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Campaigners distance themselves from Geldof praise for G8

WDM and War on Want | 09.07.2005 17:58 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Globalisation | Birmingham

Having released their own separate media statements in response to the disappointing G8 communique, War on Want and the World Development - 2 UK based development NGOs who have been uneasy about the way in which Make Poverty History has been co-opted by the government and its celebrities - were so disgusted by the Bono and Geldof press conference that they issued a joint statement in condemnation. The question is: why it is only these 2 NGOs who have the guts to come out and speak truth to power?

Peter Hardstaff, Head of Policy for the World Development Movement speaking in Edinburgh today said: "Bob Geldof's response to the G8 communiqué is misleading and inaccurate. By offering such unwarranted praise for the dismal deal signed by world leaders he has done a disservice to the hundreds of thousands of people who marched in Edinburgh at the weekend."

"His comments do not reflect the collective conclusions of the development campaigns who make up Make Poverty History. Mr Geldof has become too close the decision makers to take an objective view of what has been achieved at this summit."

John Hilary, Director of Policy and Campaigns at War on Want, said: "Bob Geldof may be content with crumbs from the table of his rich political friends. But we did not come to Gleneagles as beggars. We came to demand justice for the world's poor."

Hilary continued: "We have no problem with Geldof celebrating the successes of the Gleneagles summit and the 10 million lives he feels will be saved as a result of
this deal. But what about the other two billion people driven into poverty by the policies of the G8? Did the leaders of the rich world have nothing for them?"

WDM and War on Want


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Spurious and deceptive!

22.07.2005 00:11

The Live 8 event was simply more distraction from the unfolding military crusades!
The Second Coming is Bush II



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