I was at the Edinburgh demo; Faslane and Dungavel. I was there as part of a political party - the Scottish Socialist Party.
I would like to say well done to the film makers. You really captured the hopes of real people who came to Scotland for tha protests.

Did we make a difference? Certainly. Did the G8 leaders? I would say they didn't. A child STILL dies every 3 seconds of poverty related diseases. There are people dying in Scotland, and indeed the UK of poverty related diseases STILL.

I also won a ticket to the Live8 concert in Edinburgh on the following Wednesday. Bob Geldof said words to the effect that if the leaders didn't make poverty history, then we know what to do come the next election.

The difference can be made politically - but not by relying on the good faith of these warmongers and millionaires. We can make poverty history by changing the system - and as history has shown over and over again, protest and direct action is the only way to do that.

Well done everyone who made their voices heard. This is just the beginning.

Neil Scott
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