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Irish Neo-Con 'Think Tank' Smears UK Indymedia with London Bombings

banned | 09.07.2005 16:50 | Indymedia | London

Freedom Institute from Republic of Ireland

Saturday, July 09, 2005
Business almost as usual

"The regulars at the Institute for Autonomy, where most of the Indymedia UK inner circle hang out, are almost certainly unharmed, as they were engaging in recreational public disorder hundreds of miles away in Scotland and successfully diverting police resources from the capital. Well done compadres!"



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all londoners are victims.

09.07.2005 17:34

including those who went to scotland.
including those who prayed to holy god for vengance.
including those who went on holidays.
including those who never get the tube but goto work by cab.

name and mourn them.

the trail is not going cold.
justice will be done, but first your beautiful diversity
must survive. you are all victims.
and the disrepect and stupidity in assigning blame
or presumption of reasons, or playing the "shake it and see" game
is a normal part of the trauma of being a "non specific victim".

I deplore this lamentable abuse of intelligence
from the rather sad bunch of neo-cons who have found space
in my homeland of ireland, it saddens me all the more,
that we irish of many european peoples, who share london
with countless other peoples in peace ought have learnt the lessons
of terror more than most, and of "jumping to conclusions".

ipsiphi - in barcelona

insider nonsense

09.07.2005 17:39

Interesting bits of half info... obviously written by somebody who thinks they know something and who actually 'hangs out' at the IFA at bit themselves...

However, London Indymedia meets at LARC usually, not the IFA.

Most (but not all) of London IMC were engaged in running the two temporary indymedia centers in Scotland, not taking part in 'recreational' public disorder (as opposed to the professional public disorder carried out by the cops).

At least one London IMCer was with a stones throw of one of the bomb sites.

Might have been nice if a few more cops had stayed in London to safe-guard the security of ordinary people instead of pissing around policing clowns in scotland.

in london

Who cares what those "Freedom Institute" numpties think?

09.07.2005 17:46

Does it really matter? They're just a bunch of pretentious loonies with delusions of grandeur, hardly a major worry if they're slating anarchists, really.


Snot my fault

09.07.2005 19:48

>> Might have been nice if a few more cops had stayed in London to safe-guard the security of ordinary people instead of pissing around policing clowns in scotland.

And mobs running amok. A masterful display of double-think there: it's the fault of the security services for concentrating on an event with a proven history of disorder, not that of the individuals causing the disorder. Oh, the 2000 or so officers from the Met must represent the amount off-duty on any given day in London. I took the liberty of substituting "cops" for "security services" in general.

Faslane was a "textbook peaceful protest" because the majority of those of us who may attend it are committed to non-violent protest. Some might say the rioting this week was caused by police antagonism, and some would be partly right. Others would say it was the fault of loonies spoiling for a fight and who start tearing up Princes Street Gardens when cornered, and others would be partly right.

Of course the security services would concentrate on Scotland this week! You can hardly claim not to be surprised, unless your next claim is to be that a double matricide and patricide should be treated with clemancy since he is an orphan.

Believe it or not, these bombs were not the fault of a lax and complacent police-force; nor were they the fault of fundies rioting for the sake of it and diverting the attention of a efficient and dedicated police-force. They were the fault of the bombers. Is that too hard a concept to grasp?

In any event, your attitude would be disengenuous. In light of recent events, it is slightly distasteful. You are behaving as children who ate too much cake, and are now crying because their tummies hurt.


A. Pedant writes...

10.07.2005 01:17

"You can hardly claim not to be surprised"
Did you perchance mean to say "You can hardly claim to be surprised"?

FWIW, I don't think that you can blame the police for this one, if somebody plans to blow up a train and themselves along with it, there's not a whole lot you can do to prevent them without knowing that they plan to do it. Nobody could possibly have predicted when something like this would happen with any degree of accuracy.

mail e-mail:

Not of any importance

10.07.2005 03:37

They could not really be regarded as a "think tank". They are just a handful of irrelevant right-wing nutters who fancy themselves as "intellectuals". They are relatively harmless, most people in Ireland have never heard of them. They put the occasional comment up on the Irish Indymedia site along with a link to their site just to get some traffic. Other than that their profile in Ireland is zero.


Quite probably

10.07.2005 07:49

>> Did you perchance mean to say "You can hardly claim to be surprised"?

I likely did. I've been grappling with differential equations the past few days... the return to English syntax was a wrench.


Smear? On the window?

11.07.2005 17:01

sorry bhoys but where is the smear here? Reads a bit like one of them SWP bum wipe thingys you get at Marxism (leaves a bit fo a rash)

smokey joe


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