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From Stirling to Glasgow. one day of action!

vascello indyan@ | 10.07.2005 21:37 | G8 2005 | Ecology | Globalisation

leaving the camp in Stirling, before going to block the George V bridge in glasgow


camp in stirling:

boogie on the bridge in glasgow:

people arrested and injured on the bridge in glasgow:

vascello indyan@


Hide the following 7 comments


10.07.2005 21:47

Jesus H. Christ! How many times does it need saying!!!???


Repeat slowly after me

S - T - I - R - L - I - N - G



10.07.2005 23:50

What the fuck are you proud of. Pipe down, what are you on?


Sout of Witforde

11.07.2005 05:00

Yes we are upsetting those Scots for constantly spelling their towns wrongly. As resident from Linden, south of Wiforde in the tames valley, it really annoys them to constantly see placenames spelt wrong.

I'm not sure what us englanders would make of it all.

I say old chap, pip pip toodle doo, must go now, top oh chaps.


Spelling Stirling

11.07.2005 10:32

Maybe we've got it wrong, folks. Maybe the protestors are right and for some unfathomable reason they're blockading that big furniture place up at Tillicoutry?

Paranoid Pete

Laughable Twatish Wrecking Sprees

11.07.2005 12:00

Nigel good bye ol’ chap!

If your gonna wreck Stirling at least manage to get the name correct eh?

Thames Valley next stop for some Scots. See how you lot like your places wrecked ya clowns!

Thanks for your attention people! ;o)

Captain Unwash

You're welcome to trash our Burger Kings ........

11.07.2005 15:07

...., PC Worlds and Pizzahuts any time you want.

Feel free to brick a few cops as well.


what about golfing

11.07.2005 20:22

what about the peoples open golfing tournament? i can't see any report on that anywhere. was anyone there? do you have/know any reports about the event?



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