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Sound System AWOL

Dean | 13.07.2005 07:13 | G8 2005

Sound system goes astray in Edinborough

My mini sound system, which I lent to the Disco Bloc, went missing during the MPH march on Saturday. Supposedly taken to the Forrest Cafe but nobody there had seen it when I asked. I could really do with it back so please get in touch of you have any into on it.

It is a black wooden box about 18x6x6 inches with a car cassette player and two speakers and a siren mounted on top. It was fastened to a small silver luggage trolley. If you were at the G8 events at Sheffield in June you might remember it.

Please, please contact me if you have any info.(tel 07901 824359)

love and hope

- e-mail:


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Personals ?

13.07.2005 14:21

I am sorry about your sound system, but this is a news fucking service. This is not for personal adds - such contributions increase the ammount of noise on the newswire, and make it less accessible to the wider activist movement.

Think before your post !


An earlier incarnation of this device

13.07.2005 14:55

Sorry to hear this Dean ... !

Actually, this chap keeps transmogrifying this trolly. For idintification purposes, this is what it looked like at an earlier gig in Derby during the G8 thinggy there. Then it changed into a detention centre with barbed wire and watchtowers. Now its a sound system again.

I was going to do a series of piccys of it, as it changes, but can now. Give it him back!

Tash [alan lodge]
mail e-mail:


13.07.2005 16:10

Personals ?

13.07.2005 15:21
I am sorry about your sound system, but this is a news fucking service. This is not for personal adds - such contributions increase the ammount of noise on the newswire, and make it less accessible to the wider activist movement.

Think before your post !


All I can say about this person that he/she a fu*king t*sser. Where else is this person going to get his gear back? This is the best place to ask isn't it? Sorry to bugger up the news service , it's not if he going to make a habit of it, is he?

Grrr = Bono



13.07.2005 18:06

I hope you get your gear back - we could also apparently include missing marquee sides generously lent to the Stirling camp and probably loads of tools ( i imagine ) that still some spoilt prats ( who claim to be reveloutionaries...ha ha ) think are free issue for them - it's not a holiday camp now is it you at the back....

the other poster is a tosser - it is still news when people go to the trouble of getting mobile rigs ( not the ones that piss us all off ) to bring some life to party protests.

no revolution without being able to muck in

detention centre trolley

13.07.2005 20:31

detention trolley
detention trolley

Another transmogrification of this "sound system trolley" was as a detention centre at no borders noise demo. I hope you get it back Dean - we need things like this on actions/demos.



14.07.2005 07:57

The grrrr alias Bono, you are rather of a piece of s***, aren't you?
Probably one of those monster samples.



14.07.2005 09:23

Since we are at the AWOL subjects, has anybody else kept the attention on a strange scheduling of articles and responds? No need to reply to me, just be alert. Imperialism may also have swollen Indymedia. King Salomon is not excluded from the suspected.



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