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Halliburton Action

Corporate Avenger | 11.07.2005 15:07 | London

On the last day of the G8, employees at Halliburton House in Aberdeen found that their office had been visited by pixies...

The main doors were bike-locked and all keyholes and entrycard systems were superglued. The message, "Terror breeds terror" was sprayed on their front door to remind the corporate scum of their culpability in the ongoing terror unleashed against the Iraqi people and the backlash that has now claimed the lives of 80+ innocent Londoners.

A rock through their front window punctuated the message.

Corporate Avenger


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Nice one!

11.07.2005 16:18

Great to hear of a decent action coming out of Scotland.

Lets hope the last weeks moves people to react in a positive way.

more I say

Halliburton bags another Iraq contract

11.07.2005 16:47

Halliburton bags another Iraq contract
Thursday 07 July 2005 1:37 AM GMT

Amidst criticism, Halliburton being signed in on new deals

The US military has signed on Halliburton to do nearly $5 billion in new work in Iraq under a giant logistics contract that has so far earned the Texas-based firm $9.1 billion.

Linda Theis, a spokeswoman for US Army Field Support Command in Rock Island, Illinois, said on Wednesday that the military signed the work order with Halliburton unit Kellogg Brown and Root in May.

The new deal, worth $4.97 billion over the next year, was not made public when it was signed because the Army did not consider such an announcement necessary, she said.

"We did not announce this task order as this is really not something we ever really thought about doing," said Theis.

Halliburton, which was run by Vice President Dick Cheney from 1995-2000, has been under scrutiny for its contracts in Iraq and several US government agencies are looking into whether it overcharged for some work.

Increasing earnings

A Halliburton spokeswoman said the new spending package was approved by the army after the company submitted estimated costs for the year based on services requested.

The $4.97 billion figure represented the maximum under the contract, and the actual amount could be lower since the army doled out the work on an incremental basis, she said.

Dick Cheney headed Halliburton
from 1995-2000

The new contract is about $1 billion more than the company earned under last year's services contract.

In March, a former KBR employee and a Kuwaiti citizen were indicted for defrauding the US government of more than $3.5 million by inflating the cost of fuel tankers.

The new work order, called Task Order 89, is valid until 30 April 2006 and went ahead despite critical military audits released last week by Democratic opponents of KBR's Iraq work.

Company criticism

A top US Army procurement official said last week Halliburton's deals in Iraq were the worst example of contract abuse she had ever seen, a claim KBR strongly rejected as "political rhetoric".

KBR was awarded the logistical contract with the military in December 2001, covering tasks from feeding US troops to delivering mail, doing laundry and building barracks.

US Senate critics of Halliburton were quick to denounce the new deal.

"At this point, why don't we just hand Halliburton the keys to the US Treasury and tell them to turn off the lights when they are done," Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg said in a statement.

Called LOGCAP, KBR had by 31 May been paid $9.1 billion under the deal, which has nine option years that have been renewed three times. They are up for renewal each December.

Of this amount, $8.3 billion was for work in Iraq and the remainder for Afghanistan and elsewhere. Money obligated for future work amounted to $11.4 billion, said Theis, pointing out not all of this money would necessarily be spent.

Share price increase

"At this point, why don't we just hand Halliburton the keys to the US Treasury and tell them to turn off the lights when they are done"

Frank Lautenberg,
Democratic Senator

The Pentagon has been looking into whether to contract out some services done by KBR, but Theis said she had not heard of any decisions to make changes.

Halliburton has received bonuses for some of its work. Theis said a decision on possible further bonuses will likely be announced this month.

Much of Halliburton's work for the US military is on a cost-plus basis, which means the company can earn up to two percent extra depending on its performance.

Halliburton shares slipped 1.5%, or 75 cents, to $48.87 per share on the New York Stock Exchange, tracking the decline in the energy services sector on Wednesday.

However, Halliburton shares have rallied 13% since the beginning of June, bolstered by high crude oil prices.

Despite the drop in the stock price, analysts said the latest news was positive for the company and indicated "the government has no issue with Halliburton's performance," said Kurt Hallead, analyst with RBC Capital Markets.


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Mr Magoo

Bechtel have interest in the London Tube System

11.07.2005 17:11

2 companies run the London underground overseen by London Underground Ltd (LUL), wholly owned by Transport for London, the operator

Metronet operates about two thirds of the capital city's Underground Train lines, and Tube Lines the remainder

Metronet is a consortium of Bombardier Transport, Balfour Beatty, Thames Water , Seeboard and WS Atkins.

It operates the Bakerloo, Central, Circle, District, East London, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Victoria and Waterloo & City lines.

Tube Lines is a joint venture between specialist public services provider Amey and U.S. private industrial firm Bechtel ...

The group has a 30-year public/private partnership (PPP) contract to 2032 to operate the Northern, Jubilee and Piccadilly lines.

The two companies have sold bonds worth over 2.4 billion pounds in the last two years secured on the money they receive to maintain and manage the underground system.


Bechtel....hmmm now where have i heard of that name before

Bechtel: Profiting from Destruction

Why the Corporate Invasion of Iraq Must be Stopped

by CorpWatch, Global Exchange, Public Citizen, Collaborative Report
June 5th, 2003 Maj Fiil-Flynn

On March 20 and 21, 2003, two days after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the people of San Francisco organized a massive protest to shutdown the world headquarters of the Bechtel Corporation. Many Americans may be unaware of the connection between the Bechtel Corporation and the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Bechtel employees like George Shultz not only used their political influence to help bring this war about, but key Bechtel board members and employees with advisory positions to the Bush Administration helped ensure that Bechtel would receive one of the most lucrative contracts for rebuilding what they had helped to destroy.

On April 17, Bechtel received one of the first and largest of the rebuilding contracts in Iraq. Worth $680 million over 18 months, the contract includes the rebuilding, repair and/or assessment of virtually every significant element of Iraq's infrastructure, from power generation facilities to electrical grids to the municipal water and sewage systems. The contract was granted in backroom deals without open and transparent bidding processes and the content remains hidden behind a veil of secrecy. The contract has not been publicly disclosed to American taxpayers, who will be paying the majority of the bill. While there is no doubt that Bechtel has experience in these areas, it is an experience from which the people of Iraq should be spared.

War profiteering and political cronyism is just part of this story.

war = cash

terror = cash

paul c


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